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ATTENTION Glamily! January 29th: Twitter Fest for Adam Lambert's Birthday!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 2, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, January 02, 2014


Anonymous said...

Very sweet.....he's one person who looks quite a bit like his baby photos.....of course teeth are an improvement!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet.....he's one person who looks quite a bit like his baby photos.....of course teeth are an improvement!

Anonymous said...

wow, 2 comments with one tap of the finger!
Super Powers!

Anonymous said...

ok I'm in on the Twitter Fest. Can we just tweet that all day long or are their some rules? I want to play by the rules, by the rules I play you are my lover my lava flow.

Anonymous said...

ok I'm in on the Twitter Fest. Can we just tweet that all day long or are their some rules? I want to play by the rules, by the rules I play you are my lover my lava flow.

glitzylady said...

I'm sure there will be more info about it as time goes by this month..... You'll definitely be hearing more...

There are generally some twitter "rules" when "trending".. For instance, use the phrase in a sentence... Don't use the phrase more than once per tweet.. And you can also "retweet" other people's tweets.. There will most likely be a specific time to start.. But you can jump in at any time during the target times..

More to follow :))

Anonymous said...

And the lectures are back.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:32 PM
I'm assuming you are referring to my answer to @Anon 9:18 PM 's question about the rules etc.. of trending this phrase for Adam's birthday.. He or she asked, and I answered, because I was trying to be helpful.

Sheesh.... :((

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady yes and thanks for answering my questions. I didn't know you have to use it in a sentence. I want to be all prepared for Adam BD.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:26 PM
You're welcome :))) From what I've been told over time, it is best to use the phrase within a tweet, other than by itself. Something about twitter detecting that people are attempting to trend a phrase and perhaps not being allowed to do so or some such thing. Anyway, happy trending on the 29th :)))

Anonymous said...

Yes Glitzylady...thanks for your informative comments. I can't wait to trend Adam on twitter on his birthday.

Anonymous said...

Also repeated phrase in one tweet won't help to trend.

Anonymous said...

There are a couple different people suggesting trending something on Adam's birthday. I don't think there is anything very organized or specified yet. Should be fine done anytime on Adam's birthday US time. But maybe glitzylady is in on more since her comment says more to follow.

Anonymous said...

For those looking for more info on trending, here is Twitter's rules for what is not allowed in tweets trying to trend something. Scroll down to near the end for Rules:

Anonymous said...

Twitter searches for topics that many people are tweeting about all at once. It would be best to chose a specific time for the tweets.

glitzylady said...

There will be something more organized as we get closer to Adam's birthday on the 29th.. Not to worry..... :)) You'll be hearing lots more about it as we get closer to the day... You'll be given very specific instructions, the does and don't's, the timing, etc..

Anonymous said...

So Glitzylady why not tell us now what you have planned?

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glitzylady said...

Not my plan but I know from experience that there WILL be an organized plan.. This thread topic is the beginning and the announcement.. I'll keep my eyes and ears open for more info as it comes up...

Anonymous said...

1:28, LOL, haven't you learned by now that she just needs to be the know it all center of attention?

Anonymous said...

@ADMIN - will you please DO SOMETHING about this/these forever present evil bullies. Why do you allow this/these creature/s to continue attacking and mocking YOUR regular, valued longtime posters and with their degrading posts to ruin the reputation of YOUR site for good?!! Their posts never add anything good, informative or of value to this site! Thank you in advance!

Anonymous said...

To All great people in Adamlandia:

Happy New Year 2014!
Let the beauty & talent of Adam Lambert bring joy & happiness to this site! THIS pic... ****sigh****

Anonymous said...

Chill, folks.

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new year

& we should be feeling good!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with 5:41am. Please Admin! Thank you! We not only love Adam but we developed love and respect for each other as supportive fans of Adam. Somebody is trying to break this UNITY CHAIN.

Anonymous said...

Love little Adam and big Adam!

Anonymous said...

3:07 Give it a rest, will ya? Thanks in advance.