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Adam Lambert's new Instagram picture: His "Euphoric" smile...

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Adam's New Instagram post:


Go to Adam's Instagram account here: adamlambert on Instagram


Anonymous said...

New photo

@LAMBERTLUST: nicklaughs
What a sweetie! @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to find out what Adam is Euphoric about. Tells us now, Adam, tell us now!

Anonymous said...

Now THAT'S what I call a close up!
.....more please.....JAK

It brightened my day which began at 7:00 a.m. in emergency room with a foot x-ray, followed by a jaw CT scan! The technicians all know me by sight...I'm a frequent guest! Another bad fall this weekend. I'm purple from cheek bone to toenails! But I wore my purple shirt and was color coordinated.

I sent my g'son photos of my boo boos (the ones not in X-rated areas) and when I got home from Dr's office yesterday there was an Easter card stuck between door and screen. When I hobbled back to 'my chair' which looks out glass doors to backyard there were 3 giant brightly colored metal sculpture butterflies attached to the fence!`

Anyone interested in an attractive, romantic, single 26 year old who would come complete with a darling mother in law....and a fantastic grandmother in law? :-)

Anonymous said...

Really nice article with a fabulous collection of pictures and great comments.

Anonymous said...

Katerina @Jadelle1
3 new Adam's pics

Anonymous said...

Nice article with tons of great pictures of Adam:

Anonymous said...

JAK, I'm so sorry to hear about your recent fall! It sounds like you're in good hands with your doc and your family. Hope you're not in too much pain. Even a little bruise can hurt for days. It sounds like you've got some BIG ones. Take care, please.

Adam is a sweetie pie through and through. Green hair, black hair, silver hair. I don't care. I prefer the longer, darker style (which I hope he gets back to before the tour), but hey, the voice is always stellar and he's just beautiful.


glitzylady said...

Gosh: OUCH! And take care..

Your grandson is truly a gem!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoops! Be careful JAK and speedy recovery! Your grandson brings so much love into your life......lucky you:)


Anonymous said...

Glad he is so happy.

carolynj said...

@JAK, sorry about the fall. Take care. Yes, that grandson is special!

Anonymous said...

Adam must have had a fun night from that smile. Lol

Anonymous said...

Tons of great links, thank you guys.

Anonymous said...

Dang those TEETH. I dream about those teeth! That's not weird, right? Is it? ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, who cares, just dream away if it makes you happy.
He does do broad smiles really well!....JAK

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys...JAK here....this is familiar territory for me. I've had 3 falls since Thanksgiving. My life story is falling out of, down from and over numerous obstacles.

I will be joining the Green Scene about a week from know how bruises are, purple black, purple, cranberry, mauve, sickening green then pasty yellow then back to normal....till next time!

Since elementary school.....with my first name......I have been called Calamity's so appropriate!

Jadam NZ said...

Funny to realize our JAK is really a Jane.
Take care JAK. xxx

Anonymous said...

Jadam NZ.....JAK here.....being from the 'South'....I'm one of those two name girls.....I don't even answer to Jane, it's both names or it doesn't register that they are talking to me. I'm named after both grandmothers. My second name has been in every generation since the 16th century ancestress....She was Lady A--- Duchess of Pembroke in the court of Henry VIII.....

Each time I watch Downton Abbey I'm trying to find the painting of her in the great saloon which is the gathering room for the film family. The castle belongs to one of her descendants.

Sorry, I find all this kind of 'stuff' cool! :-)
Like a storybook!

Anonymous said...

Get well soon JAK and no matter what you do u just stay positive and come here all the time!!:)

Take care and be safe!!!:)


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you've had a bad fall and I hope you'll be all better as soon as possible.

Downton Abbey - there's going to be a 5th series - yay! And then apparently, a prequel re the courtship of Lord and Lady Grantham.

daydreamin said...

@JAK Speedy recovery and better yet: NO MORE FALLS except maybe water falls to look at haha:)

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin....;-)......with my luck I shall view waterfalls from a safe distance away!....JAK

Anonymous said...

@7:41......I would like a prequel to Downton. I'm assuming Lord Grantham married for the wealthy American girls fortune to 'keep up' his ancestral home.
It was the custom in those years.....but they were lucky, they fell in love! Awwwww sweet......JAK

funbunn40 said...

@JAK, so sorry for those awful falls and hope those bruises will soon fade and pain will be gone as well. Your grandson is a peach and hope you can enjoy what he does firsthand. Soon there will be great Adam/Queen videos to enjoy and savor!

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40....yes! But I confess I am impatient and greedy.......I Want it All and I Want it Now!
......JAK.....Klutz Extraordinaire!