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Adam Lambert Likes "Don't Come Around" by Jessica Sanchez

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, May 5, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, May 05, 2013


tea said...

Happy Cinco De Mayo!! to you to Adam. I had my requisite margarita with my Mexican lunch.

He just posted to his twitter again and I don't tweet, so I'm responding here. (ya never know, 24/7 is popular)

Anonymous said...

I liked Jessica. One of my favs from last year. Very poor quality video, but I get the jist of it. Reminded me a lot of Tom Petty though. She can do much better.


Adamluv said...

I second that - Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Sorry Adam not for me he!he!

Her voice is like other singers now a days....


Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted!
Happy Cinyo De Mayo to U 2 Adam!!!

Magiclady said...

Happy Cinco De Mayo to Adam and to all of the glamberts!
Having enchiladas and margaritas right now!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely song from my favorite singer last season. Loved you on American Idol. So young and so talented. I love the lyrics.

Anonymous said...

I have her album dl from iTunes and that is a good song from it.

Anonymous said...

Even though it can be a bit boring when Adam only tweets music, I'm glad that there haven't been new twitter scandals.

Random but I hope Adam doesn't absorb Neil's "higher than thou" attitude. Adam is so mature in the way he sees life and other people that I really don't think he should be listening to Neil when it comes to politics. xD

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica! I like the song, however like Adam you need to show off your powerhouse vocals. Do not be afraid to Demonstrate just how great a singer you are. Let the record say 'Dam that child can sang'. You did it on American Idol...

Anonymous said...

I actually like the fact that Jessica really sang the song with feelings, not just with vocal prowess. I sensed that she meant and understood what she was singing. And in my book, that's a major plus for an artist.

Anonymous said...

keep giving AT&T Live Proud Facebook likes, now at 8.3k.

Anonymous said...

jessica voice is ok but adam lambert is number one in the world- international unque statr-singer.

Anonymous said...

Jessica kind of put a Rhianna accent on some words,the song is O.K. and sounds very different from the album snippet I listened to. We'll see if radio picks it up or not. She sounds like others on the radio but Adam is so great you can always pick his voice out.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:04 PM

Do you really think Adam is mature in the way he sees life?
As much as I adore him, I feel he is more Peter Pan in his approach to maturity. I think he relies on Neil to keep him informed on national issues.

Anonymous said...

I kind of thought she was a little Rihanna-ish on that song too and maybe that is why I enjoyed it. Has Jessica been on Glee yet?

Anonymous said...

I have never heard her sing before, I did not find her voice good at all. I will try to find other performances by her. I have read that she is talented.

Anonymous said...

Loved Jessica, but this is not going to be a hit. I thought I heard a bad version of Jessie J in there at times.

Anonymous said...

I find Jessica at her tender age of 16 on Idol as a very accomplished singer, so technically skilled at that age. Adam of course is listed as the No.2 Most Technically Skilled Singer of All Time by DDD. Jack Wilson, already deceased, is at the top.
For that, I am very proud of Adam!

Anonymous said...

Not keen on this song but I loved Jessica on Idol. She has a really good voice.

Anonymous said...

Adam does not have a Peter Pan approach to life, some remarks on here. He matured quite nicely over the last four years in fact by leaps and bounds from the boy that came off of American idol to a mature handsome sweet man! He very intelligent in his own right and your as heck does not need Neil Lambert to keep him up to date on anything. Neil has his own site and deals with things his own way to completely different people. Neil nice guy and is intelligent like Adam not more than Adam.Adam is happy and likes to joke around some, but make no mistake that man is an intelligent man a good speaker who knows how to handle situations around him.there absolutely nothing Peter Pam about him. The only thing is he has that little boyish smile and cute attitude that peaks through that handsome face I hope he never looses that. Please do not mistake it for not being intelligent you be making a huge mistake.Adam and Neil or two completely different people both can stand quite well on there on. Of corse I prefer Adam's personality he a sweetheart. Sue

Anonymous said...

9:08, Adam wisely defers to Neil when it comes to politics outside his sphere of knowledge, and as far as I have picked up, the family is liberal rather than conservative. Adam's approach to life, a Peter Pan attitude, what do you think is so bad about that? And what has Adam displayed for you to believe that?
Just wondering how different we can perceive Adam when his life demands so much of him, and yet he can still maintain equilibrium.
Random thought: you know how he's so often seen bar-hopping? Could one reason be for the music that he wants to research to stay current? If anything, Adam is laser-focused on his career, so it makes sense for him to be in social settings where music is the backdrop, and because clubs may play different types of music, he has to hop around. Fortunately, Adam is a social animal, which is why he has such a high Emotional Quotient, the IQ being a given--again, something which serves him well in limelights and public settings.
As for Adam's maturity, I believe he is getting there, but part of his fascination is that how he handles himself when he stumbles. I would not want him any other way. He already is fabulous for any age.

Anonymous said...

This is a really good song. Lately my music tastes have been in sync with Adam's. What is up with that! Usually it is like what? WHAT? when it comes to his choices in music.

Anonymous said...

Adam is def a Peter Pan. No excuses and no complaints. That's the way he is. Love him. As for the dance clubs he may be doing a bit of research but mainly fun, don't you think? Plenty of time to grow up when you are only 31.

Neil knows politics but he's a very judgmental young man. Adam knows what he doesn't know, which requires intelligence and maturity beyond the reach of most people, no matter how long they live.

Anonymous said...

Not a bad song it will have to grow on me alittle more like all songs. Love Jessica.

Anonymous said...

People who refer to Adam Lambert as Peter Pan should check the mening of a quite serious psychological disorder called "Peter Pan Complex"

This is what it is:
avoids responsibilities, people tell them they are childish and need to grow up, would rather live in their head than the real world, wants success to just happen to them, focuses on fantasies more than reality, believes they deserve to have whatever they want, life lacks direction, never know what to do next, does dumb things frequently, inconsistent performance, lazy, slacker, does the minimum to get by, does things without thinking, does not feel they have any reason to accomplish anything, tend to ignore or put off problems, believes fun is the most important thing in life, most people think they are crazy, forgets scheduled appointments, more past than future, gets attention through negative behavior

So far from Adam Lambert as one can get!

glitzylady said...

I thought Jessica was really great on Idol last year..This song is very "dancy-y" which fits Adam's "likes" to a T. I like it too BTW. Jessica has a really nice voice and is very accomplished for her age, that's for sure. I suspect she was quite honored to have Adam answer her question on twitter. He is SUCH a sweetheart to do that....

About the Peter Pan/Adam thing:

I think Adam is quite young at heart and has a playful heart and soul. Which is perhaps what prompted the comparison in the first place earlier in this thread. But he also has that very serious, thoughtful, and sometimes very focused and intense no, he certainly doesn't fit the "official" psychological "Peter Pan Complex" profile listed by @Anon 9:23 AM whatsoever. He definitely DOES make ME feel very young at heart tho!

Anonymous said...

@Anon May 6, 2013 at 4:30 AM

Regarding the part of your comment that read:
... Adam knows what he doesn't know, which requires intelligence and maturity beyond the reach of most people, no matter how long they live....

IMHO that was very very well said. Thanks for your post.

Anonymous said...

The Sanchez song is slammin IMO

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady i love your post about Adam. He keeps his inner child alive but also is mature beyond his years. Adam has reminded me to stay in touch with my inner child and he makes me feel very young,like a teenager in fact!

Anonymous said...

@ 9:08 PM

I agree with you about the Peter Pan thing. :D But with maturity I meant how Adam is able to be tolerant even towards people who's opinions he doesn't always share. I agree that he might listen to Neil sometimes, but my point is that maybe he shouldn't. His presidential election tweets last year were unnecessary and rather naive and I believe Neil encouraged him to tweet that.

Anonymous said...

9:23, thanks for the explanation of the Peter Pan Complex. I think we meant it in the figurative sense. Whoever coined this in the Diagnostic Disorder book (the title escapes me, as I have this Senior Moment Complex)
does PP a disservice, as it is a misnomer at best. Being a Glambert, my family might suggest a new one for the books, the Glambert Complex. I could take 80% of the PP Complex as being appropriate, and add a few more descriptions (obsessive, stalking tendencies, euphoric at any news of Adam, e.g.) to complete it. Problem is, don't want ever to be treated for this disorder. atm

Anonymous said...

Amazing how many people who have never met and spent time with Adam or Neil know exactly what type of people they are. Amazing how people think they know exactly how Adam and Neil interact or influence each other.

Anonymous said...

I've read enuf of Neil's tweets to know he is an arrogant asshole who isn't anywhere near as smart as he thinks he is. Nothing amazing about it

Anonymous said...

I've read enough of Neil to know I'd like to meet him and Eber!
Liberals to the bone!

Anonymous said...

The quality I like best in my husband is his Peter Pan sense of adventure and joy, even after 35 years of marriage, 4 of which were spent in a hellish war zone in Iraq. Let's not get all psychological about a reference to Peter Pan. Adam maintains an appealing boyish quality. I love it.

Anonymous said...

If Adam is Peter Pan, please, please let me be his Tinker Bell!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon May 6, 2013 at 2:11 PM

BRILL... totally BRILL


Anonymous said...

Peter Pan???? I heard this before when some critics said this to MJ...

As long as Adam knows what is best for him it his judgement and I respect him for that:)

I want to live in the Neverland with him he!he!


Anonymous said...

omg "liberals to the bone" xD

There's nothing liberal about being arrogant.

Anonymous said...

LOL you can't ignore the official definition of something because you like your definition better and expect everyone to then understand it's your definition not the real one we are referring to.

None of us really know Adam or Neil or what they are really thinking or how they act outside of twitter.

Anonymous said...

Somebody remind me -- just what are we allowed to say on these threads? Is there a rule book?

It seems Peter Pan, one of my favorite characters in children's literature is now on the list of bad guys. Now let's psychoanalyze
Bambi, Peter Rabbit, Goldilocks and Donald Duck!

Anonymous said...

So Obama is not liberal, @5:17?

Anonymous said...

I hope that's you, JAK?!!

Anonymous said...

Obama is not as liberal as I would like him to be!
He is still naive and thinks he can convince his enemies to work together for the common good. And I purposely say enemies, not opponents, because they have made their whole agenda - destroy Obama's presidency - to hell with cooperating to help our country prosper. They freely admit that is their goal again and again. So, the plan has become ignore their responsibilities to the citizens for the entire 8 years of Obama. How admirable of them. Punish the country for their effrontery of elevating a black man to the highest office.

Adamluv said...

@5:21 - you said it beautifully! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Obama's naivete to you is arrogance to me with a capital A.

Anonymous said...

Okay, we differ in definition. PEACE