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Random Sexy Adam Lambert Fan Video

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 04, 2013


Anonymous said...

That does it Mr.Sassy Pants....youre grounded for the next month! House there!

Anonymous said...

I just licked my computer screen. What new low has Adam made me sink to?


Anonymous said...

Adam & his pretty kitty. <3

Anonymous said...

8:19pm and 8:22pm... LOL. Very funny, girls!
I'm glad I no longer lust after Adam, but it sure is fun to hear ....

ouch ouch ouch ouch ....
my pants are on fire.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Oh, and 8:28pm, I also miss Adam and Tommy sexing it up on stage. :)

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@JAK!!! You'll try/say anything to get him in to your house... He hee!

Happy, happy birthday to You!!!

daydreamin said...

Haha! You saucy ladies!
LOL @justpeachy!!!

Lucky funbunn40 has a nice pic of she and Adam a couple of nights ago at the Meet and Greet that she is supposed to be bringing over here. He told her he would look 'saucy' in the pic and he does! Lucky lady!

Anonymous said...

@ 12:35 AM....How can I be naughty and incognito with you "on my trail?"....JAK. : )). It's 3:57 AM here in Fla. and I just finished a two day...900+ page book! My eyes are fuchsia red (and blue) I keep thinking I'll outgrow such foolishness, but obviously not!

Anonymous said...

Happy SEXY memories!!! Excellently done & edited fan vid with perfect music to it! Adam truly is SEX 'N FIRE!!!

And I still love watching those Adam & Tommy kisses... that too was a journey...the kisses 'developed and progressed' as the tour went on... there are some kisses that are sweet, delicate...some straight forward 'cut the chase and let's get it on' kisses... and then there are those that made you... go UNFFFFFFF!

OK, I know so many Glamberts don't like to be reminded of this 'fan service' (or don't want to admit that it was hawt!!!) - please, don't waste your breath on me, I'm not Adommy crazy or Tommybert or whatever subcategories there are, I'm simply a longtime adoring Adam fan, who thinks these two guys interacting on stage was totally hot & sexy (during GNT) and I still see it that way. Fun 'n Sexy. Sexy is Fun!
So please, no hate posts re my "confessions", he he.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you @ 1:21 AM . . . GNT was a hoot! Thanks for the memories!!!