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Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Friday, March 21, 2014

Posted at : Friday, March 21, 2014


Anonymous said...

Sexy handsome legendary
Just five years of glory
Already so impressionable
Give Adam another five years
And we might have to queue
Even longer lines or pay
Higher price to get front rows
To hear the immaculate voice
Of this legendary humble virtuoso


Anonymous said...

Bare toes flashing in the light
Jacket flaring at the hip
A giant stride upon the stage
My, isn't he a glorious sight?
I think I can hear his voice ring out
Look at the faces of the crowd
Pay attention, remember this night

Folks, that's Adam Lambert full flight!

That's where he belongs...owning the stage! :-)

Anonymous said...

Knight of the night
Prolific beacon light
To steer the course right
A new kind of enlightenment
Adam is the dark horse
Watch out...he'll knock you off
When you least suspect it
Cuz he dreams big, way out the box


Anonymous said... be creative and come up with such lovely poems on the fly like that. Thanks you two!

Anonymous said...

On behalf JAK...Thank you!! If we zero it down to the core, it's Adam. He does strange things to my brain. For me it's Adam's art, very skilful, with the beauty and power to push it out and so my brain gets real excited. lol!
Angelina Kalahari, soprano/opera singer, stated that singing is sexual by nature and she wrote an article on Adam's highly-skilled, superbly controlled singing. She also explained how Adam has mastered his breathing in singing to which she added was of utmost importance. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Well done, Lam-my & JAK. :-D

Anonymous said...

On behalf JAK...Thank you!! :D


Anonymous said...

Always wondered how at the concerts the security guys can always keep their 'poker face', while Adam is belting right next to them or making one of his glory notes... How can they not turn and see wtf was that, where did that note come from?!?!!!! Or at east make a face saying "oh boy!"... I know their rules & regulations, but still... ?!???

Anonymous said...

Good morning....JAK here.....glad you liked my little verse.
I am truly 'verse cursed' brain rhymes day and night. It's an effort to shut it up. I try to keep them in check and only let one escape on occasion.

@5:42....I know what you mean, but they may not register what they are hearing. A good security officer is so concentrated on soaking in the possibles in every situation for trouble, they block out. I'm from a family of military police and civilian law enforcement and they can be very focused.....even off duty, that 'be aware of possible danger' is still present.

Can you imagine the intense going over my dad gave the boys I dated? Poor's a wonder I ever had second dates. :-)

When he walked me down the aisle at 21, he felt secure.....he was handing me over to an Air Force Military Police guy!

Anonymous said...

5:42, I've wondered the same thing. How can the security people keep their eyes from the stage, esp. at those especially glorious moments? Guess they hae to follow their rules. I would not be good at their job. I'd be watching the stage the whole time.

Love the poems! Thanks, Lam-my and JAK!


Anonymous said...

Adam is mesmerizing to watch on stage. You can't take your eyes off him. And he is actually singing, no lip synching for him. Today's performers from Britney to JLO all need a circus around them with lights, gyrating, scantily clad dancers while they go through the same dance routines, barely able to breathe never mind singing. All Adam needs is a mike and the stage with his powerhouse vocals to show he is the best performer in music today. I think that Adam will have longevity in the music/entertainment business in some creative aspect while others have long disappeared or no longer can perform to keep the public interested in their kind of music.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my and JAK Reverences their beautiful poems! HH

Anonymous said...

@ HH.....JAK here.

You write such lovely prose, I suspect you dabble in poetry as well. Thank you for your kind words.

Anonymous said...

JAK my appreciation ..... Gozo ceremony poetry, but not possess the gift of creation! Warm greeting! HH

Anonymous said...

DRG...Thank you!! once many times already. So gratifying.

HH...Thank you!! You are always so appreciative and your serenity shows through in your soothing words.
HH, you do "possess the gift of creation"! Never doubt that. It's in the brain. Desiderata Lady.


Anonymous said...

Lammy at 9:13 in the third line of your poem you infer Adam is impressionable. Can you explain how he is impressionable? I can't grasp that at all. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Lam-my agree with you, we are all born with creative ability, essential rank of the person ...... I live the charm of poetry, perceiving it, their feelings and emotions, I hope you continue by receiving this divine brainstorming impiradas by our star!
Thank you. Lam-my _JAK by its delivery comments, analytical, documented, eloquent, passionate, poetic .... Warm greeting! HH

Anonymous said...

That's a legitimate question. Yea the line might be interpreted as Adam being impressionable; which he is, as seen in the way he is impressed by his fellow artists' works. But I was referring to him influencing other peoples' minds, making deep impressions, especially those who come in close contact with him such as the Glee cast, Brian and Roger etc. and us.


Anonymous said... the word I should have used.
