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Meaning of a Glambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, September 25, 2013


sue s. said...


Anonymous said...

Well said but to quote Adam ... 'it aint that deep'.

Magiclady said...

How true it is!
I love being a Glambert! I come here everyday to see what is happening in Adam's life, and love looking at his face!(and body) and listening to everything he says and of course everthing he sings...

Anonymous said...

very thoughtful !!

Anonymous said...

Thought provoking prose.

Anonymous said...

How nice!
I am a Glambert!

Anonymous said...

If this is "the guidebook", then I'm a fan and a Glambert - except I don't want him to be perfect, the Man can't help it, he almost is, he!!

C'moon, let's be honest!
Glambert does not see his face?! Like his body?! Think he's hawt?!
And a fan would not hear his VOICE?!

This "guide" would seriously diminish the number of Glamberts...and No need to make more boundaries, not even for fun.

I love the whole package that I lovingly call AFL (the F suits him to a tee every now and then!) - I embrace and accept it all with an open mind and a loving heart!

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, no boundaries.

Anonymous said...

If I think Adam is hot, I'm out? How precious. Not your club honey. Glamberts ain't deep. Just saying you are a Glambert is a tribute to the man, whatever it is we choose to like about him.

Anonymous said...

According to that I'm a Glambert and always have been.

Anonymous said...

This is a little self-indulgent.

Anonymous said...

Love the sentiments! I think some of them apply to some Glamberts and some to others. I'm a Glambert through and through. Can't help loving this beautiful man with his perfections and imperfections, just like the rest of us.


Anonymous said...

Has adam been working out? because his body is looking great!

Anonymous said...

When I read the poem, I thought there were contradictions like the first 2 lines....You see his face....I hear his voice....So it appears the Glambert does not see/appreciate his face much. But after giving it more thought, I feel the Glambert poet is saying she goes far deeper than just Adam's physical appearance; because she listens to his voice meaning Adam's inner thoughts and feelings apart from his singing. So she ends by saying as a Glambert she loves Adam deeper than an ordinary fan. But there is this line....You want him to be perfect....Seems a little condescending and sort of implicitly agrees Adam is not perfect because he's gay and not the ordinary meaning of not perfect, as in all of us are not. But the Glambert rectifies it by saying she wants Adam to be himself. Yea I sort of like this poem because it makes me try to figure out the Glambert's thought process. :)


Anonymous said...

Lam-my - you simply have to quit analyzing and critiquing other people's poetry. It's what they feel and what they want to say. Didn't you learn your lesson last time you did it? Do you want people to do the same to your poetry or prose? I'm sure you are a very nice person but can't you see it's rude?

Anonymous said...


V Camilleri said...

A GLAMBERT forever!

V Camilleri said...

A GLAMBERT forever!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Becca, V Camilleri and Glambert 3:39. Yes positive stronger than negative...very good. lwl!
