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Hollywood Reporter: Adam Lambert Returns to the Hot 100

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, November 18, 2013

Posted at : Monday, November 18, 2013

‘NIGHT’ TIME: Adam Lambert doesn’t have a new album out yet but he does return to the Billboard charts this week, thanks to his cover of Lady Gaga’s “Marry the Night,” the song he performed on last week’s “Glee,” which featured songs by Lady Gaga as well as Katy Perry in the episode, “A Katy or a Gaga.”

The original version of “Marry the Night” by Lady Gaga peaked at No. 29 on the Hot 100 in the summer of 2011. Lambert’s remake debuts at No. 39 on the Pop Digital Songs chart.



Anonymous said...

Great that he is doing another concert before the New Year's Eve one at Winstar. Happy Adam is on the hot 10 chart with MTN,that was an amazing performance and vocal!

Anonymous said...

The featured Adam picture of the day is making me drool! That's one gorgeous picture of Adam,want to use it as my screensaver!But I'll just be staring at my computer all day lol.

Jadam NZ said...

What great news!! This is what exposure does. So happy for him.
I listened to Trespassing again the other day after not listening to it for few weeks. (Been listening to MTN and his Queen songs) and once again realized how truelly wonderful it is.
I sure hope it does have a revival.

Anonymous said...

Admin, that Hollywood Reporter title is wrong. Someone just seeing that title would think that Adam is on the Hot 100 singles chart. He is not. MTN is on Pop Digital Songs chart. On the Hot 100 right now, #39 is "White Walls" by Macklemore and #29 is "Sweater Weather" by The Neighbourhood.

Jadam said...

Oh Well does it matter? Its still doing well and being talked about, so I'll take it.

Anonymous said...

very nice.

glitzylady said...

Let's just enjoy this for the great news it is :)))))))))

Because it IS great news....

Anonymous said...

YAY glad to hear about another concert add on.

Anonymous said...

It's a cover he can't go all around doing promotion if he could it would probably be higher than that. It got to 29 for GAGA with huge promotion. So with just singing it one time on Glee and its not his song to promote its done great. With a one time sing on Glee which is great exposure for Adam is doing great. Being that high digital a cover that's terrific.
Why is it necessary to go from post to post to tell about the billboard thing.
It's certainly done better than any other song from that episode. Some have hailed it as the best cover from Glee ever. Adam appearances on Glee have already done wonders I expect with at least couple more episodes this year he will do even better.
Seems some people immediately want to throw cold water on everything true or not just rushing to let everyone know.
Last night right after the china awards nomination were announced someone just had to break there neck to get here and say I want him to win but competition to tight. Never count him out in China. He was nominated and won favorite international artist in Asia last year. Plus performed and won other things. GAGA has new album out so sure she competition plus others but Adam is also a force to recon with or he would not been nominated for this in the first place.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let's just take him all way to moon when he appears again on Glee on Thu. 11/28.

Watch it live on TV with our loved ones in celebration of Thanksgiving.

Giving Thanks to all the good things coming in 2014.

Anonymous said...

For a total of 6 songs on Billboard Hot Top 100 songs. Yay for Adam.

Anonymous said...

'American Idol' on the Charts: Adam Lambert Returns to the Hot 100 With a Lady Gaga Song

‘NIGHT’ TIME: Adam Lambert doesn’t have a new album out yet but he does return to the Billboard charts this week, thanks to his cover of Lady Gaga’s “Marry the Night,” the song he performed on last week’s “Glee,” which featured songs by Lady Gaga as well as Katy Perry in the episode, “A Katy or a Gaga.”

The original version of “Marry the Night” by Lady Gaga peaked at No. 29 on the Hot 100 in the summer of 2011. Lambert’s remake debuts at No. 39 on the Pop Digital Songs chart.

Lambert made his Billboard chart debut the week of June 6, 2009, when eight of the songs he performed on American Idol all made their first appearances. Four of them bowed on the Hot 100 and four more entered the Bubbling Under the Hot 100 list. The highest-ranked was a cover of “Mad World,” which peaked at No. 19. The following year, Lambert had a bigger hit on the Hot 100 when “Whataya Want from Me” sailed to No. 10.

Counting back to his 2009 debut, Lambert’s chart span is now expanded to four years, five months and two weeks.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

I hope we haven't heard the last of the song LMD from the Avicii album. That is some good stuff.

Anonymous said...

@1:43 It's not that big a deal. I just pointed out something that was misleading to people. I don't think it's a positive thing for Adam's fans to run with something that isn't true and start posting all over the internet that Adam made the Hot 100 chart, only to be laughed at.
I think what is happening for Adam right now with Glee is great.

Anonymous said...

@12:54PM The HR title isn't wrong. MTN Adam's version made it to BB Top Hot 100 songs. It's position probably isn't 39 but MTN Adam's version made it to Hot 100.

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to be in studio for everything except his own music. Now he has a few concerts, with covers and his old music. I know you will say he said himself he is working a new album, you are quite gullible about anything Adam says. If his tongue was notarized I wouldn't really believe him. Where is the proof, just one teeny tiny ounce of proof he has at least one song he is working on.

Anonymous said...

He is not obligated to anyone to show proof of what he is doing.

Show us on ounce of proof your not a troll!!!

Anonymous said...

Yahoo hasn't corrected their title but The Hollywood Reporter has:

'American Idol' on the Charts: Adam Lambert Returns With a Lady Gaga Song

The season eight runner-up covers "Marry the Night" for "Glee" and debuts on the Pop Digital Songs tally.

It is worth pointing out the error because it does not serve Adam well to have his fans saying he made the Hot 100 when he didn't. Fans just look stupid making claims that aren't true. It doesn't lessen Adam's success to keep the record straight.

Please give the original story on THR some hits.

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed it didn't enter in the top 10 at least. Incredible vocals and performance on Glee.

Anonymous said...

Of course he is obligated to prove that he is working on his new album, prove it or shut up about it. Don't keep telling lies about it. It would be better not to string along his fans, He basicly tells what the reporters want to hear, and they pass it on to us. Yes he is obligated to his fans, this is not about his private life, it is his public life.

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't obligated to show us anything. If you don't like it, move along and find something better to do with your life than trolling a fan site.

glitzylady said...

Does the word "Entitled" perhaps describe a couple of comments I'm seeing here??? Thinking so...

Anonymous said...

I'm just happy that Adam's career is spinning everywhere!!!:)

I don't care what people think he is the best indeed!!!:)


Anonymous said...

If the word entitled sounds better, then I will use it. He is a professional singer, with world wide success, and our money has made him a millionaire. I don't care if he is not ready to work on his 3rd album, but stop lying to us about always being in the studio working on it. He has been saying this for a year now, and where is the proof, that we are entitled to.Like it or not his public career is our business. We are the ones keeping him in his luxurious life style. If he would just say, he is having a hard time getting his songs written, or put to music, we would understand. He is possibly going thru a dry spell, it happens.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see Adam on Glee 11/28. So happy that he is getting positive feedback from the media and new fans.

Anonymous said...

Whenever is the right time we'll know. Timing is everything for perfect final product or in his case music.

Anonymous said...

pm and 4:31pm - I think if you go back and look at interviews and what Adam has said, it always comes to be that yes, those were songs that were worked on several mos in the passing. Most singers takes mos or years to do an album. We have seen pics from the studio this year, but you need at least 15 or so songs, maybe more to put an album together. maybe you would just like to speed it up, fine, just like FYE, but to say that he is not working on music just seems like BS/negativity.

Anonymous said...

You can go to his upcoming concert and ask him about it at M&G.

Anonymous said...

Demi Lovato was suppose to be on the veiw today I missed it due to power outage,I wondered if she mentioned Adam or Glee.

Anonymous said...

Here are my thoughts on Adam's "new" music. I have never really thought of Adam as a songwriter as much as a singer/entertainer. I think as fans, you should lighten up on the new record. It is extremely hard for anyone, even big name artists, to have a hit album. Just be happy with what is happening in Adam's career right now. He is working, being seen, and getting good reviews for his performances.

Anonymous said...

this site is a riot I am glad I check in from time to time. What catches my eye today is the troll at 4:36 laughing inappropriately at troll 4:31 comment. Where do these loons come from?

Anonymous said...

@5:13 PM I thought they were with you.

Anonymous said...

I think you said it very well, and I agree with you. Adam has always used collaborators because that is not his specialty. You said it he is a singer and an entertainer. He needs to stop stringing us along about his new album, he might not have too many people interested in writing songs for him now, since he doesn't have a label yet, or a manager. He did well with Glee, but of course that was another cover. The real money as we all know is in touring, and all the A-listers will tell you that. Kinda hard without any new songs. Not even talking a bout a whole album, just a single or two.

Anonymous said...

Since when does laughing at a troll make you a troll?

Anonymous said...

It's Lol if not it is its evil twin HAHA. 4.31 and the rest of your BS posts.
When did Ellen D. Become a reporter? No she not she a popular talk host that has millions of viewers.
Adam did the second show primarily to tell his fans and others that he is working on new music along with other things about his music.
He did that to let his fans and new fans that are coming in from Glee know that.
Adam is no liar and he certainly was not going on a talk show and say that about new music if it was not true.
He owes you nothing and I suspect you contributed very little to his wealth. Most was made at concerts. I really doubt your a fan if you are your not much if one .
Just save your money for that other idol you always try and push down our throats. He needs it much worse.
Before all I heard was he would have come out and said it if he was working on new music.
Guess what he did. That's why it went on a talk show to let everyone know that he is doing new music, even tho he had already said so.
Now he has stated very clearly he is working on new music on a very popular talk show in front of millions and you still pretend to doubt him.
Well tough stuff if you think Adam a liar and all that crap move on to another singer Entertainer they you trust. Because he sure does not need fans like you. Life will go on just swell without you .
Sometimes next year will probably get a single off the new upcoming album sure you will still come up with some other crap.
If you think Adam a liar and all that please move on because I have all the faith in the world in him, yes I know I am naive ect, ect. I will be glad to make up any bit of money you would have spent on Adams stuff most likely it's zero. But if you actually have spent any ill make it up really tired of your constant nonsense and it is just that. Your not going any where unless your kick off of here, your just here to make trouble and you thrive on it. If your not lol your just another troll just like it.

Anonymous said...

I believe 4.36?was stating that is the trolls lol post. Above it.

Anonymous said...

What he said on Ellen's show was a memorized speech, he says everywhere.

Anonymous said...

I do believe he said not only was he talking to couple of labels wheels were turning he said he was talking to Big producer. If you did not think of Adam as a song writer you don't Know his music at all.
Trespassing was primarily written by Adam and it was very good.
Nile's and Avicii have said he a great song writer and a phenomenal singer I believe I'll listen to them their much smarter.
I doubt he having all that much trouble getting people to work with him especially after Glee and even before. He got many friends that respect him in the industry some he written for himself such as Niles.

Anonymous said...

The negative commenter made it clear that he/she likes to get frenzy with his/her comments. Wished Admin delete his/her IP address.

Anonymous said...

5.40 stuff it it was no memorized speech at all. Never heard him say that before Admin. administrator pleas clean up the comment section same trolls over and over. This planned negativity not suppose to be tolerated. I suspect same person posting and answering himself over and over.
All of what you people are saying is completely and totally not true and total BS. Most especially a total lie is 5.40. This stuff is bordering on character assassination time to do something. Total lies, these are the liars not Adam Lambert who character is for higher than these trolls.

Anonymous said...

Please don't use "we" in your rant! You are not the mouthpiece of Adam fans! Just speak for yourself - or better yet, be quiet. And remember to come back and apologize when Adam proves you wrong, again!

Anonymous said...

Someone tweeted that they heard RUNNIN on The Voice tonight when they were going into commercial or something like that. Wish that someone would have recorded that. I LOVE "Runnin" and listen to it several times every week.

Anonymous said...

I'm praying to all the gods and powers that be that Adam does NOT read the comment section here. His fans are supposed to have his back, not stab it.

Anonymous said...

6:40 I read that too but someone asked what country and the tweeter didn't say. I'm thinking here since The voice was on at that time in the US.

Anonymous said...

has anyone been talking about going to the newly added concert in Mississippi? (couldn't think of abbreviation).

choons said...

@5:01 I agree with you too. Adam is a singer and entertainer.
I'm really happy that Adam is busy doing a variety of things and, instead of producing a wonderful album that gets mediocre attention, he's doing things that get him rave reviews!!!
He's still the best singer ever and still the best looking ever so let him spread that around.

Anonymous said...

You need to get over yourself!!

Anonymous said...

OMG...I was just watching Basketball news and Lakers' fans are the same way as entitled fans wanting Kobe Bryant on the team ASAP. He injured himself last season and I don't think at all he is ready to play any games this season and I don't want him to. He should take care of himself and come back next season.

And here reading comments that Adam fans want him to tell them when his album will be out and what type of music he is working on and with whom is the same thing. Just crazy.

Why people are impatient and want everything right away?

glitzylady said...

Adam's fans DO have his back. Those who are here on this blog and this thread, talking smack about Adam ie flat out accusing him of LYING about his working on upcoming music, aren't representative of the fandom as a whole, I can tell you that. And they SURE as heck don't represent ME.

BTW, I'm not a "you people" or a "you all".... I'm not a plural or a group.

So...The bottom line is this: Adam said earlier this year in an interview that he wasn't going to share every little piece of information about himself like he used to do. No doubt for VERY good reason. And I have no doubt in my mind that he meant EXACTLY what he said. He's certainly kept his word about THAT. He's learned (sadly and unfortunately...) to be less open about himself and his life, his career.. He's had to. And I took that to mean that his private life is going to stay much more private, and his public life/career ie what he's recording, who he's recording with, when his music MAY come out (he's said next year sometime...2014, which sounds completely reasonable..) will be (and has been) much more guarded as well. Until the time is right to reveal whatever news, new music, etc... may be coming our way..we're just going to have to wait...Impatiently yes :)), but I see no reason to doubt his word...

If we get to this time next year, and still no new music, then maybe we can have a conversation....

I'm not an innocent, naive, "gullible" uninformed person. I don't believe everything I hear, read, etc., about anything, until I see a reason to do so. But I do trust Adam to tell us the truth. If you truly believe Adam has lied, then go ahead thinking that, but I don't share that belief.

People say a lot of things about Adam but saying he's a liar isn't one of those things.....

Adam has said he's working on music. He's said he's talking to a couple of labels, and he's said he's working with some music producers. He said he's been in the studio. I have absolutely NO reason to doubt what he is saying is true.

I'm frankly DYING for new Adam Lambert music....I want it NOW :))) or even better, yesterday! But since I don't always get what I want... I know it'll happen all in good time. And hopefully sooner than later :))) ..but whatever it takes to ultimately produce a fabulous body of work..again..

And most importantly of all, I believe in Adam.

Anonymous said...

7.32 it not the fans these are trolls that are well skilled and pretending they are fans.
If Adam says he working on music he is period. Plus he doing so much more and getting great reviews for all of it terrific reviews a multi talented man not a one trick pony.
I believe I read here another bold face lie Adam has no manager he certainly does. Shows you know zero of what your saying.
The grey haired man who is at all his concerts is his manager.
Plus he has a great management group same as Katy p. suspect soon he will have a label. He talking to more than one. Why would he rush in to that either sure he choosing the best for him. Talking to a troll is like talking to a wall. They are only here to disrupt.

glitzylady said...

By the way, it's a shame the great news about the newest gig, this time in Biloxi, Mississippi, AND the Billboard news about Adam's spectacular Glee performance of Marry The Night, has been shoved aside here.

Very very very excited about those pieces of news!!!

daydreamin said...

I will be watching The Voice here on West Coast and will record it. I hope its true.

Anonymous said...

To negative commenter: Did you know that Lady GG's label spent $25 million of her recent album and prediction for its first of sales is around 220K? Her last album sold over 1.1 million. Music industry as complicated as it is with piracy and stealing one might be cautious to make any huge investment on an album. Timing and right material is everything to have a great album and I'm sure Adam is doing his best to have a great album out for his fans next year. People should be patient.

Anonymous said...

BTW I love her album Artpop. Go get it!

Anonymous said...

Well, I can tell you something else that Adam said: Opinions are like *ssholes. We all have one and we are all ENTITLED one.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin get back and tell us if you hear it or not. Thanks ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin get back and tell us if you hear it or not. Thanks ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

Check out news about Lady GG new album:

Read this article to get a feel of the music industry for the high rollers.

Anonymous said...

please Glamhoppers 8:10 has an asshole and she is entitled to it.

Anonymous said...

I loved Eminem's last album way better than his current one but his recent album sold close to 800K on its first week. More than his 2010 album Recovery. BTW there is 3 years wait period between Recovery (2010) and M&M 2 (2013).

I'm sure Adam is trying to find a strategy to make a maximum impact with his new album. We just have to support him and wait and see what will happen in 2014.

Anonymous said...

/admin, thanks for deleting all my previous comments!
So much for a clean and fan supporting site! Not surprised really, i saw a previous thread and knew we were in for it.
Please admin, honestly i am advocating for a site where we cant have various opinions and argue things out, but some comments here are absolutely stupid and obv. Not adam's fans.
PS; if all you have is spreading BS here with your sick claims (adam not in the studio) kindly get ur butt out, this site has enjoyed peace please!
Yeah Fans are entittled to enjoy Adm at his concert, his music BUT you cant force him to tell you anything if he isnt ready, there are other artist out there..please go support them!
...admin, let see how far you hold ur promise;

Anonymous said...

I always pray for Adam's success.

Anonymous said...

@8:17: you are an idiot.

positive polly said...

I want to see all the happy little unicorns in their rose colored glasses prancing and jumping over rainbows again without a care in the world. Is that too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

@8:53: you said it all when you said "a site where we CAN'T have various opinions"!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:40
that was obviously a typo..'you should know'
::meant, i am all for a site where we can argue out things sensibly have various opinions; i personally think a yes-man stuff is awfully boring!
But bringing in stupid speculations and posting snide remarks?...totally wrong.

Anonymous said...

If people would stop responding to the trolls we wouldn't need to scroll past another long lecture from the queen.

Anonymous said...

9:37 I see you are into the Mad Dog 20/20 again.

Anonymous said...

Struth! If someone posts a different opinion here, they are crucified!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:31 PM & your many other bitter posts/too many to list:

Why do you keep saying we? I don't think that many on here agree with you. Do you have the "me, myself and I syndrome"?
I guess those are the we's you are talking about the three faces of gloom and doom @ looney. First of all, Adam owes you nothing.

If you bought his album then you got more than your bang for the buck. You actually should be giving to all his children's charities; just to show him how much you are honored to have his beautiful one in a billion vocals enter the earlobes of someone so misguided. To even dare to express words that sound as if you trying to tell this world wide superstar what to do; or for him to pay any attention to your childish jibberish. Simple as this; if it bothers you what he is doing; stop paying attention to him. He won't miss you; simple as that.

Do you know what Adam would say to you; if you came to him talking this entitlement garbage; let's hope you will never have to find out; Adam knows who his fans are; and you; I am delighted to say; are not one. So adios and don't let the door hit you in the....!

In the future, try and gather up some kind of common decency and truth, if you have any within you; do not come on Adam Lambert's fan site and accuse this fine honest man of lying. That dog won't hunt around here. He is no liar. It is also slanderous.

On the other hand; you "pea brain", are a liar; you incriminated yourself; with all your misguided hateful untrue statements about this man of unquestionable honesty, and the highest integrity!

Anonymous said...

I really dont understand why some fans believe that they have the RIGHT to know every thing about adam, if he says he is writing a new album, i believe him and totally wish him all the best. Anony 10-33, dont be a coward, please be more specific;who is the queen you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the post title:

Congratulations, to Adam for his Marry The Night performance on Glee; fantastic. The praises are still coming in for our BB. What a guy. Congratulation also, for making BB.

I feel that 2014 is going to be a very big year for Adam. On ward and up ward. I am been here from the begining and here to continue this wonderful, exciting ride. Hold on!

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


daydreamin said...

Didn't hear Runnin' on The Voice tonight fyi...

Anonymous said...

So many nasty comments on this topic/blog.

Anonymous said...

I so agree that Adam made DSB a hit and Glee picked it up.
Being glee's No.1, somehow some merits should go to Adam because he owned that song before Glee.

Anonymous said...

Let's do give credit where it's due. Don't Stop Believin has been Journey's signature song since 1981 when lead singer Steve Perry and lead guitarist Neal Schon wrote it!
It has been used in dozens of films over a period of 30 years and TV shows and was even a baseball team's 'song' . Journey was 'my band' in the 80's! Steve Perry's high notes could give you goosebumps.........JAK
The good stuff lasts!