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Adam Lambet is Proud of Kay Renee

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 21, 2013

Posted at : Monday, October 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

Love how sweet Adam is so supportive!
Kay Renee has a lovely voice.

Anonymous said...

He is so supportive of all family, friends and other artists!

Anonymous said...

He is just a gem. Love this song. Kay Renee looks very pretty. Really like the video too.

Anonymous said...

Really repetitive lyrics but she looks great. Nice of Adam to tweet this.

Anonymous said...

very proud of Kay Renee too!! A hard working talented girl.

Anonymous said...

Adam is really good friend. I think nobody else would support such a boring MV w/sh... lyrics. By the way, sorry, but I think that KR looks terrible. As I remember she lost some weight few months ago. And she gained it back. IMO she is too young to give up and stop dieting and exercising.

Anonymous said...

oK I just got the song from iTunes but could not find the video.

Anonymous said...

6:54, mind your own weight business. You have no idea what is going on with her.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:54 PM....gee, I wonder why she didn't think of that? Diet and exercise. Such a simple solution, why are there so many people in this country overweight when the solution is so simple? Because it's HARD TO DO. Damn near impossible. Those fat cells want to stay just like they are and your body conspires against you. She doesn't look terrible, she has a pretty face and is well groomed, she's just overweight. It's not a crime. My sister is her size, we live in the same house, eat the same food, ride our bikes, walk miles and my metabolism keeps me slim, hers does not. It's heartbreaking to see her try to lose weight.

Anonymous said...

@8:51 are you sure your sister isn't eating secretly. Self-deception or lack of self-discipline. We all do that sometimes. I'm not the person you answererd. Weight doesn't matter, if oneself is ok with it. People can be very rude to thin people too.

Anonymous said...

9:12, that was a really rude reply. There are many factors in metabolism and you have no idea what is going on with 8:51's sister. I bet 8:51's sister is very grateful to have such a supportive sister. Glad you aren't her sister.

Anonymous said...

@9:53 Whatever you say. If you say it's the metabolism, then it is.

Anonymous said...

10:16, they said you don't know what is going on. Do you have trouble reading too?

Anonymous said...

@11:36 I say whatever. Why is this so important to you?

Anonymous said...

I like Keisha though. She has a good voice.

Anonymous said...

LOL, somebody is rude and wrong and sensitive about it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I actually LOVE this track! All vocals are great, and KR sounds sublime. Good on 'ya girl

Anonymous said...

I really liked Kay Renee's voice and loved how she dressed. Those big flowing dresses just didn't work. She's a fluffy girl! The cute top she has on that flares out at the waist looks good on her. I wasn't going to stop and listen but, you know what? She's pretty good! Thanks Adam for sending this to us!

Anonymous said...

Wonder why she's changed her name from Keisha to Kay???

Anonymous said...

K.Renee.....not so far to jump, makes sense.