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Queen & Adam Lambert winners in Q104.3: Classic Rock Artist and Best Live Performance of 2013

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 2, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, January 02, 2014


Anne Marie said...

No argument there. Queen + Adam was definitely the best live performance of 2013. I am sure we will see more of them in 2014, winning "best of" awards.

Anonymous said...

I read where Dr. Bri had an Mri done for possible cancer and there was an abnormal finding. My prayers are going out to him.

Anonymous said...

I read where Dr. Bri had an Mri done for possible cancer and there was an abnormal finding. My prayers are going out to him.

tess4ADAM said...

I'll join you in sending prayers & love 'n light out to Dr. Bri. I really like that man ... he has been such a great help to our ADAM.

ADAM has also won the Q102 Philly poll for Ultimate Jingle Ball performer. Nice work Voting fellow Glamberts!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

and no close second, YAY!

Please Everyone, send good wishes to Dr. Bri in your own way.

Anonymous said...

@ tess4ADAM said.
Thanx for the results of the Q102 Philly vote.

tess4ADAM said...

You are Welcome ... my pleasure. The count was ADAM 53% ... Avril Lavigne 47%. Sooo Thrilled!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

daydreamin said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to Brian May. I so hope its nothing serious.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Adam. So sorry to hear about Brian May. I will certainly be praying for him. I hope everything comes out ok for him.

Anonymous said...

Also, congratulations to Queen and Adam. @1:38 PM here.

Anonymous said...

The last report I saw from Dr Bri was that everything was looking good so far. Only one more test result to come back. Prayers to you Brian.

Anonymous said...

Wishing Dr Bri my prayers! Keep the faith!


daydreamin said...

Thank you @3:11. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing at the thought of Rush fans trying to outvote Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Queen are a match made in heaven. Prayers for Dr. Bri. He's a Glambert just like we are. He feels it in his soul just like we do. Chances are he'll be fine. Send good thoughts.

Love that Adam won the Q104 poll! Well-deserved and a real no-brainer. No one else even comes close. Love how Adam continues to earn accolades for his talent long after Idol. He is in a class of his own.

Love you, Adam.


Anonymous said...

My prayers for the health of Dr. Brian May! HH

Anonymous said...

I hope everything will be fine. He a good man and loves Adam. Some times we have challenges health wise we just have to take care of it.
I will pray for him. I feel he gonna be ok. Sue

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are for Dr. Bri . From reading Twitter he seemed to refer to this news as a health scare but said he was told he could be optimistic. Sorry I don't know how to bring the exact tweet here for you all to read. Let's hope and pray the last test result he's waiting for will
Be fine. He's such a kind hearted man and I wish him a very healthy and happy 2014.