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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 18, 2013

Posted at : Monday, November 18, 2013


Anonymous said...

I sorta feel badly for any other man (& most women too actually :)) that have their photo taken alongside Adam! Man o man Adam is good looking!!! Dayum!!

Anonymous said...

Getting more and more handsome by the day, hour, minute, and second...

Anonymous said...

I've never seen a more photogenic person in almost every photo taken of him.
Almost always a good shot.

Anonymous said...


From where came this
Figure of tender eyes
With just a hint of daring?

A modern-day Sphinx
Cloaked in a mystery
Within an enigma.

The earthly Joe Blow?
Now, he, my eyes can believe.

Anonymous said...

I present to you; the most handsome, the most amazing, the most honest man of the highest intergity. On top of that so darn gorgeous. Handsome is as handsome does. Adam does handsome very well; doesn't he:

Anonymous said...

Adam knows exactly how to move and groove! That's what make him a star!

Anonymous said...

Yep, Adam outshines men and women each and everytime almost to the point they become invisible. He commands always.

Anonymous said...

AGREE with all of you!

Anonymous said...

1:10 AM
With respect, I think you're getting carried away there.

Anonymous said...

Aw I think the duck lips are gone In the most recent pics Adam has found a new look for the camera.

What shall we call this?

Anonymous said...

Devastating? for me......JAK

Anonymous said...


You're just too marvelous, too marvelous for words,
Like glorious glamorous and that old standby amorous.
It's all too wonderful, I'll never find the words
That say enough, tell enough
I mean they just aren't swell enough.
You're much too much and just too very, very
To ever be in Webster's dictionary
And so I'm borrowing a love song from the birds
To tell you that you're marvelous, too marvelous for words......

Now THAT'S getting carried away!
How did Johnny Mercer know in 1937 that
.........Adam was on the way?
My mom used to rock this, singing at USO clubs in the 40's!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Love the "You're much too much and just too very, very..."

Anonymous said...

@3:57 AM

Aw, but it is so hard not to get carried away with an art form such as Adam Lambert in our mist!
If this Godly creature happened to strut into my space; someone would have to call the glambulance!

Anonymous said...

Adam, Adam, Adam; what a macnificent hunk of a live man walking.....

Anonymous said...

"Is his beauty less then greek; is his smile a little weak; does it bother him to speak; is he real? Glambert, Glambert women have named him. Does he smile to tempt a lover or is this just his way to hide a broken heart?"

This is fun; in keeping with the song theme; can anyone guess what song I was thinking of?

Anonymous said...


How about calling it Adam the great; or just enjoying it as a wonderful picture of Adam as you would any other person's picture you were enjoying.

Sometimes a picture is just a nice picture with different expressions of each. Unless someone is just playing around and trying to look silly.

Anonymous said...

Here is one, but I can't think of what song these words came from; but, they would describe Adam in my opinion:

"You are too good to be true, can't keep my eyes off of you".

Anonymous said...

Is the man posing with Adam an actor? Looks like someone I have seen before.

Anonymous said...

There are many photogenic people in the world, both men and women.

Anonymous said...

@6:54 Am


Anonymous said...

If there is any place we can get carried away, it's right here, where we can flail and swoon and gasp for breath at Adam's utter and complete beauty. What else can a fan do? I'm helpless.

Love the song lyrics! How true!


Anonymous said...

There are some people that are very photogenic and in person; they look quite different than that one moment captured in time.

Those that have seen Adam say that he looks even better in person, if that is even possible.

Anonymous said...


A double Amen to that!

Jadam said...

5.52pm Mona Lisa.

Jadam said...

6.03pm Don't know if this is the actual title of the song, but is it? You're just to good to be true?

Anonymous said...

Adam Baby, hurry to my door tonight
Adam Baby, then we'll kiss tenderly "good night"
Adam Cutie, you always make me feel alright
So hurry to my door tonight!
Adam Baby, you've got such mesmerizing eyes
Love your humor and you're so very wise
Adam Baby, I hope I find you under my tree
wrapped in a bow, sexy jeans and a tee
I'll kiss you tenderly til you sigh
and curl up next to you beside the crackling fire, oh my!

Anonymous said...

JAK here...."less than Greek".....Song..My Funny Valentine.
..................."do you smile to tempt a lover....Song....Mona Lisa.
..................."to good to be true"....Song....You're Just Too
Good to be True.

I have all these recordings by 1. Frank Sinatra..........
2. Nat "King" Cole.........3. Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons

I've been around a long time, had a mom who was a singer.....on "oldies" I'm pretty sharp! : ))