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Adam Lambert Tweets Latest Pictures and Videos

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, July 4, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, July 04, 2013

#Mode #Gakuen #TV #commercial #2 #corporate #queens #doing it well. #Serving #in #heels. #own #it #jonte #tiger #日本。 by @hellojonte


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks that Adam looks more "gay" (I don't mean this in any insulting way) now with mustache and without makeup and nail polish? I think my mind is weird b/c I see it like that. It looks like the mustache is some trend among gays (but on the other hand also Freddie Mercury and Tom of Finland had mustache, so nothing new under the sun).

Anonymous said...

Adam is tweeting about Angie and AI. Is this a hint of something that might swell like the incoming! I think Adam really likes to work with AI again. He loves the family connection he has built up over the years there. Hope you get your wish Adam. You are so hardworking, unassuming and innovative; AI needs you to prop it up, the way you did on S8. Angie sings like a cheery lark. :)


Anonymous said...

Adam just answered a tweet from Angie.

Anonymous said...

the A&A duet has almost 920,000 views let's get it up to one million. love the fun they seem to have during this video.

Anonymous said...

I guess I was a little misled by the heading: Adam tweets latest pictures and videos. Okay. :)


Anonymous said...

Yea I clicked on the tweet/link and watched their Titanium duet. I think it's probably the best I've seen/heard on AI. Yes, not easy to get so close to perfection.


Anonymous said...

Kudos to Angie to tell it how it was, it is.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Happy July 4th to all Glamberts and their families, Adam and admin.

Anonymous said...

they both sounded great on that duet.Loved it.

Anonymous said...

wild commercial Jonte.

Anonymous said...

Go away naturel look ... I miss Glam Adam without mustache!

Anonymous said...

I want too that adam shaves... The mustache covers his beautiful face. But otherwise he looks good as always.:)

Anonymous said...

Adam is sweet huge talent, very attractive man. No one look gonna stay forever, he loves change.

Anonymous said...

love all Adam's looks and fashion and his awesome talent..still in a fabulous place since seeing him at universal..

Anonymous said...

If Adam does another American tour like his first one (when I got to see him really up close in a small venue) It would be so great if Angie could open for him. What a talented warm up act she would be. I know it is likely never to happen but I can dream.

Happy Independence Day to our American Glamily!

Anonymous said...

Luckily :)

Anonymous said...

Angie is a Christian artist. Not Adams demographic

Anonymous said...

He is so skinny!!!!!! Yummy, but skinny!

krismidas said...

@2:06 I live in Chicago and the mustache/sculpted facial hair is a trend among stylish young men, regardless of orientation. Whether Adam wears makeup or not, he always puts effort into the way he styles himself. I guess if a man wears anything different than run-of-the-mill clothes and a generic haircut, people will assume he's gay. Kind of an interesting cultural phenomenon.

Anonymous said...

I agree; he looks very skinny in that pic where he is hailing a cab in NYC. He's been working very hard on these concerts lately and usually in very hot and humid weather. He probably lost a few pounds just sweating on the stage as he performed. And I do like Adam without the makeup and nailpolish but not necessarily with the facial hair. We all know how he likes to change it up with his looks, so it is just another phase in the ever evolving persona known as Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Check out this site for up to minute news about last night's event:

HK fan said...

Performance pics

Red Carpet

Gelly ‏@14gelly 50m
Adam Lambert with media for Performance at Playhouse in Hollywood 07032013: via @youtube

PopcandiesHdTv ‏@PopcandiesHdTv 49m
Carmit Bachar on Adam Lambert Performance while arriving at Muse After Party in Hollywood 07032013: via

Gelly ‏@14gelly 56m
Adam Lambert gets sneaky arriving at Muse After Party in Hollywood 07032013: via @youtube

HK fan said...

Gelly ‏@14gelly 59m
Adam Lambert arrives for Performance at Playhouse in Hollywood 07032013: via PopCandiesTv

interview from the orange carpet

tea said...

Can someone say what is in Adam's escort's hand?

Adam Lambert's Night Out at Muse

Anonymous said...

@8:31 AM
Thanx for the link. Looks like home for me.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:06
I'm sorry but I find your post insulting and totally prejudiced (saying I don't mean it in an insulting way just makes it worse).

To whom this may concern...
Can't believe how many people there still are on this Adam fan site who are OPENLY prejudicial, homophobic and narrow-minded... Four years with this exceptionally kind and talented human being and you still haven't widened your horizons...When have you heard Adam say: Nooo, not gonna take photo with you, you look too straight... or you look silly, act your age....
Fuuuuuuuck, you make me nauseous!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looks sexy as hell!! no one will ever change my mind

glitzylady said...

My opinion: Adam is not "too skinny". He looks fabulous... He's fit and trim...He looked mighty FINE up there on that stage in San Diego a couple of nights ago. Trust me :)))) "Too skinny"??? Hell no!!! Just right......

Re the mustache. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but having spent an hour and a half watching Adam perform at the San Diego Fair from second row center, I can tell you with certainty that he looks fricking sexy and absolutely handsome, with or without the mustache. I may have a slight personal preference for the natural colored (ginger) "scruff" facial hair Adam and/or the "clean shaven" Adam, but I can guarantee, when you see him in person, you notice the entire beautiful man, not just his mustache.... So again, in my opinion, enjoy and love the man behind the mustache, because that's what truly matters to me. BTW, my husband has had a mustache almost the entire time I've known him and I don't tell him to shave...or not. His preference. His face, his choice. Same with Adam. I see a LOT of facial hair on younger men these days. In fact my own handsome son, Adam's age, has the same mustache and facial hair that Adam has. Looks good on him too..

Adam is stunningly handsome no matter what......

Anonymous said...

Angie being a Christian wouldn't bother Adam or his fans. I doubt she would be singing The Old Rugged Cross.!

Anonymous said...

Don't pictures with your tongue out sort of stop about the age of 7 or 8?

glitzylady said...

By the way, take a look at these pics and tell me that Adam doesn't look pretty damn handsome with that mustache.... [fans self.....]

Last night at the afterparty.....

Anonymous said...

like adam lambert with no nail polish and light make -up ;; also like his mustach- so sexy- love it.
handsoem is more handsoem than straight men(smile)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, can't agree. I accept that Adam likes to change things up, but the mustache has been around too long now.
His lips are too full to look good with stache. The beard could hang around for awhile longer, it's not too bad.

Face it, we are always going to be pro and con about his styles. He'll do as he pleases as he should. C'est la vie!

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady, handsome, yes. But, more handsome without.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:31, thank for the link. OMG, the streaker video was so funny but could have been very dangerous. I hope no one else tries that.

Anonymous said...

Facial hair is in fashion. Get use to it. I see a lot of famous men have facial hair. Adam is famous. He knows what he is doing. He lives in heart of Hollywood where everything is happening and the world looks at Hollywood for entertainment.

Anonymous said...

My husband thinks he is hot!! He said he was better looking in person than in the pictures...LOL


Anonymous said...


Beware if your husband starts going to Adam concerts alone! : (((

glitzylady said...

My husband thinks Adam is hot too...always has. Just like Adam admires beautiful women, but that's about as far as it goes :)) ,my hubby appreciates a handsome guy. I appreciate a gorgeous woman. Beauty is universal. The important thing is that Adam also possesses inner beauty. Love him (and love my hubby..)..

Anonymous said...

I think that "Taxi Cab Confessions" photo is one of the best ever taken of Adam. I'm sure there were double-takes from men and woman alike. His smile sends it over the top.

The tongue out photo is simply silly concert fun. Cute ... and yummy.

(sorry, writing out loud)

Adam was in People's Most Beautiful edition and we see why all the time. His features are stunning and seem to be photogenic from almost any angle. He belongs to that small percentage of men that mesmerize the female brain. And male brains, too! I think that's why so much fan art is done of him. It's a study in beauty.

But, even the most physically gorgeous man loses attractivness if his attitude is sour or intellengence lacking, no sense of humor, cruel to others, etc, etc. Thankfully, Adam has all of these most important attributes in spades.

I personally love the Glam Nation look, but I'm a freak when it comes to good looking men (Depp, Keanue Reeves as Buddha) in makeup. For a flash-back Ear and Eye Candy TREAT, go to YouTube and type in:
Aftermath, Glamnation Tour, 6/15/10 Riverside Theatre, Milwalkee, WI filmed by lissa725. Hypnotizing.

Happy 4th Of July all my US brothers and sisters! And to those around the world, we can celebrate Independence of Thought and On To A NEW AGE!

xo laura

ps ... Yikes! I, too, wish there was spell check here. Say hello to my little friend . . . my dictionary. Haha.

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th July America !! May your every day be a good day!

I like your progressive around the world celebrations as well...Independence of Thought and On To A New Age!
Yea a lot better than being stuck in the mud or head buried in the sand. lol!


Anonymous said...

I just watched Adam's Outlaws of Love, San Diego Fair. Yea he sounds like the new political front-runner on the block. lol! I feel a new sense of renewal in Outlaws of Love when he sings it with elation, like a burden lifted off his shoulders. The jazzy infusion is sexy and lively compared to the original more solemn version. This Equality advancement has certainly rubbed off positively on many people, as seen in the crowd cheering on this new sing-talk social leader. Also bearing in mind the tireless effort of his forerunners who started or brought about this difficult change. I think OOL can also be an anthem for this movement. When Adam first introduced it, I liked it a lot even without understanding the full impact of the song. And has since remained #1 on my Trespassing chart.


Anonymous said...

9:15AM, don't know if you will see this but you are totally right.

Anonymous said...

10:52 AM
Agree. Adam is much more handsome without the mustache and beard whether facial hair is currently trendy or not. If Adam wants real facial hair, perhaps he could grow a full beard which, I think, would suit him. However, I think his clean-shaven face is the most sexy and attractive.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely tweet from Angie. I too would love to see Angie open for Adam and a duet by them in concert would be fabulous. <3

Anonymous said...

Adam is not skinny ..I saw him at Universal and believe me he is so just right and videos do not show how perfect he is live right before you..the whole of Adam is just so perfect...and regarding the streaker and thought is it was a planned incident..I do not think security was compromised at all..