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Adam Lambert: "My new music is gonna blow your minds!"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, March 15, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, March 15, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam, you have already blown my mind just by being you. However, I am certainly looking forward to your new music with much anticipation. Werk it, Baby!!

Anonymous said...

Go, Adam! We're with you all the way!

Anonymous said...

p.s. Hope your werk keeps you away from barber shops and hair stylists. Let it grow on the sides.

Anonymous said...

yeah but you still don't have a label Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

4:53 "Roger and Brian love Adam Lambert" me too.

Anonymous said...

No one knows if Adam has a label or not. Maybe he has a Swedish label.

Anonymous said...

I believe he does have an any case, he will evidently be putting out a new album..all will come to light soon..I have come to love the new hair, esp. the color, and even Melvin is growing on me (not literally as it is on Adam..but I kinda think it is sexy)..the only thing I don't care for is the nose ring..but, I'm sure I will come to like it too...

Anonymous said...

I meant to say "label"...not "album"

Anonymous said...

Leave Adams hair and face alone! We have all experienced a new look or haircut as a confidence boost at times when we need it. You go Adam. We are right there behind you.

Anonymous said...

Seems kind of petty to keep harping about the hair when our man is sharing awesome news about his new music!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait. Blow away!

Anonymous said...

Oh Really

Anonymous said...

You're "killin" me too, Adam. Bring it on!

Anonymous said...

Our BB is busy.

Anonymous said...

Such exciting news from Adam - I can't wait to hear his new music!

Anonymous said...

Can hardly wait oh beautiful one!! So much to enjoy. I will take each artistic gift as it comes. This has so far been the best year ever!!

Love Adam's "FFH" aka "Fabulous Facial Hair". BB looks more handsome with each passing day!!

Anonymous said...

5:26, exactly.

Looking forward to hearing some of the new music soon. Maybe Adam will give us some snippets again.

glitzylady said...

Congrats to Adam! And I have no doubt in my mind that it will do just that!

So, a couple of comments: Adam is a beautiful man. I personally don't really care WHAT his hair (or his face, shaved or unshaven) looks like, because he is MORE than handsome either way.. and in fact I think he looks great in the pics we've seen this week from Sweden. I do understand that we ALL have preferences, of course but when Adam tweets, obviously VERY excited about his new music, and excited to tell US about it, then all I can think about is how THRILLED I am for him :))) And consequently for us too!

I'm SOOO THRILLED for Adam this year! He's OBVIOUSLY having one amazing year and I would hope that this thread could be one of joy and celebration for him as an artist... and for the good and deserving and hardworking and talented man that he is....

Anonymous said...

I hope there are no snippets. All people do is bitch and trash, just like about his hair and everything else about him.

Anonymous said...

6:42, so we all get punished because of a few rude people?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

7:08 PM. - good evening sweet lips. - who opened your crypt?

Anonymous said...

7:08 Unless you're a close friend of Adam's, you don't know really know what he does or doesn't do in his personal life any more than the rest of us do.

Anonymous said...

6:57 You have a point....many messages are very positive and excited. :) I'm thrilled!

Anonymous said...

Whether it's a traditional label or some other way to produce, market and distribute his new music, I think Adam has it worked out. Artists are getting creative about how to get their music out there.

Anonymous said...

I hope he is Wailin' like the true rocker that he is. Rock it out

Anonymous said...

sure Adam , you've been saying this for 2 years *sigh*

Anonymous said...

@8:54PM and he will saying it for 2 more years;)

Anonymous said...

If Adam's excited, then I'm excited for him and us!


Anonymous said...

This will be a great year!!! Keep killing it, Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam is indie now.

Anonymous said...

Adam is just a nice wonderful kind of a person.
This bit of news is like a generous thoughtful friend saying he has something to give you that will simply make you jump for joy!
Thanks, Adam, thanks so much.
I wish you're a close personal friend for you will make my life worth every minute just with your presence.
Well, you already do by just being you.

Anonymous said...

8:54pm, no he hasn't. Trespassing has not been out for two years yet.

Anonymous said...

Bye bye Tommy?

Time for a new a band, too?

Anonymous said...

12:37 Loving your post! I feel the same way about our awesome man!

Anonymous said...

yes please ,,he's just attention seeker with no talent .

Anonymous said...

Tommy is like a contraceptive.

Anonymous said...

amen! Will glady say 'bye bye' tommy!. (adamlambert wannabe)

Anonymous said...

I think we all know the Tommy type from real life. When someone else gets something they are like what about meee...

Anonymous said...

Apart from new music my biggest wish is that Adam is dating Swedish guys.. :)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear it. Adam's third album is probably one of the most anticipated albums of 2014, I would guess. The third time is the charm as they say. All of us who have been Adam fans since the beginning are so looking forward to his new music. It's exciting to read this statement from Adam. First the Glee episodes, now the Queen concerts and then a new album. And who knows what else Adam is working on for this year. It's all good as he would say.

Anonymous said...

omg that's so true .lol

Anonymous said...

I want Adam to be happy and in love as we all want for anyone in our lives. I feel that we all know Adam so well, that we want him to find someone. But it must be more difficult when you have a love interest with someone in a foreign country such as he had with Sauli from Finland and maybe someone in Sweden as someone just commented. The logistics of just being together and working out career opportunites must be very challenging. Whatever the future holds for Adam, I hope he finds success, love and happiness in both his personal and professional life. From what you read or hear everyday about individuals in the entertainment world, couples/partners have a much more difficult time trying to make it work esp. with the paparazzi constatntly hounding them and their families. Adam seems to be having fun right now and working on new music, so time will tell if there is someone new in his life.

Anonymous said...

@6:57 PM practice some delayed gratification, it builds good character

Anonymous said...

@8:32 PM great comment! common sense, decency and respect for Adam's decisions.

Anonymous said...

5:33 "The Tommy type"?? Really? Sorry, how long have you known him personally? He is a kickass blues guitar player whom Adam clearly values as a valued friend and band member. Pity if that's not good enough for you..but Adam's decisions about who he chooses to perform with is his to make. I'd say Adam's done a pretty good job of it so far without our two cents worth..

Anonymous said...

@10:21 Well Adam can keep Tommy. I do not want him.

Anonymous said...

Does Adam have a recording label yet for his new album? Can someone please fill me in.

Vicki in Ohio said...

The Queen and Adam tour is such a huge deal for Adam.I just wish everyone could be happy for him and enjoy the ride! He is working on new music, I don' t care when or how it comes about. I know he will get it done and it will be fantastic.

Anonymous said...

10:59 AM, Adam has not yet announced a label. That doesn't mean he doesn't have one. The only people who really care are glamberts and trolls. I'm willing to bet he has one but who it is will be a footnote to the new album announcement.

Anonymous said...

@10:59 AM Dig a hole then fill yourself in.

Anonymous said...

I don't know do artists announce their record label. He isn't in any major label. You can check the artists there. There are tons of smaller labels though.

Anonymous said...

@2:21 Your comment was unnecessarily harsh and creepy. Maybe 10:59 is just curious and not trolling like the other person who keeps posting here insisting Adam doesn't have a label. Like he/she has some kind of inside scoop. Lol

Anonymous said...

10:38 Good to know..thanks for keeping us posted. I'm sure they will both be relieved. Can we get back to talking about Adam now?

Anonymous said...

Only if you can think of something new and of general interest.

Anonymous said...

Not even GREAT news about his NEW music can keep you lot HAPPY and CIVIL!!! Travesty of a fan site this is!