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Some Beautiful Pictures from WINSTAR

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, January 01, 2014


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Man!

Anonymous said...

Adam is so handsome; and his beautiful soul just shines right through. What makes him so beautiful; is, he doesn't seem to even realize how sexy he really is. This makes him even more appealing.

No conceit whatever in this shining superstar! I hope that Adam has his best year ever!

Anonymous said...

hairy chests should never go out of style. reerrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

For men, I assume! ^ o ^

Anonymous said...

Pic #2 worth posting twice, even on the same thread, he he.

Man, he's handsome and then some...

Anonymous said...

@5:06 - JAK, I presume...
Happy New Year to Florida!

Anonymous said...

Adam brings true meaning to beauty itself.

Anonymous said...

3 22

Omg lol. Do you think he posts endless pictures of himself because he thinks he is ugly?

Anonymous said...

@ 5:12 PM...........B I N G O .......!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks absolutely gorgeous. He seems so happy and is enjoying himself while performing. He just loves what he is doing and is meant to be on stage. I liked the glittery jacket, a tribute to New Year's Eve, but not overdone. I am really enjoying all the pics and vids that have come from the Winstar show. It was certainly a great way to begin 2014 in the cold, about to be snowy state of NJ.

Anonymous said...

5 59

You really can't utter one single nice comment about Adam, can you?! Not even to celebrate the new year and the start of something new for all of us?!

Pictures Adam posts are most often pics taken by fans (also showing his appreciation to the fans) or pics taken by professionals (photograph shoots). He rarely posts selfies, the current trend... (sometimes short vid clips, keeks or whatever they're called, the hilarious "shine bright like a diamond" comes to mind, lol). And for pete's sake he's a world wide star in music business and actually he should be making much more self promotion than he does....THAT face & the toral package of Adam Lambert should be shown as much as possible everywhere around the globe!

So sorry, lol, but right now I feel so sorry for you. Adam brings so much joy and wonderful experiences to people around the world, to people who perhaps never have the chance to see him live... yet they support him wholeheartedly!
And here you are every day trying to put him and his fans down... please ask for help to get over what ever it is that you are suffering from...

Anonymous said...

12:27 AM
Owch! That's a bit harsh. Hopefully 2014 and beyond will see Glamberts being much more respectful of each other's views.

Anonymous said...

Pics #1 & #2 - very nice indeed.

Anonymous said...

12.27am - yeah too harsh.

Anonymous said...

12 27

Yeah, lot of wrong assumptions there. You are one of those who think every post you don't like is written by the same person. I haven't even clicked on this site in a week and longer since I've left a comment. You and other Over defensive glamberts continue to embarrass adam and harm his career. But lol if you don't think adam spends a whole lotta time looking at pictures of himself and posting the ones he thinks are pretty

Anonymous said...

5 59 & 5 11
Lot of wrong assumptions @your end, too, lol!

Firstly (to clarify) I'm not @3 22 you omg lol'ed in your first (?!) post in a while. Don't care how long it's been since your last post, they are always the same. You lol'ing @Adam fans who support him wholeheartedly and have CHOSEN to be happy & joyous doing so. You not only lol @them, you make fun of them, resort to name calling and your belittling of Adam and mistrust in him is such a downer.

Secondly I'm not defending Adam here, he does not need defending from the likes of you. I was trying to 'reach your human side' (huge mistake) and ask you not to spoil the start of a new year, too, with your lol/bashing comments HERE on this site.

Thirly (and unfortunately) I've never met Adam, never contacted him in any way, have only made comments on a few blogs, mostly here. You yourself and your buddies here have often made the remark that what people comment here is of no relevance, caus nobody reads these and Adam surely does not. I support Adam unconditionally and from a far. So don't you dare calling me overdefensive, embarassing
Adam or harming his career!

You are a disgrace here among Adam fans. And YOU and your buddies think I'm harsh?!? My turn to LOL bigtime!!!

Hope you've kept score how many people you & the likes of you have driven off from this site?! Looks quite empty already... Adios!
12 27

Anonymous said...

sorry for some missing letters and mistakes @6 46, keyboard's a bit 'out of shape'...

Anonymous said...

These pictures aren't professional pictures or pictures Adam posted on his IG. These are fans' pictures that are snap shot of fans' videos at the concert.

Don't feed the troll!