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Nice Cover of Adam Lambert, Nile Rodgers and Avicii's "Lay Me Down"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

Oh, this is good! Adding it to my playlist along side Adam's. Fun to hear Lay Me Down acoustically and these guy do it justice. Adam's version actually causes a reaction in my body with the passion in his voice and the notes he hits and this is a beautiful, totally different rendition. Great stuff!
Such an amazing song!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I really like this cover, these guys did a good job. Love the song.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I wish Adam would do an acoustic version of this song. I don't feel his voice is showcased when it's being drowned out my the overpowering house beat that dominates almost all of the club dance songs.

Anonymous said...

Ellen DeGeneres, Adam Lambert, Johnny Weir Tweet Christmas Wishes

Ellen DeGeneres, Adam Lambert and Johnny Weir were among the celebrities who tweeted Christmas wishes to followers.

“It's Christmas!” DeGeneres messaged. “I love and appreciate life, and I love and appreciate each and every one of you.”

Olympian Johnny Weir tweeted: “Christmas tidings to you and yours. Bring on the wine and glitter.”

Recently married Olympian Greg Louganis posted a photo of himself and husband Johnny Chaillot: “On our way to a friends Christmas lunch. Baklava on board! Love my man!”

Actor Alan Cumming, who stars on CBS' The Good Wife, told followers that he was spending his holiday with a cold.

“Happy everything to everyone!” Cumming messaged. “I'm in the bath with a cold and a glass of champagne.”

On Sunday, singer Adam Lambert wrote: “Season's Eatings.”

Anonymous said...

LMD should be a radio hit already. This was a good acoustic but I love the recording of it.

Anonymous said...

very good. someone on twitter yesterday said all the songs on the True album are going to be singles and they are starting with the first song and making their way down and LMD is #8 on the album. Rumors, rumors, rumors. Love to share rumors. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam's version of Lay Me Down is 1000% better than this rendition.