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Adam Lambert new tweet!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, May 23, 2014

Posted at : Friday, May 23, 2014


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@Adam - Have a great holiday weekend! Try to stay under the radar. Especially avoid the first poster here.

Anonymous said...

Some people just don't get it, oh well we all can't be a wealth of common sense.

Anonymous said...

@3:09 But Tommy just said Adam is working his ass off on his new album. Tommy is such a slave driver, and you sound like one too.

Anonymous said...

Well as they say; if common sense was so common, everyone would have it; and evidently, that seems to be so true!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

So happy for Adam; I don't know why I was just so happy to see his tweet. So glad that he is getting out of Dodge for awhile; and starting on this amazing, amazing journey. what an exciting time for our beautiful worldwide superstar.

Adam deserves this once in a life time oportunity! So glad that Brian and Roger chose him, the man they call one in a billion, and they are very lucky to have him; and he them. they all have such mutual love and respect for each other. Happy days are here again!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your sentence makes no sense; no surprise there, lol.
Go (back) to school!

Anonymous said...

Some people should realize; that it is possible for Adam Lambert to "walk and chew" gum so to speak!! If anyone needs that clarified; it means like any other entertainer, Adam can do more than one project at a time.

The fact is, we know nothing about where he stands with the album; or anything else in his life for that matter, unless he tells us; so no one should pretend that they do.

We as fans can only enjoy what he puts out; and believe what he says if you wish. Also let him and his Management run his career; unless we are asked for our imput.

Most people have their hands full managing their own lives!

Anonymous said...

The closer the QAL tour gets, the more there are articles and other positive publicity for Adam, the more anxious and desperate the trolls and other resident creatures get.

You're wanted by the living legends, Adam - Rock on!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

How about you over the top obsessed invested fans get a job and mind your own real life and leave everything else to Adam and his management to handle Adam's career. If you love music then enjoy going to this concert. Otherwise don't say things that you don't anything at all. Have a great holiday weekend!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone on here know what record label Adam is signed to? Thanks. Can't wait for his 3rd album.

Anonymous said...

Negative person or person's you'er acting so jealous; I bet your head is about ready to explode; Adam's celebrity status is pretty hard for you to take I guess; from all these negative desperate posts of yours! Please try and calm down. This is just a few of all the great things that are happening for our main man; the best is yet to come. This is going to be the best year ever!!

Anonymous said...

In my wildest imagination I cannot think Adam should say no to fronting for Queen.

Anonymous said...

@3:59 PM You need to know this Why?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We probably won't know anything more about the new album or record label I would guess; until he is ready to release his first single. Which will probably be when the Queen/Adam tours are over; and he is ready. Which I think is a very good thing.

All fans need is the album when he is ready to release it. The label and the distribution of the album and all those processes are really not our concerns at this time. I just want to hear his music, no matter how or who releases it. Many artist are becoming their own release vehicles. That process will be between Adam and his Management!

We will be there to reap the fruits of his beautiful talents and support him in any way that we can. I hope he keeps all that process information private, until he is ready to release his upcoming album! Meanwhile, Queen + Adam; bring it on and on!!!

Anonymous said...

@4:07 PM Don't have a date for the week end again?

Anonymous said...

The new label that Queen just signed up with, might be interested in Adam.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is excited, because I think he is going to London, not coming to London LOL.

Anonymous said...

@4:32 PM - #1
Thanks, for that; you had me cracking up. You have a great sense of humor; while making a great statement. So funny; thanks for the great spontaneous laugh!!!

@4:32 PM- #2
That is an interest thought. Adam may just have many possibilities about which way he will go regarding his third album release; but you raise an interesting possibility!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is going to London soon, Sauli is going to Finland soon. I think they could travel to London together, which is where Sauli could take off from to Finland. Might even spend a few days in London. I doubt the rehearsals will start the second Adam lands. and Adam will most likely spend a couple of days sightseeing, before he gets down to the business of rehearsing.

Anonymous said...

***What does it take to get troll comments deleted????****

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with the negative comments. But I do play a little game and watch how many comments get posted before some can't help themselves and uses the "TROLL"

Anonymous said...

5:17, do you have a better name for trolls?

Anonymous said...

There is a cute short vid on Sauli's Instagram, Sauli saying Good Night! Check it out!

Anonymous said...

Here's the video

Anonymous said...

Tour is getting closer!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@5:20 How about "leprechauns"? I would say "fucking leprechauns". May be it's too hard on them. And it takes more time to type.

Anonymous said...

So you really think Adam spent two months in Sweden with big producers and yes he did. Working by his own acknowledgement in the studio very hard now. I quite sure he has backing or label of some nature for this album. He obviously is keeping to himself for a reason he has his reasons and that reason is not because he does not have backing for the album. Adam has connections and big friends in the business icons as matter if fact. Nothing is sad about Adam. He performing with one of the biggest bands of our times and to a sold out Madison square garden but many other big sold out venues. Nothing sad here dear trolls!

Anonymous said...

I say call a spade a spade and a troll a troll. That's what they are nothing more trolls.

Anonymous said...

Can we go with you Adam?:)

We are all waiting!!!!:)


The Dark Side said...

This is the only site I read with some regularity that has Adam haters on it. It takes the same amount of time and energy to say something nice as it is to be mean. That said, you people have a pitiful life is this is all you do! Don't likecAdam, fine no one says you must, but keep your two-bit remarks to yourself. Personally, I think he's the most genuine, exciting singer to come along in years. He's filing some of that void left by the greats now gone. I cannot wait for the Queen Adam concerts to start, got my tickets first pre sale day. Waiting patiently for Era three and have no clue how he's doing it and neither do you!

Anonymous said...

tie your mother down tie your mother down!! Hot damn!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is the biggest deal since Elvis left the building 37 years ago. There is a new Rock God in town. Bow down to the ground.

Anonymous said...

Guess someone has to do it, so here goes:

3:09; 3:34; 3:51 who is one and the same -- please, please, please go fuck yourself somewhere. You would make all of us real fans so, so happy by doing so and it won't cost you or us a dime. Be generous, just do it! Cheers!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha ha; please don't insult the "Leprechauns" they have done nothing to deserve being tied to this mess going on here with these ignorant non fans of Adams. I would think that the "Leprechauns" would love the magic of Adam Lambert; they would never behave this way towards him!

Anonymous said...

He did not want to make an album filled with covers, he can sing the covers live with Queen. He makes an album filled with new music, which he hopefully gets to sing live after singing covers with Queen.

Anonymous said...

whatever invited the covers : i HATE you !


Anonymous said...

Why won't ADMIN delete the trolls including the very first comment on this thread? Who would Admin rather have stay at this site - me or the troll. Because it is coming down to a choice. I don't want to read bullshit like that on a fan site!!

Anonymous said...

I (8:27 PM) just meant that it is good that Adam sings with Queen cause that brings him visibility. Maybe people will notice him after that more also in USA as himself and start listening to his own music too. There have been many positive articles before the tour recently. That is what I meant to say. And aren't they covers when Adam sings other people's songs?

Nora: if you mean me (8:27 PM), what can I say: That is your choice and right to hate people you don't know just because they say something you don't like.

Anonymous said...

I am very happy for Adam. Such exciting times for him (and us)!

daydreamin said...

Adam looks so good in this pic. Love that spikey jacket and can't wait to see what he will be wearing in San Jose July 1st!!

Anonymous said...

12:00 AM
umm , i didn't mean you unless you're the one who invited covers ?
but no , i'm sure it's not you .. lol
please don't take whatever i said seriously , i'm just tired from studying .. college sucks !!


Anonymous said...

The negative nellies are in true form here again.

Anonymous said...

3:09 PM
Queen's 30 year old rock songs are still as relevant today as they were when they were first released and still as popular.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about trolls who can't write coherent sentences. No real music lover and/or Adam fan has any doubt of the value of Queen's music!

Anonymous said...

@The Dark Side 6:56
Excellent post!
Agree with you 100%.

Living in the moment and enjoying the great talents of Adam F. Lambert every day, works wonders for me.

Anonymous said...

Do some shopping while you are there, mainly . . . black leather, boots and smoky eye make up and some black hair dye . . .

BB needs to look HOT!

Anonymous said...

Don't let the troll ruin our excitement


Anonymous said...

After signing the petition that Adam had mentioned, I'm now getting emails from the Whitehouse. Pretty cool., anyone else?

Anonymous said...

I signed petition . . no emails yet . . .

Anonymous said...

Love and Light to all

Especially the negative nellies
that love Adam so much they come here often

Troll Scroll

Anonymous said...

Well, here we go yet again!
Ignore the trolls! Don't let them fuel the fire and waste your energy on them. Negativity breeds negativity and that word sure doesn't apply to Adam Lambert!
Let's be honest here ADAM performing with QUEEN is one of the greatest tributes of all time...this is history in the making! Nuff said....

Anonymous said...

I'd like to get Brian May's opinion about the comment regarding the downside of Adam singing a '30 year old rock songs'
Has this person not heared of the classic man! Go figure.

Anonymous said...

4:07 Is freaking out because Adam is still here and getting more popular by the day. I think they or he/she has been a hater from AI days and possibly a gay hater also. It is so obvious and really pathetic I feel sad for someone with so much hate and for no good reasons except what I stated. Can't imagine how they handle life with so much negativel.

Anonymous said...

Meant negatvity

Anonymous said...

at 6:56 PM

Then do not go to livejournal, among others places.