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8 Days Until Adam Lambert's Birthday!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Anonymous said...

Happy Continuing 31 years, Adam. Sweet stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what plans Adam has to celebrate his 32nd birthday. Whatever he does, I am sure it will be lots of fun and we will probably get to see some pics.

Anonymous said...

I hope 31 goes out like a lion and 32 comes in like a lion. WOOT!

Anonymous said...

Present to self

Adam Lambert Eyes This $2.4 Million Hollywood Hills Panty-Dropping Palace

Adam Lambert is ditching life as a renter in favor of homeownership.

The glam rocker has been browsing some pricey pads in the Hollywood Hills now that his high-rise digs are up for grabs as of Jan. 31 for a cool $6,000… so he recently went on a guided tour of this $2.4 million hillside retreat.

And CB! has the first inside pics.

Now that the American Idol alum is moving out of his small-ish 1,600 square foot 1-bedroom, 2-bath WeHo spread in just a few weeks, Celebuzz has learned, he needs a place to lay his perfectly coiffed locks, and by the looks of this place, it’s a secluded oasis with tons of lifestyle upgrades.

The gated 3,400 square foot starter home comes with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms in the heart of the L.A. hills. The nearly 1-acre lot has French doors that lead to magical gardens that surround the sparkling pool, canyon vistas, and a rocker must-have -- plenty of room for his pimped out rides with space for 10-plus cars.

Not to mention, the entire upper floor could be Lambert’s lair, considering it takes up the master suite with private balcony, dressing room and ridiculously large closet to keep his fierce fashion in pristine condition.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's a lot of info.

LOL that $2.4 million and 3400 sq ft is a starter home in LA.

Anonymous said...

He is eyeing means he is looking. Doesn't mean he bought it. Plus realtors keep their client's RE info. confidential. Seems to me he saw the house but wasn't interested and the RE agent is using Adam's name to sell the property. Crap RE agent.

Anonymous said...

3:22, if Adam wasn't his client he had no obligation to keep anything private.

Anonymous said...

Nice home. But browsing doesn't mean he owns it. I understand Adam is a celeb. and everything he does media reports it. Can't at least his dwelling not get any media reports. Tons of crazies out there. We got couple of them on this fansite. Ugh!

The Dark Side said...

Also did a double take at the 2.4 mil starter home. Which means it's probably about 400-500k in everyplace else. But if one wants to live in the LA area, it costs a lot. I'm hoping he finds something that he falls in live with.

Anonymous said...

@TheDarkSide location location location.

Anonymous said...

Adam must be anticipating some good income this year. Hope he finds a place he likes. He seems to prefer to be close to the L.A./Hollywood social life.

Anonymous said...

Tabloids report on this kind of stuff all the time. There are even celebrity real estate websites.

An acre with a pool and a large updated house would be way more than 500K in my city. But way less than 2.4 mil.

Anonymous said...

I hope there's a way for him to change residences in private.

Anonymous said...

Couple of celeb. live in my neck of the wood and I never saw any media publication to talk about their locations. Neighborhood won't like it either to see paps everywhere. I hope Adam finds a place that nobody ever finds out about it. Privacy is very important in ones life.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam finds a beautiful home with privacy. I agree that Adam must know money will be coming in 2014 or I think he would keep on renting. I'm sure taxes on homes are high in L.A.

Anonymous said...

A couple of famous people live near my parents. All the neighbors know who they are and say they are nice and nobody bothers them.

Famous people usually buy houses in the name of a trust or such so it is not easy to find their names in property tax records and find out where they live.

Then there are the celebrities that invite the media in and allow spreads in magazines or shows on tv.

kitty said...

I always had Aspen pictured differently it looks like the land of cheap motels and they probably aren't all that cheap.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam will not move in this house. It doesn't worth this money. Too expensive even for LA! CB has 51 photos of the house. You can see all interiors. I coudn't find any good exterior photos. I remember David Cook's house which tried to sell for 1mil last year. This house was awesome!

Anonymous said...

They were asking 2.4 million but that doesn't mean that's what will be offered.

Anonymous said...

Oh lol fans have always known where adam lives and we will find out when he moves. No big deal. I just saw a story about chris colfers house the other day. It happens to everyone in the public eye

Anonymous said...

5:31, sure, judge the city and all the hotels by the tiny corner of one pic. Go look at some photos online of what Aspen really looks like.

Anonymous said...

5:34 is now an expert on Hollywood real estate prices LOL.

Anonymous said...

@6:10PM As far as I have Master Degree in Archittecture and worked for Assessors office for few years, I can be easy qualify as expert on any real estate prices but not just Hollywood real estate.

Anonymous said...

By the way, why so much sarcasm on this blog?

Anonymous said...

I've been to Aspen and it wasn't full of cheap-looking motels. It's a very nice, understated place in a gorgeous location.

Anonymous said...

The LA house looks very nice and in an all-important, private location. If Adam is really looking to buy a house, he'll surely be looking at more than one property.

glitzylady said...

Here's the thing: I saw this last week after the real estate agent tweeted Adam and thanked him for attending the open house of this home that the RE agent was representing. He also offered to help Adam "with his real estate needs".. Of course, it ended up on twitter since it mentioned Adam's name. A friend of mine saw it on twitter and passed it on (not publicly) to a couple of friends via email. I did not pass the information on to anyone else (and certainly not here on 24/7) because I felt it was an invasion of Adam's privacy, to have this information broadcast out there for the world to see.

I felt it was unprofessional for the agent to tweet to Adam openly and to disclose that information. It was obvious that he had visited this specific home because the agent had tweeted about it the day before. The other friend of mine who saw it and who is a real estate agent in a large west coast city, and who handles high end properties, confirmed that this was extremely unprofessional of the agent to discuss Adam's visit on Twitter.

Now, it's certainly true that sooner or later, in reality, when Adam finally decides upon a new home, whether he buys, leases, etc., people will eventually know where his home is. But the point is, the real estate agent was out of line. No idea if the agent had any repercussions from that, but if I were Adam, or anyone else, celebrity or not, I would not be amused that someone broadcast that info about the house, and the price, and the fact that I'd taken a look at it.

By the way, beautiful house, grounds, etc.. I certainly wouldn't call it a "starter home"!! Even in LA :)))

Anonymous said...

I believe the house was in the Hollywood Hills wasn't it, the realtor seemed to indicate that. I would think that is why it was so expensive. Lots of celebrities live up there.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzylady, for the info. Since I live in L.A. I wasn't shocked to read a price of $2.4 mil. You'd be surprised that some homes here are not of "celebrity standards" at that price but simply in the right residential neighborhoods and certainly don't come with a lot size of 1 acre. So, if, Adam looked at a home at that price with that much land and a description that sounds lovely, he'd be getting a good deal at that price ( and that's only the asking price).

However, the agent, using a public social media, to communicate with Adam, a celeb, or anyone else for that matter, was really unprofessional and unethical IMO.


Anonymous said...

Adam evidently has enough money to purchase a home now; he has probably saving for that day. He just needs an initial down payment to move in to any home. It will be a good investment; instead of paying rent to someone else.

Anonymous said...

7:03Kitty here thanks for your nice answer to my questionIt was nice to hear it from someone who was there. 6:03 please never answer one of my questions again rude lady.

Anonymous said...

@7:31 AM

I am familiar with the Los Angeles area also. You are absolutely right. That sounds like a great deal. There are some very nice areas there besides Hollywood Hills. Nice that he is at the point where he is able to buy. Adam see to do well with money. I wish him the best. Hope there is the one home he will just fall in love with.

Anonymous said...

I think, from what Glitzylady said, the agent is using Adam's name, since Adam saw the house, to promote this property for sale. He noticed Adam is looking for a house but he didn't show any interest to buy this particular property so he is publicising the house through the CB media using Adam's name. Some RE Agents do anything to sell their listed properties.

Anonymous said...

If he wants to, it would be okay with me if he fell in love with my house. I would keep very quiet about it! <3 : ))

Anonymous said...

6:37, please provide your CMA for the property then.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the agent who tweeted Adam about the house, it was fans who put two and two together for the exact location. Real estate laws vary by state but in my state what the agent did was not unethical. Perhaps unprofessional without Adam's prior consent to contact him in that manner but not against regulations.

Regarding 8:00's comment, the seller is likely pleased with the amount of free advertising his agent has generated.

Anonymous said...

If you go to Celebuzz there are other stories on there about other houses that celebrities looked at or bought. There are websites devoted to celebrity real estate. This is nothing new. While I hope Adam's privacy is respected, this isn't exactly a national security issue. People being so upset is even amusing seeing as it's coming from fans who spend a lot of time speculating on who Adam is dating and who brag about the fandom ninja's abilities to find out things.

glitzylady said...

It wasn't hard at all to figure out. The agent tweeted the info about the open house he was hosting the next day...and the next day he tweeted about Adam being there.

And now, everyone knows....

Unethical, maybe not.. Unprofessional? Yes.

But yes, great advertising for the property owner, and the agent.

Anonymous said...

Unethical? no.
Unprofessional? depends on who you ask.
Celeb property info leaks common? yes.

Some fans have been more invasive of Adam's privacy. Guess I'm missing the big deal.

Anonymous said...

This site loves to argue about every freakin thing, what a drag.