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Quote of The Day: "I wish Freddie was around..."

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 23, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

No doubt

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful face indeed!!!:)

Full of soul!!!!



Anonymous said...

Aww, I'm gonna get weepy again. The photos of Adam and Brian looking at each other so fondly and the one of Adam hugging Roger already nearly 'done me in'.

Face it.........Brian and Roger are Glamberts!.........JAK

Anonymous said...

This Man does wonders...
- with that VOICE!!!
- with that look!!!
- with those eyes!!!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful ethereal picture of Adam, captioned with equally moving words. Yea I feel Brian's sentiment and I used the same word, awe, just yesterday to describe Brian's expression after Adam sang Who Wants To Live Forever. This song must have brought back deep, heartfelt memories and the others too. I missed my favourite, I Want To Break Free, just a little. Lovely face framed with touching words.


Anonymous said...

Awwww does not begin to cover this...
Nothing does.
Just too much...too much!

Anonymous said...

Let's have it as featured picture for couple of days 24/7 Admin. Breath taking. Beautiful. Thanks Dr. Brian May!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dr. Brian May for your beautiful words about Adam. Love you and Roger for your great support of Adam and your own wonderful talent. The picture of Adam is so very breathtaking. No words..>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Is there any higher praise? It's really something when artists of the caliber of Brian, Roger and Nile are awe struck by the incredible voice of Adam Lambert.

I can't stop watching the whole iHeart performance over and over again.........WWTLF was magical. Adam was on fire!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


Yes,I totally agree!

Can't get back to RL since returning home from Vegas. I'm rewatching vids and processing all the magic I saw. Just no words.


Anonymous said...

Eyes baby eyes!

Anonymous said...

"If you get this picture keep in the frame."

So beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have missed more than a day or so of Adam since Idol.

I think I am addicted; not looking for a cure.

Anonymous said...

That's very generous and kind of Dr. May to spell the truth about Adam and this comes as no surprise because Queen has confidence in its own power to make music magical. Queen and Adam are a perfect match; perfect symbiosis there. Put another way: Brian May and Roger Taylor are the best and they found the best in Adam.

Anonymous said...

@CT .........lucky you! Can you write a recap of what you saw, heard and experienced at iHeart.


Anonymous said...

AL was around 9 when Freddy died. I bet AL never imagined he would be fronting QUEEN at the age of 31.So damn funny how fate plays with us all. FM would have been honored.

Anonymous said...

Breath taking, every time I watch the video I just get chills.


Anonymous said...

What all of you here have said. Ditto.


Jadam NZ said...

Ditto, ditto, ditto. Breathtaking.
I can not find any new words, the last few days have been wonderful. I hope Adam is on an even bigger high than we are.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thought from Brian May. Both he and Roger have such a deep respect and admiration for Adam as he does for them. Queen and Adam were a perfect match and Adam blew the roof off that stage. WWTLF was so beautiful that he gave me the chills as Adam sang it. This performance had to have been one of the best nights of Adam's career. And to anon @ 7:01PM, I think I am addicted also. There is always some part of my day that I save for Adam Lambert and watching the video from the Queenbert concert has become my new obsession. Adam must feel so good after hearing and reading all the positive comments from so many about the amazing show he had with Queen. He certainly deserves every single one of them.

Anonymous said...

This was so beautiful for Brian to say and how that must make Adam feel. So true,I am amazed at Adam's performance and keep watching,getting little else done. WWTLF was gorgeous, and I loved Crazy Little Thing Called Love with his sexy lower register,that part of his vocal is getting stronger. We know he can hit all the high notes,but very sexy when he sings in a low key.

Anonymous said...

Darn, such a beautiful right to the heart comment to make! Brings tears to the eyes. Adam is a genius entertainer and the cream of the industry have acknowledged him justly. Like a dream come true ....I can only begin to imagine the joy our beloved Adam must feel right now!

Anonymous said...

What an honor!!!!!!!!!!!

choons said...

How amazing for Brian and Roger to have known and performed with the two best singers and personalities in pop music!! unbelieveable. And to realize that they would have got along and admired each other. Karma.

Anonymous said...

S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G !!!

Anonymous said...


" I am addicted; not looking for a cure."
With your permission, can I borrow that line?
Will be using it to whoever eye rolls!

Anonymous said...

Any by the way, bloggers, that you so much for your neat comments. I look forward to reading them each morning!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So happy for Adam and for us.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing u aren't looking for a cure ... there's not one....once u catch the Adam bug your in for a long haul.....rose petal

Anonymous said...

I liked Adam from the start, but my heart skipped a few beats when he sang "Satisfaction" and did that chest roll. yowza.

Thanks Dr. Bri for extending your hand to Adam and for your praise of him. It means so much.