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This is AWESOME!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 2, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, January 02, 2014


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This so clever. Adams doing his skating act, with his twin brother. He won't let Sauli out do him LOL. Love it.

Anonymous said...

different. Helping to keep me entertained since I am snowed in today and I mean snowed in.

Anonymous said...

12:34 I am stuck in Hercules too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is not in a competition with any of his friends; don't think ice skating is Adam's thing. Adam loves to see all of his friends do well; and seems to always be excited for them. But the picture is clever.

New Year 2014 let's support this beautiful man, Adam Lambert in every way that we can!

Quite an interesting picture; love all beautiful pictures of Adam.

Anonymous said...

You do not have a sense of humor. Nobody said that Adam was in competition with any of his friends. This picture was just a spoof. If you did not like the picture, why did you say it was clever? Of course ice skating is not his thing, lighten up. It was very funny, and some one with a real sense of humor photo shopped it.

Anonymous said...

4:44, but somebody did say it above.

Anonymous said...

Weird was my first thought too.

glitzylady said...

It's just funny.... just laugh a little and enjoy :)))

Anonymous said...

@4:44 PM

Wow, why so sensitive, @1:33 PM never said they did not like the picture, and they are intitled to their opinion. Sorry but, you sorta seem like the one without the sense of humor.

I personally thinks it's kinda weird and not really funny; just my humble opinion. The saving grace is that both Adam's look so fine!

Anonymous said...

stupid humor

Anonymous said...

I'd laugh if it were funny

Anonymous said...

WOW, what a bunch of Debby Downers. It is a fun picture, what's the matter not enough GB for ya? I bet Adam would laugh if he saw it. Can you explain what is weird about it. It's just a joke, not that deep. Weird is all the awful faces Adam makes when he is singing, that the camera always catches, then puts all over the internet. He is not always singing when he makes those faces, usually it's in between songs.

Anonymous said...

Menopausal temperament . . . these Debbie Downers!

Anonymous said...

Weird. And weirder comments from some.

Anonymous said...

@11:26 - your comment is very sexist and since I bet you're a woman, even worse. Dont we women get enough shit comments like this from men? and not referring to the Debbie Downers words but your first 2 words.

Anonymous said...

Very late to the party, but I see no ice skating at all...just Adam's answer to GFY.