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New GLAAD Picture: Adam Lambert with Dave Ibraim

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

Now ... if we were just going on looks ... this would be a HOT couple.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Yesss, he must be Adam`s new bf... LOL

lorraine said...

Dave could be Adam's brother! They look so much alike! Never seen anyone look so much like Mr. Lambert....Sweeties....

Anonymous said...

Well he looks like he has more than Adam if that's possible!


Anonymous said...

Well he looks like he has more hair than Adam if that's possible!


Anonymous said...

Well he looks like he has more hair than Adam if that's possible!


Anonymous said...

Well he looks like he has more hair than Adam if that's possible!


Anonymous said...

Sorry for all the duplicates! Don't know what happened :(


tea said...


Does anyone remember if guests like Adam on American Idol tomorrow are announced ahead of time? Or have they never been?

tea said...

I don't think this has been posted here yet. 19 pictures available for your viewing pleasure.

Adamluv said...

Great minds think alike - I immediately thought WOW two great heads of hair! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Just watched Idol and dayum they were both so good. Well we will see who wins tomorrow. Can't wait for Adam's duet or whatever he is going to do.

Anonymous said...

They can be like more related than lovers. He can pass being Adam's brother or cousin.

Anonymous said...

He's an aspiring male model. I checked out some of his other pics. While he's very handsome, it's not like Adam Lambert who has that IT and STAR qualities in ALL of his pics. Seems like a very nice guy. He tweeted one of his followers asking him if he had seen his pic with Adam and when the guy said yes and asked how Adam was, he replied that he was awesome.

glitzylady said...

From Entertainment Weekly: Adam Lambert and Kris Allen are rated #1 BEST Finale Matchups out of all 12 seasons: I agree...

" ‘Idol’: Ranking All 12 Finale Matchups
Kelly vs. Justin? Adam vs. Kris? The Davids? Where will Candice vs. Kree fit in? We rank ‘em all, worst to first"

By Annie Barrett, Sandra Gonzalez

1. Kris Allen and Adam Lambert (season 8)
Can't beat this. It was voting for apples or oranges, and all you wanted was an apple-orange smoothie option.

Anonymous said...

Really looking forward to idol tomorrow night, Adam will make it exciting. sorry the girls can sing,but it is a snooze fest for me. Adam really did break idol but each time he's on he fixes it.Can't wait to hear what he sings!!!

Anonymous said...

I think this season has been the best one since season eight. Overall it had a greater number of talented contestants.

Anonymous said...

OT but I actually watched AI tonight just to see what the two performers were like. Candice was WOW! I haven't voted on AI since Adam but voted for Candice tonight just because i was blown away by her performances - esp. the last one. She killed it! Kinda wish Adam was singing with her tomorrow because both their powerhouse voices would be phenomenal. But that being said, can't wait for Adam tomorrow night no matter who he sings with. He will probably be the star of the show - at least for me! L

Jadam NZ said...

Been reading the comments on MJ's as AI progesses. Interesting.
We don't get it here in NZ till Friday night and we get the whole thing in one lot.
I will have seen Adams performance on here by then, cant wait.

daydreamin said...

I read on twitter that Jessie J is in L.A. now and she started following Angie. She is Angie's favorite. I wonder if there will be some changes:/

HK fan said...

have been reading some tweets.....really hoping they're not going to screw Adam over in favour of Jessie J.....

tweets from Angie

Angie Miller ‏@angieai12
I have good and bad news for you all!! What do you wanna hear first!?!?

Angie Miller ‏@angieai12
Ok, bad news first, I will no longer be singing #YouSetMeFree at the finale tomorrow ….

Angie Miller ‏@angieai12
…. And the GOOD NEWS!!! #YouSetMeFree will be RELEASED on #iTunes TOMORROW NIGHT!!!!! AHHHHH!!!! Sooo crazy!!! Get PUMPED!!! =D

Angie Miller ‏@AngieAI12
And I also must tell you… You guys are gunna DIE when you see the artist I’m singing with tomorrow at the Finale!! Definitely watch!!

mmm, getting a not so good feeling.
Hope they give Adam a solo spot instead.

Anonymous said...

Nah, not Adams type at all.

Anonymous said...

Jessie J over let me seeeee....who would I choose?! Love Jessie J but gave away her tickets especially to see Nile Rodgers who played same night...AND
what a night it was!

Anonymous said...

now i'm wondering if Adam will even be on Idol tonite..what a bite..

Anonymous said...

There's a you tube video of Dave Ibraim showing what and how to puts different products in his hair...don't think his hair is really as thick as it looks.Adam's hair is beautiful w/just hair spray.Check out Ibraim's's interesting.

Anonymous said...

If AI has been using Adam's name again to boost it's viewership without giving him the respect that he has earned by his incredible hard work over the last 4 years, i swear... &$@&&&!!?&!).

Wish Adam would tweet about the extent of his role tonight. He has more than earned that right to say what he wants 'when and where' he wants.

Anonymous said...

I'm just furious over the way American Idol uses and abuses Adam, yet Adam continues to compliment Idol.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Angie is running American Idol now. What does she have over who?

Anonymous said...

Checked out Jj's twitter. She's in LA for 24 hrs and she started following Angie. Not really hard to put 2 + 2 together. If true, Adam please, please sever any AI links in the future.

Phil2 has recently said that he NEVER watches AI. Not his thing anymore!!!?? And this is the guy whose song went platinum simply because it was used by Nbc or Abc during last summer's olympics. Any song used by a main media outlet 50 times a day during two weeks will reach multi platinum status.

Adam, know that your REAL fans will always love you and are eager to hear your new music or see you anywhere on TV and in the movies.

daydreamin said...

Thanks HK. Doesn't look good for that duet. I wonder how it leaked in the first place about Angie and Adam doing duet. Hopefully it will all work out in the end or if I was Adam I would not be happy with idol. Not to mention me!

Anonymous said...

I can't even think about Adam NOT being on Idol tonight! I have nothing against Angie, but how could a 3rd place contestant act like such a power player! This is why people say she is spoiled. There will be no disrespecting Adam tonight or the Glamberts will be very angry! Please don't make us angry.nancdruuu2

glitzylady said...

It was Angie's mom who initially leaked the Angie/Adam duet: at least she tweeted the info. And then deleted it apparently. And media said it was happening (but they've been known to be wrong :)) . And of course Ryan Seacrest's reference to Adam's "secret duet" when speaking of Adam last week on Idol. So hmmm.... And of course Michael Orland tweeted the Instagram picture of him and Adam saying: "Forgot how much I love hanging out and working with adamlambert . So much fun and looking forward to way more." For some reason there were rumors that he had deleted his tweet also, but it's still there on his twitter page.

So hmmm... I can't imagine that Adam will not be singing with SOMEONE on the show tonight, whether it be Angie or someone else...... Or by himself.. Also heard via twitter that Nile Rogers is in LA. So many rumors!

Guess we'll know soon enough!

glitzylady said...

Tweet from Nile Rogers just now...:So who knows what may happen.......

Nile Rodgers ‏@nilerodgers
I'm on the plane to LA. Have a great day everybody

tea said...

Craziness is all around us. Most of the info looks like Adam is getting the shaft, again. But then Ryan did say publicly he would be on the Finale. As for Michael Orland, he also could be as confused as the rest of us. Is Nile Rogers in town to befriend Adam or be part of the show? I'm going to throw in another possibility and say American Idol is giving Adam and Nile a platform to promote LGBTQ.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be nasty about Angie who is someone we don't even know and it won't be her fault if Adam doesn't perform on this year's Idol. Remember there was a great deal of hoopla about James Durbin and he came 3rd. He even scored a homecoming or whatever it's called. Did Angie have one of those? I've only watched a couple of episodes of Idol because NM is so irritating but I've watched a few performances on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

The big hair photo. :-D
I prefer Adam's looks to Dave's.

Anonymous said...

We should all relax. Ryan said that Adam would be performing a surprise duet and he has visited the Idol set this week. Why would he do that if he had been dropped from the finale? The only source for Adam singing with Angie is her Mom, and that was before the Top 3 results were known.

There are lots of possibilities. Maybe Adam is with another contestant? Candice's duet partner hasn't been named. Maybe Adam and another former Idol are singing a goodbye to Randy? Anything can happen. No way he's not on the show.

Anonymous said...

@6:01 AM Angie's mom is not the only source for the Adam Angie duet. Many internet magazine/blog articles have said it was possible, one even said it was confirmed.

Anonymous said...

You guys are a bunch of bitchy complainers jumping to conclusions about Idol. Angie has NO power at Idol. Adam being on has been leaked plenty of places and Ryan said it on air. We never knew what they had planned for sure and maybe they have moved around some of the performances, maybe not. They like to keep things under wraps because it is the FINALE! There is not some giant conspiracy against Adam everywhere he goes. How many of you will come back to apologize after he performs on tonight's show?

Anonymous said...

True but my main point is that people shouldn't assume that Adam is dropped from the finale just because some tweets suggest an Angie/Jessie J duet is in the works and they certainly shouldn't start dissing Idol on such slender information.

Our online presence is one of the reasons Adam is on tonight. Idol may track it to measure his potential value as a judge. If we don't pump the show we are letting him down.

Anonymous said...

I am 7:03 and was responding to 6:40, not 7:02.

Anonymous said...

Am I crazy that a Kris Allen with Adam or Allison I with Adam thought just popped into my head? It was just a visceral thing, the thought popped right in there?

(trying not to be grouchy about the Angie thing. NOT grouchy at her, but a bit grouchy at circumstances... I actually LIKE her very much and feel she should be in finale, that was pure geography).

Fingers crossed for happy result :).

Anonymous said...

7:02 AM You're such a sweet talker winning everyone over to your views.

Anonymous said...

@May 16, 2013 at 7:03 AM

Very good point... about our online prescense, and our potential worth to the prospect of Adam judging in future... which, sinking ship or not, would absolutely translate into sales for Adam, if even only a little, there is simply NO denying that eventuality.

Anonymous said...

@Anon May 16 7:09 AM

7:02 had a damn good point. Sometimes saying it crassly and plainly gets the idea across more strongly. ????

Anonymous said...

I know I am dreaming but I am still hoping for Adam and Freddie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If you want Idol to be impressed by Adam's potential by fan's pumping the show then a lot of fans are going to need to stop saying how much they hate Idol.

Anonymous said...

LOL 7:11 - I was thinking my wish for an Adam Bowie duet was wild. (Nile is on his way to LA! after all.)

Anonymous said...

Sweet talking doesn't work here.

Anonymous said...

7:02 -- I will the first to come back tomorrow and be the first to apologize to AI if they give Adam his proper due tonight.

Anonymous said...

Yes 7:15 they are. Too bad they are so shortsighted about what he wants and how best to help him deliver his A-Game to the AI judge selection committee.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Queen on the show to promote a concert in the USA, is what I am praying for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, that Dave guy is sure cute. Nice poofy hair and pretty eyes. Almost in Adam's league, but not quite.

As for Idol, I'll be watching vids here online after the show, 'cause I won't be home. Such confusion now! Adam WILL be performing in some capacity. Some "secret" or "surprise" thing? We don't know, but whatever he does, he will kill it.

As for the ratings, apparently last week's ratings weren't that good. I hope the finale does very well and I hope that somehow, in my dreams, the good ratings could be traced to Adam's appearance on the show. LOL!! I don't think there is any way to do that, but if we react online very positively about ADAM after the show, that would be great! I think many of us are watching strictly because of him being on. The AI peeps need to see that ADAM is a huge draw for that show and deserves to be a judge if he wants it. Heard that Keith Urban will be back next year. The rest will be gone. Heard that perhaps AI will go back to three judges.

As for Angie, I don't know her. I haven't watched the show. BUT, I do remember Adam's complete and utter humility and grateful attitude about his AI experience. He was classy and didn't act too big for his britches.

Please refresh my memory. Did the contestants in Adam's year, or any year since YouTube, get to "release" a single way before their first album came out? Maybe I just don't remember.

DRG (Adam, just Adam)

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam and Rihanna wil be singing Stay to Randy ;)

Anonymous said...

Other than the usual studio version of the songs performed on the show being on Itunes, I do not remember any extra singles and certainly not one written by the contestant. It's an incredible opportunity for Angie.

Anonymous said...

You can't say AI didn't get our interest up. Adam knows the story and is not able to leak it,one thing for sure he sures looks happy lately so I am not going to knock whatever it is. I would like Adam to do a number with the top five boys. Is JHud going to be on? It really is a surprise duet because nothing leaked. Darn!! Good luck to both Kree and Candice. Let's just enjoy Adam tonight it makes no diff who he sings with. I hope KU dresses up a little tonight.

Anonymous said...

Rihanna and Adam singing Stay to Randy would be a hoot. Someone should sing a goodbye song to him for old times sake.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Adam's frequent tweeting about Idol is an attempt to rally his fans to the show. It doesn't need a brain surgeon to see that the more positive Adam's fans are online, the better he looks to Idol. I'm gonna give him and Idol an online boost tonight.

tea said...

Idol is all about covers. (Not the clothes kind you put on top of your head) How about Adam sing 'Stay' to Randy as a solo.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm gonna give AI good feedback about Adam being on and that's he is why I am watching at all. Please, no JHud. Please.

Anonymous said...

The guest stars usually sing one of their hits.

Anonymous said...

Leave anything negative about Idol off of your tweets. You can compliment Adam without saying anything else about Idol.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you/we all tried a bit more
(like somebody GORGEOUS sings in one of his songs, lol)
and forget about all the assumptions and rumours... and just ENJOY what we get from ADAM, cause he will ALWAYS surprise you/us!!!

Anonymous said...

What is great about the US is that everyone is entitled to and can voice their opinion without any repercussions. You can watch and support a television show like American Idol for years and still be able to voice your opinion if you don't agree with some of their décisions. It's called 'liberty of expression'.

Anonymous said...

Did'nt Adam do the vocals recently for a single for some band, can't think if the name and Nile Rodgers maybe something's up there? Sure he will be on the show, they announced it last week, may change stuff around but sure he will be on there. It confirmed Adam was gonna be on show by Ryan S. but not who he was doing duet with. That part was speculation. Can't wait to see him tonight! Whoever he sings with! I have to leave early about 4 Friday to go to Austin for procedure, 4 in the morning! They announced that on TV announced no one else, I pretty sure he will be there, got a big feeling it will be with Nile's! Will see. Sue

Anonymous said...

very true about liberty of expression. We should exercise that with civility and manners too.

As others have suggested, it should not be difficult to understand that Adam's fans showing that they continue to support and enjoy (and watch!!) AI is how to rally on his behalf for a judge spot.

Is it confirmed that Keith Urban is on for next year??

glitzylady said...

Just wanted to say that in spite of the problems with Idol, my husband and I HAVE watched it this year, just like we have since Season 7 when David Cook won, because we are still interested in seeing the talent. My hubby was rooting for Amber Holcomb until she was eliminated 2 weeks ago. I've been firmly planted in the Candice camp, although I truly feel the top 5 girls were/are all very talented. Some of the boys too. I really liked Paul Jolley and my husband and I both couldn't figure out why the popular Johnny Keyser didn't make it to the Top 10. He was on last year, was eliminated, tried again this year... He was great, looked good too, but lost out to Lazaro. Oh well.....I digress...

I do believe that Adam will definitely be performing on Idol tonight... Probably with Angie but if not, then someone..It would be bizarre for Idol to say he's going to be on the show in a "secret duet" and then NOT have him on. Just for practical purposes, I would assume they have a signed contract/agreement with him that can't just be broken on a whim. And I assume that Adam is not at liberty to say yet just who he's singing with because typically those duets aren't necessarily announced pre-show. It builds suspense and hopefully helps to draw in viewers. Just the fact that Idol announced that Adam will be on the Finale says to me that we shouldn't worry about whether or not he'll be on there, singing.......

Here's the deal: Its fun to speculate just WHO he might be singing with if not Angie. Harmless fun. Keeps us busy until tonight :)) And I do agree, keeping it positive re Adam in tweets to Idol etc. would be the VERY smart thing to do. And respect to Angie too. She's very talented as well. She was Adam's favorite during the competition this year, and he knows a thing or three about singing. If you haven't personally watched it, you might still tune in tonight. Idol has certainly never been the same for me since Adam was on, but I still watch... And even though it has lost ratings it still has many millions of people who watch and it is still one of the most watched TV shows. I do have to say I prefer The Voice these days, as it seems so many do now.

Looking forward to seeing Adam on my TV again...That Idol theme still makes me a little tingly inside, after all these years since Adam was on Season 8. My mind and (body...) still associate that sound with **wonderful** the form of Adam Lambert. And tonight, the feelings will be for real once again!!! Counting down the hours...

Anonymous said...

The Idolator blog just said Adam would be performing with Angie Miller tonight and that Mariah Carey would sing a composite of her songs!
What's going on? Could Angie be excited (AS SHE SHOULD BE!) because she is singing with our ADAM? If so, then all is forgiven. I was getting so worked up about this, I spilled an entire Strawberry Yogurt on my blouse at work (lunch!)LOL This withdrawal from not being able to see Adam on TV if killing me!.....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Hey Fans... let's also remember that Jennifer Lopez is performing tonight ... now while I personally don't care so much for JLO, she is a bonafide superstar and I would venture to guess that Adam will be so excited to be performing on the same stage as her. If Jessie J does perform tonight, I would also guess that Adam will be thrilled to be in the same venue as JJ! I am not going to fib, I was a little anxious reading about all the tweets and such, but glass half full is that many eyes will be on AI tonight (lesser ratings than past years or not) and Adam will be on that screen in some capacity. Also, to whomever above (glitzy maybe) who mentioned contracts, YES, I would guess that Adam's team has a contract. I would not be thrilled to see Adam as only one of a very large group number or something, but if he is, it's safe to say he needs the sales and being on AI tonigt in any capacity will probably garner him some small bump in sales. I have a feeling it's all good. We shall soon see... but in the meantime, I am going to keep in mind how excited Adam will likely be (my litte 'ole feelings aside :)) to be performing on the same stage in the same evening as Mariah and JLo...etc. He DESERVES to be among that A-list crowd, and this is one small step in his getting there permanently! :)

choons said...

So, why hasn't Adam tweeted about singing on the Idol finale? Surely if Idol wanted their ratings to soar they would announce it?
There is a live red carpet event at 6:30ET (3:30PST) tonight on Fox, with celebrity guests and former idols etc.

Anonymous said...

Also J Hudson performing has been confirmed I believe. Also A-list. Adam being among all that is all good.

Anonymous said...

Whoever said ealier in this thread about the suprise element of AI finale night is right on the money. There has not been a lot of tweeting about it because the suprise element of performers on the AI finale has always been... to build suspense and viewership... etc

Anonymous said...

J lo's segment has been pre-recorded.

glitzylady said...

Headline from "Idolator":

Mariah Carey, Adam Lambert, PSY To Perform On ‘American Idol’ Finale

From the article:

"Also! Glittery pop prince Adam Lambert will be returning to the Idol stage (to duet with Angie Miller).."

Anonymous said...

So it will be Angie.

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady.

& 9:31am, thanks to you also. Ugh, how very JLo... so typical!!! Wendy Williams called JLo out today, said she can't sing but has such "IT" factor (unlike Kree & Candace is what Wendy Williams was saying) that she still gets the job done. Lucky for us AML fans that we get VOICE and "IT" factor!!! :)

Anonymous said...

As I'm being very vocal on this blog today, I might as well continue. I have nothing against JLO, but it bothers me that she considers herself a singer and dancer. She can dance, but the video/song with Pitbull(UGH)is horrible. I know I am of a different generation, but she just prances around in skimpy "clothes" and smiles and makes a bigillion bucks!
I liked her more when she was just jenny from the block. Now she owns the block and marrys/goes with too many guys (translation-younger). I think I'm just cranky today. Mariah Carey's new video #Beautiful was hilarious, but I can't knock her because she is super talented and a legend and I like her.That's it for now..(sigh)..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam and Dave look anything alike except for the color of their hair

Anonymous said...

11:00 -- And your comment is what we call a 360 degree turn. Thx for bringing this thread back to what it's supposed to be about, the pic of Adam and Dave.

glitzylady said...

That's true..this thread is "about Adam and Dave" but its even MORE about Adam. ALWAYS :)) many of these other comments are appropriate and even important..being that today is the day Adam is on the Idol Finale...

It's ALL good....

tea said...

Adam just tweeted he will sing with Angie tonight

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted yesterday that he likes to do covers putting his recent picture coming out of movie theater with blue sweater covering his face. And 2 hours ago he tweeted #throwback with his old pictures. One from before his Idol time and another his live GNT acoustic picture. Is he trying to tell us something?

Anonymous said...

When Adam wants us to know something, he tell us.

Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Make sure to catch me singing w @AngieAI12 on #AmericanIdol tonight!!

Anonymous said...

LOL, let the apologies begin.

tea said...

This is good news for me because when we first heard Adam and Angie would duet, I posted it in the music club on Il Divo. The last couple days I've been wondering what I would post if they didn't duet and I was called out for wrong info.

Anonymous said...

Apologies from me to all those who wanted one! :))

SO looking forward to seeing Adam sing tonight. Now, which song will they perform?? We'll soon know.

glitzylady said...

"Titanium" by David Guetta and Sia is what I just heard: the song Adam and Angie will be duetting..

Anonymous said...

Yaaa just saw Adam interviewed on Red Carpet. So articulate and sweet and he confirmed he is singing with Angie but wouldn't say which song.

Anonymous said...

Well there you go. Adam did hint about the song but not naming it as a cover. That's why I love him. If he can't give us the truth, he dances around it so we have something to talk about. So tonight we are going to throwback the covers and watch our boy on the Idol stage once again.