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Official Melvin T-Shirt!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 29, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 29, 2013


Anonymous said...

ok I want that T shirt, I just checked AdamOfficial and it is not there. Maybe only available at concerts?

Anonymous said...

Want. Need that shirt of Melvin Adam. Now.

Anonymous said...

ok need !! lol

HK fan said...

pop that lock


lay me down

kickin in

HK fan said...

most of trespassing

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lay Me Down was fantastic! I want to hear him sing that all the time! Looked like a great show. Back for more later.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Lay Me Down!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

I'm at work trying to watch LMD on my very ornery iphone.... accompanied with our crappy Internet.... The result was he was moving in slow-motion .I was a little mad at first cause I really want to watch the video then I realized how fine Adam looks in slow-motion.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

That's such a cool TShirt. I want one too. If I lived close to east coast I would go to Adam's NYE concert to get me one of the Melvin TShirt.

Anonymous said...

Adam's NYE concert is on Oklahoma , maybe you are closer than u think .

Anonymous said...

I live far from OK. Couldn't do it.

Anonymous said...

darn I thought I'd come back today and this thread would be full of links how to get the T shirt.Must be for concerts only right now.

Anonymous said...

There will be loads of Glamberts at the NYE Concert. Tweet one of your pals to buy you a t shirt and mail it to you. Pay them for the shirt, the postage, and a little extra for their trouble. Glamberts are nice people. I'm sure someone would be happy to do it.