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Adam Lambert Interview on ATV in Vienna

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, May 27, 2013

Posted at : Monday, May 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

Cute, they labeled Adam a shooting star.

Anonymous said...

yeah for sure, totally sober. lol

Adamluv said...

@12:23 - I liked that too! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

our Ali Badba.

choons said...

haha AliBadba - good one.

Anonymous said...

at least he wasn't falling down drunk like PH alleged he was at GaGa's b/day party (PH also said he may have been under the influence of something else too)..I just don't want our boy to get into any trouble with his health or the Adam..remember..moderation, moderation LOL

Anonymous said...

Calm down 2:11, he was obviously answering her question and totally being cute and wasn't drunk.

Anonymous said...

He is human dahh!!:)

He knows how to take care of himself:)

Relax and enjoy the fun!:)


Anonymous said...

Adam needs to have a track of this song and one of Titanium with Angie put out...immediately..

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha Pic was taken while he was still standing, his eyes are certainly bloodshot. The excuse I will give him is that was a very long show, and the wine was flowing.
Hope there will be some more news in the next few days, I am already tired of all the hundreds and hundreds of Adam in his fabulous coat. Now we are up to him being drunk in his fab coat, what's next?

Shady said...

Lots new from Adam:

Adam Lambert Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 1h
fergie put on a Voguing Ball! I got to help judge along w @misskellyo @dsquared2 Fatima, @boombox_project

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 46m
gracious hostess fergie

Adam Lambert Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 51m
Red Carpet in jacket by Mugler, pants by Les Hommes

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 42m
Life Ball song was written specifically 4 this 1 time only costume ball & charity event. It's life was short but will live on via YouTube.

Shady said...

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 5m

Adam Lambert Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 19m
Late into the LifeBall cocktail party...

Anonymous said...

Here's another HQ pic of Adam from, a website from Paris, France. Adam appears with the likes of Bill Clinton, Fergie, Kurkova (high profile model), Elton John, Kelly O., Azealea Banks, etc. And they refer to him as 'Adam Lambert, singer'. Love them!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is adorable in that little clip :)

Anonymous said...

Shady, we have already seen all these pics you are putting out there, It is old news now. sorry.

Anonymous said...

He just smolders with sex appeal in all these pix. I just can't get enough. Ever.


Anonymous said...

4:56, there are several people here who are not on twitter and have asked for people to bring Adam's tweets here. Can you not scroll if you have already seen it?

Anonymous said...

I am not on Twitter. Please do bring Adam's tweets here.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts-IF YOU ARE NOT ON TWITTER, AND YOU WANT TO KEEP UP WITH ADAM'S DAILY TWITTERS, just log into, scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on the "T" and all of Adam's twitters will automatically come up. You do not have to be on Twitter to have access to his twitters. I have put under my "FAVORITES" and click on it every day to read his twitters to his fans. Try it, you will love it!

Anonymous said...

Shady, thanks for all those tweets and pics. This event only happened Saturday why is someone acting so bored with it already? I don't get on here much so ty, ty,ty when you guys post things.

Anonymous said...

And now all of this is on the main page. 4:56PM must be so tired of this old news.

Anonymous said...

ADAM's beauty is so striking!

Anonymous said...

Be nice, peeps.

Anonymous said...

Adam's eyes may be bloodshot because I can't imagine he would've had any sleep on the party 'plane. Anyway, give the guy a break & stop picking on things that are irrelevant.

funbunn40 said...

Amazing how some can determine whether Adam is drunk or not and forgets that he is a pro that doesn't party until after he performs. He's also smart enough to realize he's among many that could further his career. He works hard and always gives a first class performance. He's an intelligent grown man that is entitled to celebrate and socialize with his friends and peers. He has every right to live his life as he chooses and I think he's done a fantastic job dealing with fame, nasty remarks from those that don't know him personally and most likely have never had a face to face encounter with him. I doubt the average person would be able to cope with the grueling traveling and pressures as responsibly and intelligently as Adam has done. I admire and respect him for all that he has accomplished in spite of the negativity he has faced from many that just have to tear down someone that has achieved their dreams. I'm happy to celebrate how far he has come and hope others can do the same. Adam is one of the few celebs that has a kind and giving heart when many are arrogant and self entitled jerks. I admire his talent and his good looks, but above all his humanity and fun loving personality. I hope he never loses it or his passion for life.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

funbunn40, Adam deserves fans like yourself who can eloquently and properly fight for him when many of us are at a loss to counter some of the vilest, cruelest people who don't know him at all for the sterling character that he possesses. As much as he has had to deal with, as the lightning rod for all the hate from haters of his kind, Adam has handled them all with so much intelligence, maturity, and humor. I don't know many who could have survived the gauntlet of his persecution as well and thrived. Whenever Adam is attacked in blogs and I see your name, I am reassured that your fervent and intelligent retort will follow to slay the ignorant dragons of little minds.

BTW, Adam here cracks me up so much; he's so funny and loads of fun. No wonder so many people gravitate toward him once they get to know him. atm

Anonymous said...

While I admire Adam, and yes I agree he has coped well with many hateful comments, however, I can't help feeling that he has always had luck on his side, a loving family who accepted him unconditionally, also being blessed with such talent that gave him an outlet to escape any negative comments thrown his way, and being in the world of theatre where he found many other people with the same sexual orientation have all served Adam well making it much easier for him to follow his path much more easily than some. If on the other hand he had been rejected and cast out by his family, was uncertain about what career path to take with limited opportunities, his life could have been a shambles. In my opinion Adam has been indeed very fortunate and given opportunities that many people don't have, no matter how hard they try. I'm afraid I get a bit tired of hearing about how hard he's had it, there are so many who have it so much harder, it's not just the gay community that struggle, I am most inspired when I see people suffering horrific trauma's of other kinds living and overcoming so much, for example people with profane disabilities, children with cancer with their years cut short, I think it's important to get things into perspective, Adam is a good guy, and he has worked hard to get to where he is today, but he is also extremely lucky and privileged to have the lifestyle he has, being gay does not make you any more entitled than anyone else, we are all equal however some of us do appear to be more blessed than others.

Anonymous said...

@6:25, I do see what you are saying, I truly do... but perhaps what causes people to rally to Adam's defense (despite many blessings and good fortune) is the "crap" he received ON THE WORLD STAGE! I read your comment many times before commenting, and you have valid points, I believe I understand what you are stating and it has merit... but still I must add that it is this feeling of Adam taking BS in such a public manner that is hard to swallow. Adam has chosen a public life, and he knows that comes with the territory, especially being left of center, and he has dealt with it elegently imho for the most part. Of course there is unimagineable hardship being dealt with by humanity each and every day and of course there is perspective that needs to be maintained, of course!! BUT, this is an Adam Lambert blog! Contributors here are most often discussing various challenges that Adam is facing in his career (and yes, sometimes also in his personal life, I myself never comment on his personal life, but I try not to judge as, again, this is an Adam Lambert blog). And allow me to add that many contributors (posters/commenters) here do write intelligently on political challenges, weather related hardships, LGBTQ rights etcd. Of course perspective has to be kept, but I also got a twinge of apples and oranges when reading your post ('though very articulately and earnestly written imho). We are not making comparisons to those suffering cancer, developmental disorders, geographic hardships, circumstance hardships, etc...we are taking a look at Adam Lambert's career on an Adam Lambert blogspot and making statements regarding areas where we feel he may be facing an uphill struggle in an unfair situation or on an uneven playing field (although we celebrate his successess with as much passion imho, and that's a good thing!). The radio play issue (where this is a lot at play if you ask me, a lot!) bothers me IMMENSELY...but I am not comparing it to, say, the horrific suffering going on in Moore, Oklahoma right now... I truly see what you are saying, I just feel it is an apples and oranges thing BECAUSE we are on an ADAM LAMBERT blog, not the front page or editorial page or humanities section of a major newspaper. Just my point of view.

Anonymous said...

6:58 AM
I understand some of what you say, however Adam himself just recently, sent a Weibo message to his Chinese fans explaining to them that he had taken a number of risks to become successful, and he wanted them to tell him what risks they have taken to achieve their goals in their life, so I really don't think Adam would find my comments offensive in any way. As far as making comparisons for example your comment regarding apples and oranges, that was my way of giving an example, Adam has been forced to overcome many obstacles to become successful and I truly admire him for that, however that's all part of life and there are many others who have been forced to do the same, success doesn't come easily it takes a real commitment and determination to reach your goals in life, and for those who manage to achieve their dreams they are 'PRIVILEDED' because so many are not so fortunate. I do not see myself as being disloyal to Adam in anyway by making the comments above, and yes I understand that this is an Adam Lambert site, however I often see many others commenting on various different comments that have nothing to do with Adam, and opinions about Adam that I don't always agree with but we live in a free society, and Adam himself has often commented on our right of 'FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION' and BTW, I have had the privilege of meeting Adam last year, unlike many other celebrities he is so down to earth and easy to talk to, he loves his fans and I was very impressed with the time he took to have a chat and take photos. I also want only the best for Adam and I wish him every success in taking his career even further, now if this should happen and I'm sure it will he will indeed be fortunate and most certainly 'PRIVILEGED'.

Anonymous said...

Adam does suffer persecution in the music industry as we could just compare IF ONLY it is a fair game especially in radio play, he would already be catapulted into super stardom as a multi-platinum artist and top charter. As we see other mediocre artists have achieved.

If one says he is indeed fortunate or privileged compared to others unfortunate souls (the apples and oranges referenced above), in my opinion, I would say that despite his persecution, Adam is truly blessed indeed.

Being so blessed is undeniable: Adam has overall gorgeous looks, overflowing talents, phenomenal vocalist, consummate entertainer and showman, excess charms and so charismatic, commanding presence, fabulous personality, sterling character, beautiful persona and powerful aura, articulate and an expert communicator.

I would say God has been so generous with how He blessed Adam and He continues to bless him through his path of persecution because what separates Adam from the rest of the beautiful people is he possesses a golden heart and an enlightened soul. He is honest and sincere, an authentic and genuine person and such an outstanding human being. And he crowns all these with HUMILITY which is so pleasing to God.

Just saying . . .

Anonymous said...

I agree that Adam has had a difficult time over coming obstacles in the US, however the Asia and parts of Europe, New Zealand and Australia, have accepted him with open arms, these countries do not discriminate but instead appreciate his talent and his honesty. They also recognise that he has been discriminated in his own country, but the thing that I admire about Adam the most is the way he doesn't seem to give a toss, he manages to stay true to himself inspite of the opposition once again mainly from the US. Adam has a positive attitude and inspite of any difficulties, he is a genuinely happy person and I tend to think that either way with or without success he would still be the same happy go lucky person, he doesn't take things too seriously unlike so many others, he has the right attitude, life is too short so you may as well have as much fun while you can. The way his own country have rejected him say's a lot about the US, sorry but I have lost a great deal of respect for America and it's old fashioned out of date attitudes.

Anonymous said...

Double standard USA!!!
TV sells PROPAGANDA!!! They only want us to see Whwt they Want us to SEE!!! They like to use FEAR to sell to public, insulting our intelligience!!! Brain wash!!!

Haaa!!! loves to critize other countries, Today, other countries are doing BETTER than USA!!! Sorry,,, just saying,,,,,,,

Adam stays Strong, Real & Down to Earth!!!
Adam has the "KEY"!!!
Love Adam for that!

Just watch Adam's video " Never Closed our EYES"!!! will give you some ideas where the media Suits are taking USA to what level!!????

Anonymous said...

Fear & jealousy r 2 worst enemy to encounter on daily basis:(


Anonymous said...

Adam has a very special admirer: the world famous soprano Anna Netrebko! O, a duet would slay!

Anonymous said...

@11:33... I saw the dancing video, cool! :)

funbunn40 said...

@2:49AM, Thankyou so much for your kind words. I try my best to try to dilute the unfair
nastiness directed at Adam on so many sites by people that most likely know nothing about him, are unaware of his world wide accomplishments and derive some sort of sick satisfaction by tearing him and Glamberts down. I'm only one person, but if I can inspire just one person to be fair and respectful towards the essence of the man, then it's worth the time. Each of us can make a difference, especially when it comes to spreading positive energy instead of pettiness, envy and hate. I believe that we should at least try to follow Adam's example of kindness and acceptance. As Adam says,"Love overcomes hate." One person at a time can build an army. :)

Anonymous said...

Anna who? Sounds like somebody wants Adam to be the type of singer they enjoy not the type of singer Adam wants to be.

Anonymous said...

@1:49 Google the name. Maybe you learn something.

Adam dueting with Anna would be something similar what Freddie did with Montserrat Caballet... could happen as "once in a lifetime" performance in some event like the Life Ball...

However, most of all I want Adam to follow his own path, do music he wants to do and hopefully I can see him LIVE & touring again!

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40

Do we have to be nice to @ 11:26 am?
They are nuts .

Anonymous said...

Montserrat who?

Anonymous said...

4:51 PM, I'm pretty sick and tired of the "Suits, propaganda and conspiracy" crazy troll myself.

funbunn40 said...

@4:51 PM, Scrolling by sometimes saves energy that arguing wastes or disagreeing in a respectful, not name calling, insulting way can be more effective. Some like to argue for the sake of arguing and just like to push buttons. A difference of opinion is just that, nothing more and doesn't have to get blown out of proportion like it often does, just turning the thread into useless confrontation. I like the sharing of info of Adam and people in his life, but not obvious fiction or nasty staements made just to provoke instead of showing another view that is meant just for an interesting discussion. There's a difference. Some also just look for an opportunity to find fault or feel they have self entitlement on this site to dictate their displeasure over the slightest comment, criticizing any link or mention of anyone for whom they have no interest, but others may. Scrolling by and accepting our diversity seems a simpler, fairer solution. This used to be a fun, kinder site with less nit picking and I hope I have respectfully have stated my thoughts which is my intent. :))

Anonymous said...

5:24 PM
Hopefully you will follow your own advice.

daydreamin said...

@funbunn40 you are one of the reasons I come here. I always enjoy your eloquen posts. We need you here for sure!! Keep on saying what you say. I agree with you and atm.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:44
You OBVIOUSLY don't know who @funbunn40 is and what she means to this site and has meant for many years! Therefore I kindly ask you to apologize to her (you do know how to do it, don't you?!) and learn to show some respect!!!