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Adam Lambert's Latest Tweets

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Retweeted VH1's tweet:


Anonymous said...

Wish he would start his own album, instead of listening to everyone elses. He said he had been in studio. but never mentioned if this was for his own album. He said his was in its embryonic stage, which means its a long way off from starting. I think he is at a point in his life that he doesn't know what to sing about, and just checking out other albums to see what they are singing about. Most of them are about love, or breaking up, or forming a new relationship. I think that is just a little too tender in his mind, he could do it, but everyone would think he was singing about Sauli, and he is trying to get past that chapter of his life.

Anonymous said...

To you 12:32

You are joking, at least I hope I think he knows what he is doing - You don't need to worry.

Anonymous said...

I agree I think Adam already knows what direction his new album is going. Creating new music takes time and I am sure he is working on it.

His next album, timing the release of it will be a critical move on his part.


Anonymous said...

The embryonic stage thing was mentioned by the interviewer not Adam. Adam said he has been in the studio, of course it is in his album, he said this to the very same interviewer the night of Idol finale. He also said he talked to much about the last album, this one he wants to be a surprise. It takes time to make a quality album, which he writes a lot if, sure there be help with that. He just not telling us or interviewer's much about it, or anyone else until it almost ready to release, he said he wants it to be a surprise. The single when released may be a hint what direction it's going in, hopefully that will be released by end if year. Adam has stats he has been in the studio, he does know what direction it's going in said that several times, said he not talking about it he wants the surprise element. That's all we need to know, it's take time for real quality Adam Lambert will not put out anything less than that. He did do the vocals for another single that was several weeks ago, he is working on new album knows pretty much what direction it's going in. Do not think take as long as trespassing, but does take some time! Just because see him here and there out like 31 year old single men do, at night, and really not all that much lately has nothing to do with what he does all day and some other evenings. There will be a new album Adam said so, and has said he been working in studio in it, lets stop worrying about it let him create. So glad get to see V life ball vids. Hopefully before my operation in 28th may. Trying not to post told not to get upset, but so tired of hearing about when starting album he said he is working on it, lets just look forward to what I fully suspect will be the best album to date, the other two studio albums were very good! Sue

Anonymous said...

He is recording and not sharing all the details anymore until it's done and clear:)

Good job Mr. Adam Lambert:)

Just surprise us!!!:)


Anonymous said...

12:32, are you for real? Adam just said he won't be sharing very much this time around. We have no idea what he does with most of his time. Turned out he recorded the song for Life Ball without us knowing about it. Nile Rodgers shared a pic of Adam singing and we still don't know what that was about. Go find a job or a hobby and stop making up shit about what Adam is or isn't doing.

For the rest of us, retweet Adam's tweet for The Trevor Project or donate to the Red Cross. Oklahoma really needs our help.

Shaley said...

Don't forget to "like" the Facebook page to increase the donation to the Trevor Project. There is an extra $25,000 possible for them to donate and we haven't reached the minimum yet. Ask your Facebook friends to like it too.

Anonymous said...

Adam has no idea which genre he would follow, might just be a mix.He won't tell us anything about his new album, cuz there is nothing to tell yet. I am sure he is testing for some collaberators, when he can fit them into his schedule, when he is done for a while performing for all gay charities. I know I will get beat up for that, but I have listened to his interviews carefully, and he is only kicking around some ideas for the new album. Nothing serious yet. Don't think he is ready for some serious studio work. I am entitled to my opinion, and I have only repeated what I have seen and heard from Adam himself. I am not putting him down, the facts speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Adam said he learned his lesson last time and isn't telling this time. That does not mean he doesn't know what direction he is going or isn't working on it or is too busy doing three charity benefits.

Anonymous said...

He was asked what genre he was leaning toward, and he said he doesn't know yet. Don't you listen to any of his interviews. He has done 3 charity shows, and still has 3 to go.The Vienna one is huge.
I am sure he will come in for a landing soon, and hopefully settle down to start writing again. He has wasted the first half of this year already, do you think he can pull it together in the second half. When he does eventually have an album ready, will he stall like the last time for about 3 0r 4 months before he let it lose. He should do some covers on his album too, that was where he got his grammy nomination. Stay away from gay and lesbian stuff and also swear words, or he will never get on the radio. How he lives his lifestyle does not need to be put to music, that is his own private and personal business. He has made this mistake already, don't do it again.

Anonymous said...

His charity work has nothing to do with his album. He said he has been in the studio.he has again said he knows what direction the album is taking. He said he got in trouble for talking about the album before. He wants it to be a surprise this time. 7.03 who is also 12.32 really are you for real,what bull!

Anonymous said...

@8:35 Exactly right!

Anonymous said...

Everything about Adam's life and career is his own personal business. Let's leave it to him, we are not his agent, his company, his Mom or his conscience .

Anonymous said...

WoW! as usual everyone wants a piece of Adam! :):(

I have a feeling, his 3rd album will be Funky Rock!!!

let adam do his thang!!! he's an adult & a smart one too:)
We the Glamberts will support Adam:)

Anonymous said...

7:03 should first try watching the videos the rest of us saw and then they should go mind their own business. They clearly have no idea what goes on in the industry or what radio sounds like today. Swear words get bleeped out and it still goes to number one. As for wasted half the year? Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

8:46, couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

If everything about Adams personal life and career was only his own business then there would be nothing to discuss here but our own business. I thought this fansite was about sharing Adam`s life together. None of us is putting down Adam here but many of us has an idea what we would like him to do. Keep sharing ideas:).

Anonymous said...

1:16, are you being obtuse on purpose? You know people mean stuff like 5:56/7:03 and the ones saying what Adam should be doing/not doing (like out at a bar). there is a difference between innocent discussion of what you would like to see and saying what Adam should or should not do. No to the back seat career and personal life driving, yes to I liked Shady with Nile, hope we get to hear more like that. Get the difference?

Anonymous said...

I`m glad Adam "wasted" first half of the year, good choice that international tour,resulting in more exposure for him, awards, recognition and awareness again of his talent and his world wide message of love and acceptance.

Anonymous said...

1:26, I get the difference all right but I just don`t see people being that mean by sharing their thoughts about what they think went wrong or how they see things differently. I don`t have to agree w those comments either. I take every commenter here first as a fan of Adam`s.

Anonymous said...

@ANONS 12:32PM, 5:56PM, 7:03PM, 1:16AM and 1:53AM
It's not so much what your comments are about, of course you allowed to express your opinions etc., but it's HOW you say it!!! ANNOYINGLY!!!

Don't know how many times this has been said here, PLEASE think about the TONE how you state your opinions - the BLUNT negative wording in your comments sets the TONE of the whole thread as negative or aggressive...

@ANON 1:26AM - Thank you, you said it well!

Anonymous said...

Really? 1:16am and 1:53am is saying something annoying???I think people should chill here. Seems that some try to scare A fans commenting. By searching I`m sure something wrong with every post. Pretty clear who you are !(only post you thank,haha)

Anonymous said...

I`m 10:30am forgot to adress the post to @7:47am.(May 23)

Anonymous said...

Lets all just calm down. There is no need for fighting with each other. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree.:))) What did you like about the @30secondstomars album?Did not have time to check it now but will soon.

Anonymous said...

I share my googlecount sometimes w my twinsister when she visits me and we both love this site. She always writes anonymously and I w a"name". We have both found it impossible to please everybody no matter how nicely you write. Of course sometimes the poster`s bluntness and rudeness sets the "tone" of a comment annoying propably most of us here. But very often,too often really it seems to be an acceptance issue. There really is no need to argue :) but a need to accept differences and maybe ask to be more polite w commenting each other (and Adam).Good morning to everybody!

Anonymous said...

Now I`m the "anonymous".;) @6:43am