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Latest Adam Lambert Tweets

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, July 26, 2013

Posted at : Friday, July 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

I am waiting for new Lady Gaga, too, Adam! LOVE HER SO MUCH.
And we're all looking forward to whatever the future holds for you, Oh Great One. You and Gaga, twin superstars!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

ok I can admit it if Adam asked the question lol. Where in the hey did the word stan come from?

Anonymous said...

He is in a good mood which is usually the case. I have a feeling he will have some good news for his fans soon about HIS music and activities. Don't care about Gaga or Perry. He is very supportive of others which is why we admire him.
But it is his turn. Geez, he is more talented and nicer than these other artists. But it is in his nature to be generous.

Anonymous said...

Loved Gaga's and Perry's last albums. Great production and just like Adam can't wait for their album.

Anonymous said...

Isn't "stan" a mix of stalker and fan? I think I read that somewhere.

Anonymous said...


A song by Eminem off of The Marshall Mathers LP about a man who loves Eminem and his music to the point of insanity. The fan, whose name is Stan, meets Eminem at a show and then begins to write him letters. The letters get progresivly stranger. After a long time with no responce from Eminem, Stan puts his girlfriend in the trunk of his car and drives to a bridge. Stan tells Eminem all about what and why he is doing this from a tape recorder in his car. Stan then drives the car over the bridge, presumably killing himself and his girlfriend who was pregnant with his kid. The song ends with Eminem writing a letter to Stan right after his death. But Eminem then realizes that the man he has heard about on the news who drove his car over a bridge is the guy who has been writing him letters. In other words if Eminem had wrote the letter a week earlier Stan would have remained alive. Famous because it used the baseline and vocals from Dido's famous song "Thank You". Very powerful song.

Anonymous said...

someone on twitter said it was a word used in an Eminem song meaning friend. Don't go by me tho I probably accidently start every rumor on here. lol

Anonymous said...

I looked up "stan"; it has many rather interesting meanings, examples:

-an overzealous stalker fan as + an/fan...stan; as pointed out above.

- means 'home of' as in Pakistan, Uzbekistan etc.

-acronym for student teacher assistance network

-short for Stanley


Anonymous said...

Yes stan is a combination of stalker and fan which originated from Eminem's song Stan.

Anonymous said...

@lammy. In this tweet from Adam, it means stalker/fan. Hope he doesn't have any.

Anonymous said...

I would think so. :)


Anonymous said...

omg Adam is such a lovable geek," I don't get where the D went?"

Anonymous said...

Not this fall?#why didn't he say this ages ago?

Anonymous said...

Adam never said there was an album coming this fall. That was fans saying that.

Anonymous said...

LOL Adam. It is from stalker fan.

Anonymous said...

At this point sauli has a better career than adam. How funny is that? And you know who is really successful these days is his old boyfriend cheeks.

Anonymous said...

Troll Alert

Anonymous said...

Fans did start speculating how soon we might get new music, Adam never said how soon so this shouldn't be a surprise. I'll wait for Adam to say when we might hear something new, not listen to fans making stuff up again.

Anonymous said...

2.00 am why must you bring sauli into this conversation. Good for him if he has a great career but so does Adam. Just because he is not doing his album when you want it done, doesn't mean his career is over. Besides he has other things going on too. Leave the exes out if it. It only turns this site into a hate site.

Anonymous said...

We should all know by now that Adam does things in his own time. When he is ready to release this album, I'm sure it will be well worth the wait.

Anonymous said...

Yea really looking at Sauli in Glee this fall, or as soon as everything gets going after the tragedy of CM. wow did you hear that news about Sauli fronting Queen at Vegas with all the big stars and celebs wow. To get invited to Fergie's shower with huge A lister what that's amazing and great for a career that already accomplished amazing things, so proud of him and everything happening for him now. Oh wait that Adam, Adam Lambert who career doing all this amazing stuff how could I get that mixed up impossible comparison, sorry.

Anonymous said...

I write 3.29 I have nothing in the world against Sauli and did not mean to make it negative sounding. Sauli career is looking up also very happy for that. By living here with Adam he met American people that got him the tv show, I so proud of him. Why dump on Adam who always been supportive of Sauli and any Ex boyfriend he had, troll comments like that need to be removed. Adam just got to big boost to his career. No matter how many career boost Adam gets no matter how well he does and he done well trolls will just throw anything out there to cause trouble. There one that goes by 3 letters on here that needs blocking. I very happy for Sauli, success as well as Adam's troll remarks like 2.00 are designed to cause trouble and usually have nothing true about the remarks. Adam always gonna be the one I defend, I cared about him for nearly five years and I will always, if I am a live. Here hoping the best for Sauli And Adam think career wise things are looking up for both! Sorry if I made it sound different. Wish the best for both.

Anonymous said...

I just gotta say..first of all, Adam is NOT a liar..if he says he is working on new music, then you can take that to the bank..he does not have a new label yet..a new album will probably come out sometime next year..things right at this moment are a little quiet..but aren't they for all people..maybe he has put the kabosh on all the bar scene pics, which is a good idea, if true..he will go to the baby shower and surely we will get pics of him there..he will be on Glee and he will be singing with Queen at I Heart Radio..the rumors of him playing Freddie are just that..rumors..relax everybody..our boy is and will be just fine..the reason he thanked his fans for sticking with him at the last concert he did is prob because he knew that it may be a while before he would be performing for them again..I love Adam and will be his fan for the rest of my life and I trust and believe him..exciting things ARE coming..

Anonymous said...

@3:29 - you sound a little nuts

Anonymous said...

Adam said when thanking people last concert, there will be music and many concerts to come. Now he got Glee and , Vegas and the album to work on, he said he said he fell back in love with Rock and roll and maybe the Queen thing did that, to RS over the airways. He also said he was working on writing new music like crazy. I don't believe he been going to the clubs as much, he does to BD parties ect. And net works at them, and certainly goes out some now he working on his music more. That star studded shower he going to lot of networking could go on there, and boss Ryan M. There. I think Adam knows full well how that album gonna be marketed are working on it not sharing with anyone at this point, he has many friends in the industry, he made many more in last five years in big places. JL got dropped by her record comp. before getting idol they picked up the album that was already made, revived her career. Adam got lots if connections, and will get that album out. If there not a new announcement every day people go on about the career. Now he got to work on the project announced and bring them to life. Glee coming just delayed because if CM passing, it will all be here just be pastime let Adam work on it all, stop worrying about his career. There will always be a surprise when you least expect it a good one in the the career if AL. The FM thing is just talk, doubt he want to do it, who knows!

Anonymous said...

I think we know what 3.29 meant by it. Pointing out that's not Sauli career it's Adam. Adam career doing fine. Most likely you are the troll who starts all this stuff and is nuts, 2.00 is nuts and 4.02 is most likely the same person.

Anonymous said...

And @3:29 & 3:53 is most probably Sue?
Not trying to be mean, just sounds like her...

Anonymous said...

Adam, I know where the D went!!! He!he!


Anonymous said...

Adam probably has lots of stans. It goes with the territory of being a much-loved celeb.

Anonymous said...

@2:00 AM
'Sauli has a better career than Adam' .... only in your imagination, troll.

Anonymous said...

ha, ha let's all help Adam find the D. J/K He does make things interesting!!

Anonymous said...

@ 2:00//you are nuts!.what career are u talking about?#sauli tv show that might not last?#Adam is an extremely talented person.I just HOPE he makes d best career moves.believe me,this is make or break time for him.

Anonymous said...

Look 4.41 is it fair to try and figure out who posts are who's when you never sign, not really fair is it. With all the nutty posts on here you think that ones crazy, really? I will not be here for quite a while starting right now. So you will have to blame unsigned posts in others. The stitches on the inside if my heart are coming loose and not healing, and will not heal on the inside of my heart without another operation. They took X-rays Thursday because I having lots of pain. Dr. In Wednesday probably got go then to Austin and get a another operation. I sorry to mention it make some mad, but I have friends who are nice in here so telling them the rest just ignore. I definitely will not be in here starting today for two weeks,get off here now so will not be upset for next operation. So any posts you do not like will not be mine. Sue

Anonymous said...

good luck Sue. We'll still be here when your heart heals trolls and all. LOL Keep us informed how you are doing , never mind the refrigerator people here, keep us informed.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear u are not doing well.....I've not been here much lately either .... my crazy mother who hasn't spoken to me in 20 yrs.... and who would not protect us as children..., and choose man after man over us.... decieded since she's old and won't be here much longer....she now wants to forget the past and be friends .... it took all I had but I said no.... not gonna let her hurt me ant more.....its funny but I drew strength from Adam ....i tell myself if he can overcome alll the haters he faces and still. be positive ... I can too .....sorry to drag on folks ....Sue I'm sending peace love and light your way and hope u r better soon .....let me know how things go I will be thinking of u ...., your glam sister ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Love the fact that Adam is always so supportive of his fellow performers. You would think that maybe one of them would do a collabo with him. A bit disappointed to learn that there would not be a new album from Adam this fall, but eventually we will get one and I am sure it will be amazing. At this info came from him and that rumor can end about the release of a third album.

Anonymous said...

Take care, Sue. Anything that goes on here is unimportant compared to your well-being. Hope things go well and we see you back.

I know Adam said he's working on new music. I just hope we see it come out EARLY in 2014 and not LATER next year. The long wait for TP was really too long for many reasons. Adam doesn't have the financial resources to put out highly-produced multiple albums every year like Gaga and KP do. I hope he gets signed by a new label quickly (if he hasn't already) and gets the music done so we have it early in 2014. I'm just hoping here! I want him to get over this record label hump and get on with new music ASAP. I know he has other things going, but he has to bring up new music soon!


Anonymous said...

Gaga's last album came out in 2011. Perry's last album came out in 2010. Why everyone wants Adam's album to be out in two months? Adam has a label. I found out about it but I'll wait until he makes the announcement.

Anonymous said...

why do some people feel the need to repeat themselves in the same comment?

Anonymous said...

Sue....Very sorry your wounds did not heal properly; relax a bit, all the best on your operation.

With love...Lam-my

Rose petal....You are honest and courageous and have really gone through much.

With love...Lam-my

Anonymous said...

Gaga has album coming out in November. Her last album was out two and a half years ago come November. So takes time for those that write there own stuff to make a good album. GaGa seen little lately but new album will see a lot. Rhianna only one almost , that does yearly. Someone else writes for her. Takes time.

Anonymous said...

Be nice people...........if you don't like a comment scroll on by it's that simple.

Wishing you the best!

@rose petal
A mother like yours is best forgotten.


Anonymous said...

Yes, just pass the comment, and do not add any more fuel to the fire. That person is just looking for attention.

Anonymous said...

Come back just to say thanks to well wisher's really getting tired if all this, cracking my heart open and close. rosé Pedal, I back your decision, parents should not be able to drop and then go back to their children when times are hard for them, she should been there when it was hard for you. Now ill try to really go, thanks to my friends here, I do need the rest pain kind of bad and I tired!, have not slept. One thing I know Adam working on that album. I also know he knows he got some backing for it, will know in time just let him handle it, it's what he does. Now I really going for awhile, Sue

Anonymous said...

If adam gets an album together they are probably targeting next spring or summer when hopefully he will be on glee. Year from now would be my guess

Anonymous said...

I do stand corrected that not all the top stars put out multiple albums each year or even one per year. I guess I was just trying to make a point that Adam maybe doesn't have the huge $$$ to put out an album whenever he wants to. I agree with 7:12 that it will likely be spring or summer of 2014. I guess this isn't too much different from other big recording artists. I'm just so anxious for new music, it's killing me! I'm sure Adam is eager to sing new songs, too. Glee should keep him busy and still give him time to get that next album ready. Seems like just when we think nothing much is happening, something new and exciting pops up!


Anonymous said...

@GMT @Lammy
Thanks to both of u .....its been a while since she tracked me down ....I can say now , that she just someone I used to know....rose petal
Take care I'll wait here for u.

Anonymous said...

Twitter is purging inactive accounts. Some artists have lost tens of thousands. Nothing to worry about. :)

Anonymous said...

Twitter is purging inactive accounts. Some artists have lost tens of thousands. Nothing to worry about. :)

Anonymous said...

Kelly's, Carrie's, and Daugthry's albums came out before Adam's and they're not having any new album out any time soon.

Anonymous said...

Lol Kelly released a greatest hits album which included 3 new songs last November and she is releasing a Christmas album this fall. Se has also done new country songs and collabs. this year. Plus her new album is scheduled for next year.

tea said...

@8:08 AM I didn't know that. Thanx. It's probably a good thing they are doing it.

Anonymous said...

Sure hope U feel better fast Sending U lots of love and positive energy Thinking of U
Really enjoy U

Love and light,

tea said...

@7:02 AM Generally speaking I agree with you and am all for scrolling on by but every now and then there is a deceitful post that needs addressed.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's the word on the street! He is too adorable for words! He is the nicest man that inspires me to be likewise. Sometimes that's difficult.
Much love to @Rose Petal and @Sue! It takes courageous to overcome sickness and courageous to overcome bad/no parenting. I feel your pain believe me. You are both ferocious in your love for Adam which I greatly admire.
Thank heavens we have our "life" with Adam to ease our troubles somewhat.
Take Care All>>>>nancdruuu2

glitzylady said...

Yikes, so sorry to hear this latest news. Wishes for a very speedy and complete recovery........

glitzylady said...

@Rose Petal
Strength and courage to you....

glitzylady said...

@tea 8:56 AM
I agree with you. Sometimes a comment is warranted. In my opinion, silence is not always golden......... In the case of blatant BS especially.

Anonymous said...

good to hear KC doing so well. I'll be seeing her and M5 next month near Cleveland. She is the one I really want to see. I have tickets for iHeart in Sept. also, so freaking excited. slots, Adam and texas holdem here I come.

Anonymous said...

does he think gaga is gorgeous? I can that is the case.

Anonymous said...

It's a relief to know that other big stars don't churn out an album every year. KC is lucky to be able to put out a greatest hits album. Hope Adam can do the same someday. KC crosses between country and pop, and once you're accepted in country, you're in good shape. It's a whole world unto itself. Hope Adam gets some good collabs in years to come. I don't think we need to get into panic mode about Adam. He's got new things cooking.

9:23, so jealous of you that you're going to the IHR show! Please report back with all the details.


Anonymous said...

This website has too many fans of others. It should be called fans of others bullying Adam Lambert 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Rose petal Adam would not agree with you, he preaches love. You can convey to your mother that you love her, but will not be in her life. This can be said kindly, you will live to regret it when she passes, that you turned from her with hate. Sure she was wrong, and a lousy mother, but don't carry that hate in your heart. Ask Adam, and he will tell you the same.

Anonymous said...

10:30 lol I have been trying to think of a name like that for a good while. My big question is why someone would have such a pathological need to live on the site of someone they don't like? even doing research on Adam. I believe it is an illness of some sort. JMO

Anonymous said...

10:34, you are assuming a lot. All Rose Petal said was that she told her mom no, not how she told her mom no. And I support her in making that difficult decision. When a parent has been abusive and/or neglectful you have a right to protect yourself which includes not letting them back in your life. You can tell them no with peace and love and send them on their way.

Anonymous said...

To the fans of others:

Whoever you are fans of, why don't you follow your favorites' careers since according to you they are doing better than Adam? Why do you come here to spread negative lies?

Seek mental help for your damaged brain!

Anonymous said...

To the fans of others:

Whoever you are fans of, why don't you follow your favorites' careers since according to you they are doing better than Adam? Why do you come here to spread negative lies?

Seek mental help for your damaged brain!

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments on this website are like yahoo or tmz comment sections. This is suppose to be all cheering fansite about Adam and his fans. Unfortunately it's not and somebody should do something about it. Website creator should have users to register and login with their facebook account since facebook only allows one account per user. I noticed a lot of websites doing this and I see a lot less bulling.

tea said...

@11:00 AM Isn't there another option besides Facebook. I don't do Facebook and I don't want to do Facebook.

leilani Aloha said...

Adam will do very well.
Smart & creative with tons of love & support from family, friends & glamberts!:)

dear Sue & Rose Petal, be strong, stay in the presence & love oneself. Peace & Light to both of U.
Be Happy!

Anonymous said...

I haven't bought any Gaga's or Katy's music. I like dance music and for me the artist's music is more important than image. Kelly Rowland is the only american female artist who's music I like and I consider worth buying.

Anonymous said...

tea, there are several options for signing in or being a registered user and anonymous comments could be held until approved. I don't know why the site owner doesn't do something to change the direction this site has gone. It is supposed to be a fan site and reads more like the comments at Perez Hilton's site. So many people have left because of the bullshit here. I go away for stretches of time because I can't always take all of the troll and hater comments. Wish it would change.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been on this site for weeks but the same few regulars whining about the anons commenting never changes. So I'll leave again, sigh.

Anonymous said...

One question. Why do you think the regulars never complained the Tommy's fans spewing their hateful shit on this site so much? Because they agree with them. Good bye for now.

Anonymous said...

@tea. Best thing about facebook is that facebook doesn't allow each user to open up more than one account. This prevents bullying on websites' comment sections. Helps websites to worry less to monitor comments.

But yes there are other options to login with your emails, twitter accounts, etc.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:31 AM

I don't support hate for anyone, and I'm a "regular". I don't support hate directed toward Tommy, or Sauli, and definitely hate toward Adam. Just for the record. I often just scroll past whole threads if the Bulls**t is too thick..... And sometimes speak out. Please don't put me or anyone else in a box....

Anonymous said...

LOL, I have three facebook accounts.

Anonymous said...

The fact that I can talked about this shows that maybe one day I'll get past the damage my patents did to me and my sister ....I don't love my mother ....she allowed my father to molest us and turned the othet cheek....cuz she had a new house and a new car to drive....he was my sister step father and they had to children together ...she acted if nothing was wrong ....then he divorced my mother and forced my 17 year old sister to marry him.... she signed the papers for a tidy cash payment......I'm pretty sure our Adam would be on my side on this one .... I know u mean no harm and were trying to help
I send peace light and love to u... .. rose petal

glitzylady said...

I have a Facebook acct and love it. I keep up with my friends and family.. and follow various other celebs, newsites, etc.. It's all in what you use it for, and what you make of it.. You can have a FB acct. and be friends with no one. I also have a twitter acct.. and only follow those you wish to follow. You can also block those you don't want following you. And I have a Google acct. that I use here. The Google acct is great because you can delete comments that you realize you made a mistake in etc..

I've chatted with the admin of 24/7 re registration of users. She prefers to leave it an open forum. And she occasionally deletes the truly ugly comments. It's her choice. I'd personally love to see a sign in for 24/7, but not my call. Wish it was :))

Anonymous said...

@rose petal
What a traumatic experience for you and your sister. If my mother did the things you describe I'm sure I could not forgive her. As a mother I cannot understand not putting ones children first and to not protect them is incomprehensible to me. I'm one of those lucky people who had a wonderful father and my dear mother who is 94 still worries about me more than about herself. My parents unconditional love sustained me through many difficult times and today I try and provide the same for my loved ones including this wonderful young man named Adam. I'm not here to judge him but to support him as he makes his way in an industry that is fraught with many ups and downs.


Anonymous said...

@10:42 You just repeated what I said. Read it again. Don't harbor hate in your heart, show love and move on. You will regret it later, if you don't. Her mother made huge mistakes, I think Adam would say forgive, love and move on. Feel sorry for any children or grand children who will only know she was a bad person and hated by her daughter forever. How sad, I guess some people are never forgiven for their sins.

Anonymous said...

Karma is a bitch and bulliers are cowards. My bullier at school shot himself when he was an adult after he had been diagnosed for cancer. I heard it was because the disease scared him.

Anonymous said...

Lol, adults who are still obsessing about what went down in high school need to get over it. And karma is bullshit.

Anonymous said...

@2:03 I'm not obsessing about anything. Besides I had forgiven him already when I was young. I'm guessing you don't want to know what happened to another bully. I heard about it just a couple of weeks ago..


Anonymous said...

2:03, some things that happen to us are just too traumatic to "get over." If not traumatic, they are things that just stick with us and we never forget them. It's not always possible to just move on.


Anonymous said...

Lol is nothing but a troll, all post from this person are negative, just ignore.

Anonymous said...

To Twitter Users - We should trend "Where Did The D Go?" in honor of Adam. lol

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal......JAK had to fight some battles to heal your damaged heart and you did it.......I'm proud of you. Don't let anyone interfere with your inner peace, what was it you said you were told to do....leave it by the stream or river? Am I even close? I thought it was good advice, it still is. You need that peace not only for yourself, but to show your children a healthy strong mom. Much luv...

Anonymous said...

Some people are so bad a second generation shouldn't be exposed to them to be damaged by them as well. Some people are truly evil, never change, and do not deserve to be forgiven.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:25 pm

Go join your fellow parishioners at Westboro Baptist and picket a soldiers funeral. I hope you will be forgiven for your insensitivity......JAK

Anonymous said...

kC has taken up to three years for new albums to come out. New one next year it be about three years from her main last album. She been in the business over twelve years. Putting out hits album, is easy there already recorded, that take no time. She been off Idol and in the business 3 times longer than Adam, so quite unfair to compare.

Anonymous said...

KC is riding on P!nks coattail and she is rewarded because of it. She knows it too cause she thanked her couple of times. There no one like Adam in the music business that's why the industry has hard time to box him coming off of TV talent show. His Trespassing album was work of art. Fresh and new. RCA failed to push his album so radios will play his songs. They put out very generic songs as his singles. From radio promos it was obvious he wanted Cuckoo as for his next single. Now what do we hear on the radio. Tons of funk songs from JT Pharrell Robin Thicke Bruno Mars etc. these songs sound a lot like Cuckoo Trespassing Kickin' In Pop That Lock Shady. Songs that Adam revived on his Trespassing album and the label failed to promote properly.

Anonymous said...

. Life's a bitch and then you die.

Anonymous said...

10-24 and anyone else who has given her "advice:" Don't preach to Rose Petal. You didn't walk in her shoes. I call my father "my sperm donor" because that is all he is to me. If and when he is too old to care for himself and comes to me for forgiveness I will forgive him, but I will not allow him to abuse my children so I will also tell him that my forgiveness requires that he leave me and my family completely alone. I can live with that, sleep peacefully at night and I only require forgiveness from God for my actions.

Adamluv said...

@rose petal - how dare anyone tell you or anyone else they must forgive someone. It is entirely a personal matter and IMO some actions in this world are unforgivable. yOU DO WHAT YOUR HEART AND CONSCIENCE DICTATE. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

We should all know by now that Adam does things in his own time. When he is ready to release this album, I'm sure it will be well worth the wait.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:25 p.m.......This is JAK .....when I came back to this site this morning I saw my post to you. I want to apologize for the snarky crack about Westboro, that's not my style . But I meant the insensitivity remark.

Anonymous said...

11:47 what is the point in having three FB. accounts?

glitzylady said...

You can have a personal "friends and family" Facebook acct., a "fan acct.", etc., a business acct.,...