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New Picture From Chinese Music Awards

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 18, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 18, 2013

VIA babyboyent


Anonymous said...

Great, great, GREAT photo! Adam looks fantastic in that rockin' outfit. And, for printed pants, his legs look so skinny. Now, that's hard to do!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....gone all day and now catching up. Love the printed pants...they reminded me of the ones he wore at Summerthing, whew,
had to stop and revisit those videos for his performance of "Hot Stuff".

The award and performance in China was a treat....he was looking sweet!

Anonymous said...

Look at his hair color in this pic. It's fabulous. I love it also when it looks like he just finished brushing his hair back with his fingers. I never liked things to be too orderly. A little messy is a lot more fun.

Anonymous said...

He is getting more gorgeous all of the time. Those boots, the top and THOSE PANTS!!! Too gorgeous for anyone! How can he possibly so normal with all of THAT going on? It's crazy!

Anonymous said...

How does Adam keep getting more gorgeous! MTV buzzworthy wrote up a great article on Adam and Chinese international award. can someone bring it over here,don't know how.They showed a picture of him in his awesome suit! The writer is such a glambert!

Anonymous said...

FAB outfit - that leather top & those sexy daks. Mmmmmmm, very tasty indeed. <3

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my ignorance - what are daks?

Anonymous said...

Wasn't this guy one of Adam's back up singers in the China performance?