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This is so sweet!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, March 22, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, March 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

the majority of Adam's fans are grandmas. gay guys and straight don't like him. hopefully that will change after queen tour

Anonymous said...

Awww your grandma is so sweet she will have a good time!!

Anonymous said...

One of the times I saw Adam was at a radio promo tour in DC. The majority were women, I'd say about his age. Early 30s. Where did you get your info? Also I have to say most of them were extremely good looking. This was at the Gibson Guitar venue.

Anonymous said...

When I saw Adam in Bethlehem, PA, there were fans of every age, including teenagers!......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@7:32PM- Where did you get that ridiculous information about Adam's fans? I don't fit into any of those groups. I dislike those references to grandmas and pearl clutchers. Adam has fans of all ages and lifestyles and they will be seen at the Queen and Adam summer concert series along with the followers of Queen.

Anonymous said...

@7:32 Don't sterotype Glamberts.
You are soooo wrong.

Anonymous said...

International fans are younger.

Anonymous said...

Well, I sure hope this super lucky grandma has one heck of time at the concert! What a gift of love!

Anonymous said...

QAL tickets came today and boy do I have good seats ,now please don't let me misplace these tickets.

Anonymous said...

Who wants to be a fan of the same guy your grandma is calling yummy.

"Oh grandma......"

Anonymous said...

Put them in the freezer..that's where I keep my cash stash.......just in case I need it to run away with Gerard Butler! ......JAK ;-)

Anonymous said...

Grandma's know quality when they see it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the suggestion JAK.

Anonymous said...

If he gets any new fans from the queen tour they will likely be old as well and unlikely to have any interest in Adams own music. That's why I hope he doesn't spend his fortune making this new album.

Anonymous said...

8:30 P.M. # 1

I feel so sorry for you.
So young - so dumb!

Anonymous said...

8:49 P.M.

Sigh - another nitwit!
Isn't it past your bedtime?

Anonymous said...

8:49, he's not spending his money recording in Sweden with Max Martin, that is money from his unannounced label paying for that. Max Martin only works with labels.

Anonymous said...

8:49 I thought you said all of Adam's fans were old why wouldn't these new fans from the Queen concerts also like his music? Lol talking from both sides of your mouth again.

Anonymous said...

When I was lining up for M & G with Adam, there were so many high schoolers around me. They were all giggling with excitement what to say when its their turn.
They didn't know I was practicing what to say myself. LOL! One girl told me, "Oh I would just die when I shake his hands!" and shrieked.
It was all a mixed crowd of different age group.

Anonymous said...

I've seen Adam at live concerts 9 times....all up and down the West Coast of the US. I saw every age group possible, really I did, from young elementary kids with their parents, teenagers, young 20 somethings and up to the grey haired swingin fans. All enjoyed, clapped, yelled, screamed and stood up to dance too. There were straight, gays, blacks, browns, white....whatever you can think of. Adam has fans of every genre, ethnicity and age group and I'm a witness to that.


Anonymous said...

Still it is heartwarming to see the grandma/grandpa generation being excited like that... Axel.

Anonymous said...

10:31, me too, several shows on the west coast and majorly white and over the age of 40.

Anonymous said...

9 03
Lmao this idea that adam has a label paying is the latest fan fiction. Also adam is working with maxs company but he isnt in the studio with max himself. The people he is in the studio with are a bunch of unknowns.

I am quite sure adam is paying for it himself. Just like kris allen just finished recording in Nashville with a well known producer and paid for it himself. Just like Miley Cyrus paid for her album herself and then shopped it around and sold it to RCA. Wait and see.

Anonymous said...

9 17
The people at the queen concerts are old rockers. They are going to a nostalgia concert. they arent people who listen to top 40 radio. Adam isn't going to put out a rock record, he is doing pop. It's not too hard to see those are largely different groups. Use some brains honey.

Anonymous said...

11:46, Max's company only works with labels, not indie artists. You can't twist this or explain it away. Wait and see and then come back and admit you were wrong yet again.

Anonymous said...

this ridiculous information is true , most of them in the US are over 40 , you're ether Deny it or so delusional to see it ,,
outside the US is the another story though

Anonymous said...

11:46 it sounds like this is quite common so why are you so hateful about it Adam didn't say anything about a label a few fans did.. I'll wait and see but I could care less either way.

Anonymous said...

1152 thank you for sharing all your vast knowledge with me sweetie pie.

Anonymous said...

Kris payed for a producer I thought those indie guys were a one man band and did it all.

Anonymous said...

I hope Justin Timberlake never finds out four people in my family went to his concert and bought his cd and they are all over 40. For real.

Anonymous said...

Why in the hell are these people on here so fixated on our ages? Did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

Grannies are on this blog.

Anonymous said...

If Grannie are on this blog . . then maybe the trolls should show some respect...

Anonymous said...

I've been to two concerts and the crowds are very diverse

Anonymous said...

Gee, how refreshing. A thread about a person who loves and respects their grandparents. Maybe the novelty of the emotion will catch on.

Anonymous said...

From the people I know, there are Queen fans of all ages. Their songs are so iconic and so often heard, that there are fans of every age. I'll bet that there will be plenty of younger fans at the Queen/Adam concerts. And they will hear Adam sing those great songs.

For those here who think that older people couldn't possibly have a visceral, sensual, emotional reaction to a singer, just wait. You'll find that your body might get old, but your brain, your sense of attraction to sexiness and exciting music still stays young. It's true.


Anonymous said...

never said old people can't have a reaction to or a crush on a star. but their granddaughter doesn't want to have one on the same person as her grandma.

Anonymous said...

I too have spent more on this upcoming concert than I have ever spent on any concert tickets. It's not in my city, so I am flying elsewhere. I wish I had seen Queen when Freddie was alive, but this is a chance of a lifetime to see them now....and Adam Lambert fronting the band is just the icing on the cake. I think it will be worth every cent, despite the cost.

Anonymous said...

To granddaughters from their grandmas: I know this may be hard for you to believe, but we very well remember what is was like to be your age. Our bodies may have aged but not our minds. When you become grandmas you will understand what I'm saying. So don't get all grossed out if your grandma and you are both crushin' on the same person. It's not that deep.

Anonymous said...

Speak only for yourself, poor Lol!
Appreciate your grandma and other older folks, in public, while they are still around.
I would love to go to Queen+Adam concert with my grandma, sadly she's no longer with us.

Anonymous said...

To Anon who posted:
the majority of Adam's fans are grandmas. gay guys and straight don't like him. hopefully that will change after queen tour

So, you posted this text so you could reply to it with your snarky comments about Adam's fans? Right? Tough noogies to you cuz we never heard Freddie or Queen until Youtube and we're going to see QAL cuz we are hungry for real music.

Anonymous said...

8:44 same thing with me when I told my sister I got the QAL tickets she was ecstatic but when I told her how much they were she freaked out. Plus the cost of a road trip and hotel. Now we are completely over it and looking forward to June, she is hoping the added venues are by us so we can go again.

Anonymous said...

I just don't get it. I love the fact that my Gran and I never miss a Colin Firth film. We have a mighty mutual crush and go to his films together. My Mom and I live in anticipation of every Channing Tatum film.

Don't you complainers like your family members?
My brother and our Grandpa enter marathons together and go on scuba diving vacations.

Anonymous said...

6:02 their mothers probably have been ignoring them since birth hence you see this syndrome, you troll all your life for attention.