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One Word: Handsome!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 11, 2013

Posted at : Friday, October 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

O lordy, a plethora of eye candy. The second pic has sent my fantasizing to another level.

Anonymous said...

Best pic of all these is the bottom left pic in the first photo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is fabulous!
However, how come he looks upset on most of these photos?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS pictures of Adam. I like the fact that he doesn't seem to have on any makeup. He looks healthy, relaxed and so stylish. This is the Adam I like the best...more mature, confident and classy. These pictures just made my evening for me.

Anonymous said...

To anon at 5:33PM-Upset, what do you mean upset? He looks fine...happy and relaxed. These are some of the best recent pictures I have seen of Adam.

Anonymous said...

SHOES!!!!!!! I want to get these shoes!Adam, you look GLAMTASTIC!

Anonymous said...

I've said it many times, but I'll say it again: Adamgasm!


Anonymous said...

5:41, Don't take 5:33's bait. Adam looks fine.

glitzylady said...

Another word: VERY

Anonymous said...

He is so beautiful....

Anonymous said...

Adam looks gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

My own son is a very tall, slim, strikingly handsome man. He lives in South Beach, Florida, where fashion is the highest number on one's daily diet. This look that Adam has is the way that these young, highly successful men in South Beach dress and the women just eat it up! Clean shaven, high shiny pompadours swept back, designer suits and designer shoes a must, topped off with Tom Ford cologne. When I saw these pics of Adam, I said, "be still my heart"! My favorite look in the world on my Rock God. I also loved his masculine all leather outfit which he wore in Kiev, Ukraine, with Queen. Adam is like a fine wine. He has to be smelled, swished, slightly swirled, slowly sipped and slurped to the last drop! I will now stop-far too much disclosure. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Hey Margarita Lady, no need to stop...I was enjoying it! Just when I think that man can't get any sexier he proves me wrong. Is your son single and willing to relocate to Wisconsin? Oh yeah....maybe that won't work out so well, seeing how I'm married. Lol

Anonymous said...

Amen 5:37 pm! I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

I would like to bite his chin!!!:)

I know he is yummy indeed!!!!:)


Anonymous said...

@8:10 PM, well, my daughter wanted me to throw in at the end of the prose, "then the entire crystal ball to be succulently licked", but I told her I was going for all "s's" for effect, and lick starts with an "l", therefore I stopped! Glad you enjoyed my little fantasy, and, BTW, my gorgous son finally got snagged last year by a beautiful Asian woman, and when the two of them go out on the town, their staggering beauty is something to behold. I sometimes have to pinch myself that I birthed such a knock out son, but, the most important thing, he has a heart of gold, and gives so much back to society. He does hours of pro bono work at his law firm and supports a number of charities, which includes an orphanage. Just like our Adam gives back to the world-this is so very important! Margarita Lady

daydreamin said...

Margarita Lady your son sounds like quite the catch! I LOVED that leather outfit too. I also love the black and gold leather trespassing jacket too:)

Anonymous said...

He has so much Botox its difficult for him to smile

Anonymous said...

Hey finally, my "handsome Adam" phrase hits the site headline. lol! I've referenced him as handsome Adam perhaps 4 years already. Oh I notice he's wearing Sing 'Depression' shoes, so these could be photos of him as a recent presenter where he stood backstage for a long complaints about aching feet as in the studded beautiful boots. So never judge footwear by its cover. lol! Fits pretty snugly, I mean the analogy.

Margarita Lady
Congratulations on your handsome son's success in his endeavours. I too have a son, average looks and height, wouldn't call him dashing but being a computer geek and running his own computer comapany with 2 partners...his brain is more handsome in that aspect. And this reminds me of an old incident; our pet rabbit had thick crust on its nose; and I was away at work. He was just 10 years old...he put the sick rabbit in a box and walked 5 miles to the nearest vet. He could have taken a cab or bus but he didn't dare to do that without me. Yea he's much like that to this day; U graduate in computer science. I also have a daughter, tall, slim, U graduate/BA honours.
Hey Magarita Lady we seem to make a couple of compatible chat buddies; we have quite a lot in common. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Hey there, Lam-my. How lovely to learn about your children. The story of the sick rabbit and your son is so touching-what a special person your son must be. I, also, have a daughter, she is rather well known in the academic world and highly sought after for her knowledge in micro economics. She made her home overseas in Jerusalem, Israel, with an incredible job there, but, in year 2011, President Barack Obama needed a top notch micro economist for his administration, and who did they pick, my daughter. The Obama administration moved her and her family from Israel to Washington, DC, and gave her a two year contract. They were so impressed with her work that when Obama got reelected in November, 2012, they extended my daughter's contract and now she will be in Washington, DC, until August 1, 2015. Sounds like you and I really lucked out on the children. My husband and I always taught both of them that monetary success is wonderful, but to be charitable would be their greatest gift to the world. And they are. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Your daughter could run for President some day! And we would have a celebrity Mom on our site. lwl! Especially now, they need a brilliant micro-economist. lwl!


Anonymous said...

adam looks fabulous!i have never seen such a beauty in my life:) india glambert:)

Anonymous said...

This is the look for mr grey in 50 shade of grey.Tall,hendsome and classy.@8:57 pm i like your happy coz he has plenty money to pay dermatologist to take care his skin.

Anonymous said...

@5:33 PM Upset? If you look Adam's eyes he looks pleased enouhg even if he is not smiling mouth open.

Anonymous said...

Already missing the facial hair. It looks sexy, particularly under his chin, but I guess it must be a burden to dye it every week.

Anonymous said...

8:57, is that what it is? Something is subtly different lately.

Anonymous said...

For the first time I'm getting what some of you have been saying about how thin he is. I'm sick in bed so decided to watch my Glamnation and Kiev Queenbert DVDs. I was struck by his hunk body, not heavy just an armful. Then I saw these photos. He is deff thinner than I've seen him in 4+ years. Not skinny, just fashionably svelte.

I like the way he looks now, but I also liked the Kiev black leather shiny thunder thighs, I think I made my temp. go up.

Anonymous said...

I don't miss Adam's facial hair. He's far more handsome, sexy and classy without it.

Anonymous said...

GQ anyone

Anonymous said...

GQ cover for Adam is absolutely right. What are they waiting for? Someone should send these pics of Adam to them so they can see what they are missing.

Anonymous said...

So many looks . . . always surprising me . . . he's my walking art show

Anonymous said...

8:57 PM @ 2:35 AM

Same troll answering itself since everyone ignored it; it runs from site to site spreading the same botox lie. It is known as the botox troll. It can't stand the amazing beauty of Adam Lambert. Sorry fellow Glamberts; just had to say it. Now back to ignoring it.

Anonymous said...

In these pictures he reminds me of jfk's son john very much a resemblence. handsome and yummy!

Anonymous said...

6:25, no I'm 2:35 and I didn't post the comment at 8:57 so there are at least two of us who think something looks different. Maybe it's just all the weight he has lost. Whatever it is, he looks a little different.

Anonymous said...

4:59 AM
Totally agree! I love this look and don't miss Melvin a bit. His beautiful face and lips are now seen better and he looks younger w/o facial hair.

Anonymous said...

@2:35 AM @ 6:57 AM

Ok, you are not the botox troll at 8:57 PM; just don't encourage it; careful who you identify with.

You are right, Adam does look more beautiful each day as he matures, doesn't he? Good on you for recognizing this man's ever growing beauty. He is gorgeous inside and out!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam looks different because he is working with a trainer as he becomes more svelte and toned. Also, seeing him without the facial hair and any makeup does give him a better appearance in my opinion. Adam does look more mature and classy as someone previously said. He is like a chameleon, everchanging and always keeping us interested. If you look up the word handsome or gorgeous in a Thesaurus, Adam's picture should be next to it. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

very handsome adam lambert perfect body-good shape and good feature-face;
p;s under barack obama usa is bankrupt- i always like bill clinton economy -clinton era.

Anonymous said...

anon 6:25 you are not ignoring the comments. if you were you wouldn't be commenting back on them.

Anonymous said...

chi ching.

Anonymous said...

@ 9 :04 AM. Under Barack Obama the very handsome Adam has the right to marriage equality with same federal rights.

PS ... You're right about Bill Clinton. The first Democratic president in 12 years pulled the economy from a Republican deficit of 290 billion dollars up to a 120+ billion surplus during his 8 years. It was the longest peacetime economic recovery in US history. And then along came George. After getting us into 2 wars and his economic disastrous policies we were back in debt over our heads. The last day of the Republican Bushs term in office the deficit was 1.4 trillion dollars, banks were failing and the housing market was a disaster. Under the Democratic President Obama the federal deficit has been reduced by half. Look it up!
BTW. The debt and deficit are two different things.