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New Adam Lambert Tweets: Samantha Ronson and Miley Cyrus

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

Awww, what are you waiting for Adam? Pack you bags and take your pretty ass to the love of your life - asap!

Anonymous said...

I agree nice ass...,and nice everything else ;);)..., rose petal

Anonymous said...

yaaas no question about it nice ass!

Anonymous said...

@1:41 PM, who might that be?

Anonymous said...

And do not forget to put on one dotted sock and one striped one because SK thinks that socks like that define the mr right. lololol

Anonymous said...

Adam should have been on stage a whole lot longer so Samantha could have worked her way up to his 'nice' vocals.

Anonymous said...

Miley might be a character but the general consensus is she can sing. Her new song is pretty good.

Anonymous said...

like samantha ronson- also like a bet miley cyrus except miley not really a good singer. washnt born a natural singer her sign scorpio-monkey year born nov.23-1992.

Anonymous said...

In the back of my mind I wondered if Adam was going to do or say something that would take the focus off his superb performance with Queen at the iHeart Radio Festival. It was a fleeting thought...., but now this tweet. Miley Cyrus....ugh

Anonymous said...

2:36, nice attempt at being a troll.

Anonymous said...

back that ass up AL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rose Petal, did you get fired yet?

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam doesn't have sympathy for Miley because of the negative stuff coming at her. She doesn't need it. All these things she's doing is getting her even more fame, money, popularity and in demand. She doesn't need any one to defend her.

Anonymous said...

@2:59 PM old news, try to keep up

Anonymous said...

Well, regarding Adam's tweet to Miley, I agree she did make an emotional connection to me as well.
What gets me is how generous Adam is to other "artists". How can one person be so sweet, humble, kind, hot, talented, handsome, etc, etc. He is one in a billion.>>nancdruuu2
p.s.I also agree with Samantha about his other asset.

Anonymous said...

Miley's voice is average at best. But that doesn't prevent her from selling millions. Sad reality.

Loving Adam's ass! And the rest of his as well.


Anonymous said...

DRG, why do you have to put down another artist? You claim to love all these qualities about Adam that we should emulate but you don't do that yourself.

Anonymous said...

Rose Petal got fired?!

Anonymous said...

I'm a little irritated that Adam is complementing Miley..she is such a train wreck (on a wrecking I have to admit that I think she has a good voice..the jury is out as to whether or not her shenagins will work in her favor..they did not for is working to get her attention and can be so crazy...

Anonymous said...

He has been working out and IT SHOWS!!! He always looked good but that ass, those legs.....he is so beyond sexy!!! The sexiest man alive because he has SO MUCH going on!!!
He has IT ALL!!!!!
Man, that ass though!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank You Samantha Ronson for your tweet allowing us the freedom to speak our admiration, letting it all hang out. :)

Anonymous said...

Whoa 3:48 - tell it girl...all I know is I'd give almost anything to squeeze that sweet little ass of his, along with the rest (all the rest) of his body...oh my..

Anonymous said...

What kind of a person is irritated when somebody compliments somebody else? 3:22, take a look at yourself.

Anonymous said...

3:59 - let me explain..he is giving props to a girl who simulated masturbastion, who sang totally naked on a wrecking ball, etc. and just now I'm hearing on ET about her glorifying drug use...I just do not consider her to be a role model..even tho, as I said, she can sing..and all this is garnering her massive amount of cash..he already defended her performance at the VMA's..Adam almost destroyed his fledging career back in '09..thank God he didn't..I love him unconditionally..but that does not mean that on occasion I don't totally approve of what he does/says..and I am entitled to my opinion

Anonymous said...

I actually really like Miley's song Wrecking Ball,just don't care for the video with her swinging naked from one. Now Adam's ass etts are perfect!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....if rose petal gets fired I'm adopting her....I need another daughter.

Anonymous said...

Adam's ass is just one of his many assets!


Anonymous said...

4:07, so you don't approve of Miley. Why think Adam needs to share your opinion or act the way you want him to act? He gets his opinion too.

4:08, so Adam's ass is ok because it is covered but Miley's is not ok even though you can't see anything?

Anonymous said...

4:07, so you don't approve of Miley. Why think Adam needs to share your opinion or act the way you want him to act? He gets his opinion too.

4:08, so Adam's ass is ok because it is covered but Miley's is not ok even though you can't see anything?

Anonymous said...

I don't approve of a 20 yr. old girl engaging in such a vulgar display on national TV..does NOT mean I don't respect Adam's opinion, to which he is certainly entitled..and Adam's ass is beyond OK...discussion closed

Anonymous said...

Miley has depth as an artist. I would invite you fellow AML fans to look into her a little further, behind the headlines. Take a look/see at her "Look What They Done To My Song" performance at IHR, or YT it and look at the lyrics and listen to her recorded version. There's something very "Adam-esque" in thought-process there imho. She isn't a conformist. I admire that. (I do wish she'd not dabble in the drug references in her lyrics as she must accept where her original fanbase came from, she can not detach herself fully from that young age group... but other than the drug references, I think what she is trying to say is a valid sentiment). I still keep tight controls on my younger tween where Miley, and LOTS of pop music is concerned (that is MY job as a parent, not hers), but I enjoy talking with my older teen about Miley's journey and current music. For example, "Wrecking Ball" vid nudity speaks to vulnerability etc. Of course there is a salacious side to it too, I'm not that foolish, but it's deeper imho also. Miley is a free spirit, a non-conformist. If we are willing to enjoy that aspect of Adam's personality, perhaps we should at least open our hearts to trying to understand the place that Miley's currently in. I don't know Adam any more than what he has offered in the public domain for us to learn about him, but he has offered a lot in that way, and I would venture to guess that he would invite his fans to look beyond the headlines where Miley is concerned. And I happen to love that twang in her voice. Just my POV. Peace.

daydreamin said...

That's just crude talking about Rose Petal that way. I don't care what she did-that's just not nice. I hope everything worked itself out for the better Rose Petal.

Anonymous said...

4:25, so well said.

Anonymous said...

4:20, LOL, vulgar to you. But yet you complained about Adam expressing his opinion, OK. Double standards.

Anonymous said...

All the Miley fans saw Adam's tweet so that is a good thing to me.

glitzylady said...

I like Miley's new song "Wrecking Ball" . And saw her sing it publicly live for the first time at The Village at iHeart. And on the live feed that night. While you wouldn't catch me swinging on a wrecking ball naked (not to mention scantily clad) nor would anyone WANT too see that ;))) I do think the music vid was certainly "artistic" and while she was presumably nude briefly during a few scenes, she wasn't showing anything "vital". She is still young and finding her own identity in the music world. I thought the VMA performance was a bit poorly thought out and perhaps not completely the best idea. But then again, her new song is doing very well. I suspect Adam, for one, feels a little bit of kinship with Miley. And for all of her notoriety she must be doing something right because her song has done very very well for sure. Hoping for the best for Miley.... Life is a learning experience that's for sure...

Anonymous said...

Excuse me dear!!:)@2:33 PM,

If Miley was born Nov. 23, she is not a Scorpion.....

Scorpion can sing baby we are natural singers he!he! I'm a Scorpion and year of the dragon!!:)

Scorpion rocks!!!

Please check her sign correctly!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Of course Glitzy saw Miley perform live for the first time.

Anonymous said...

@2:36 PM

In my opinion, if I am understanding what you are trying to say; what a stupid think to say; most people can concentrate on more than one thing at a time. Anyone who would like or dislike or be distracted from Adam's great talent, because he liked the work of another artist; then he does not need that kind of idiotic person following him anyway. Adam is not responsible for other artist's actions; only for his own.

Apparently, it has not hurt Miley herself that much; cover of popular fashion magazines; top selling album; people talking. Evidently, that is what she wanted to get some buzz for her new record; it might work, it might not. But, not Adam's problem.

Adam is a grown man and can like or praise any song of any artist, he wants if it appeals to him. Unlike you, Adam is not a person who is judgemental of other artist for expressing themselves through their performance; One thing for sure, Adam is not a hypocrite.

So if you are going to judge Adam by the different artist he likes, better follow someone else.

Adam is going to like and follow who he wants; opinions of others be damn in that regards.

By the way; his superb performance with Queen from IHeart stands, can't take that away from him. Have to go listen again. Have a great evening fellow Glamhoppers!

Anonymous said...

3:14, You're right. I don't always practice what I preach. Good that you called me on it. I agree with 4:57 and glitzy. 4:57, I was about to say something similar to your post. Tweets among celebrities get their names seen by other huge fanbases. We sometimes wonder why Adam tweets other artists so much with praise. Well, the other artists' fans see Adam's tweets and his name is in thir minds, at least for a while. Not a bad way to network. Glitzy, I agree that Adam probably does feel a kinship with Miley. She is no longer Hannah Montana. She wants to break out of that persona and she might just be going overboard in her attempt to re-define herself. Adam has changed his persona, too, and is trying to find his way in a crowded, cutthroat, competitive business. I guess he feels what she's going through. My 3:06 post was snarky, I'll admit. But I don't think Miley is a particularly great singer, but she's fine for what she's doing. Guess my frustration is showing when I witness Adam's struggles, esp. when his voice is so outstanding.


Anonymous said...

Why oh why are some people so judgmental. Must be a lot of saints on this earth.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is so beautiful, enough said!

Anonymous said...

AT: 6:00 PM

Very well said; I totally agree with you. I wish people would learn to be more tolerant.

Anonymous said...

don't get all the admiration for MC. the girl can't sing her ass out of a wet paper sack. the Lambert buttocks should have a place in the Smithsonian.

Anonymous said...

Yes, she can... Look into it y don't you

Anonymous said...

Adam wants some Miley

Jadam NZ said...

Miley can sing. Adam was complimenting her performance, nothing else. I agree with him. All the other stuff not too keen on but she will sort it out.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps she's lashing out after her break-up with Liam.

Anonymous said...

4:24 Her disgusting VMA performance was the cause of her break-up with Liam. He left her to hang in the wind. Smart boy.

Anonymous said...

And who is Liam? Apart an ex-....
Some of us don't follow all the gossip rags... sorry.