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Angie Miller Mentions Adam Lambert In New Interview

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, December 6, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 06, 2013

Skip to 2:58 for Adam mention.


Anonymous said...

and there it is. You can't put out an album until your signed.

Anonymous said...

You can put out an album independently. Happens all the time. If you are very lucky it goes as well as it has for Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. The game is changing.

Anonymous said...

So proud of our Angie from MA. If only she could open for Adam when he finally tours again.

Anonymous said...

she looks so pretty.

Anonymous said...

Her two Cmas songs are good and on iTunes now. Candace Glover has a new song out that is very good also. Check them out people. Support 2 nice ladies.

Anonymous said...

nice interview and the clip of Adam was a nice surprise.

Anonymous said...

nice interview and the clip of Adam was a nice surprise.

Anonymous said...

I still remember Adam's and Angie's duet, it was a highlight.

Anonymous said...

Actually she didn't mention Adam, the interviewer did who is probably a fan. Angie seemed like she might want to distance herself from Idol.

Anonymous said...

@9:55 AM

The video I just saw; Angie mentioned Adam's name. The interviewer just ask her who she enjoyed collabrating with; and Angie said Adam Lambert, and continued to give him some very outstanding props. She has said this about Adam all along. I don't know what you mean by your statement. Go listen again, maybe.

Anonymous said...

@9:55am I think you should listen to the video again with headphones on high volume. Angie mentioned Adam's name giving him props as a talented performer she collaborated on Idol finale.

Anonymous said...

ACTUALLY... Angie mentioned Adam organically and of her own volition if you ask me. And ACTUALLY, if you do wanna be picky, Angie did go off track maybe a bit in that, imho anyway, the interviewer's question was sort of set up to mean collaboration now, currently, presently... and Angie's mind went to that place of her collaboration on Idol organically it seemed to me. She is a smart young lady because of ALL HER ANSWERS imo. Good on her.

Anonymous said...

And it doesn't seem to me that Angie is specifically looking to distance herself from Idol, she was jus answering HONESTLY and with honesty, a little bit of the "veil" of Idol and the uber behind the scenes production level of it all is pulled away, and honest comments can come of slightly negative, but it's just honesty! Again, good on her!

Anonymous said...

Good for Angie mentioning Adam! Their collaboration was the best on AI that season! I'm liking this young lady more and more. I saw a little Katy Perry in her around the eyes. Angie is very pretty, talented, and intelligent.


Anonymous said...

She has star quality and sings better than Katy. She should be more successful.

Anonymous said...

I think the collabo that Angie did with Adam was the highlight of the show. They were perfect together and he let her shine with that performance. There is no reason she should want to distancer herself from Idol. Adam always mentions that it was the platform that gave him the opportunity for his recording career and bringing him to the attention of a wide audience of viewers.

daydreamin said...

I was lucky enough to be at that show. Unforgettable. Best performance that night. Angie is a talented singer.

Anonymous said...

From what I heard of it, Angie's 'The Christmas Song' sounds beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Angie is one young beautiful and very talented lady.
Proud of her and Idol should be proud of her.
Especially in that catastrophic Idol season.