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MORE GORGEOUS PICS ~ Adam Holds a Fan's Hand

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 29, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 29, 2013


Anonymous said...

Lots of great pics.

Anonymous said...

Would be such a waste not to look down, too!

Adam, you gorgeous hunk of a man! You truly are a life saver, your voice and persona make my day every day!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looked good and from the vids I saw, he sounded great. He seemed to be happy and enjoying himself. I love to watch his sexy dance moves. Sometimes I think he amazes himself and laughs at the way he moves on that stage. His voice does it for me. Adam doesn't need acrobatics, laser lights, strenuous dance routines when he is on stage and he certainly doesn't lip synch. He may have enjoyed Britney's Vegas show, but he doesn't need all that hoopla in front of an audience. Adam Lambert is the real deal. Happy New Year to all the Glamberts and to those lucky enough to be going to the Winstar Casino show.

Anonymous said...

I always gringe when some fans start saying 'Adam DOESN'T NEED this or that...'

It's just your opinion. Or when some other fan says something totally different Adam NEEDS, it's his/her opinion. And again some other fans say Adam NEEDS to have this and thar in his concerts. Again just their opinion. You/we all do NOT know what Adam NEEDS to do or have. What he as the performing artist NEEDS to do and have is HIS vision, HIS business, HIS call.

So please don't state your opinions like it was the opinion of other fans or like you know what he needs...

Let Adam decide what he NEEDS to do or have in his concerts, with whome he plays, how he looks and what he sings etc. And state your opinions as your own, less discord and more friendlier atmosphere that way... hopefully... :)))