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New Video: Adam Lambert at Evita club feb 2013

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 27, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 27, 2013

Instagram Video by @DavideLaffe: Vid I shot of @sutanamrull @realadamlambert acting a fool @evita_la


Anonymous said...

Why show it now? hat was Feb, 2013.

Anonymous said...

well I didn't see it in Feb. so I am enjoying it now.

Anonymous said...

10:25, because the person who took it is just sharing it now. It's cute so I'm glad to see it now. What is your problem?

Anonymous said...

Those two boys are prettier than the girl LOL! Adam enjoying himself for sure.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't know it was new for some people. :)

tea said...

Any opinions on what this means for Adam?

China has had enough of singing competitions thank you very much

(yes Adam is mentioned in the article)

Anonymous said...

I'll take little video snippet of Adam, old or new, thank you.

As to the article about singing shows in China, it says they have a problem with audience voting?? Too democratic, too "western." Oh well. I hope Adam continues to be welcome to perform in China. Audiences do love him there.


Anonymous said...

This is ott, but I know a handful of Tommycrays are very active in China causing trouble. How on earth do they think Tommy will get to perform in China without Adam???

Anonymous said...

Why do we have to see it at all? I really think it is necessary.
Let his private life stay private esp vids like these.

Anonymous said...

TJR is a joke as a musician and his cray cray fans need to reel it in. This cringe element of the fan base screws things up for Adam. Adam needs to get rid of TJR now.

Anonymous said...

I chose not to watch because I think a person should be able to party without the cameras filming it. I guess it's a cultural difference. In Europe cameras are not allowed in night clubs.

choons said...

I think it's a hoot - they know they're being filmed - playing and partying - it's all fun.

Anonymous said...

2:34 PM
Nasty Glambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam's stans will love this.

Anonymous said...

Does Sutan have a partner?

Detak detik said...

Nice! Thanks for sharing!