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Adam Lambert Liked 3 IG Posts!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, May 23, 2014

Posted at : Friday, May 23, 2014


Anonymous said...

Cool pic and funny vids. <3

Anonymous said...

So it's Django again! Adam has not crush on Django, ha?

Anonymous said...

Something is definitely going on between these two men. Time will tell...

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. It's Django almost every day...

Anonymous said...

At least their taste in shades differs, especially the price range... he he!

Anonymous said...

Oy !

Anonymous said...

But, Django seems to know also Karis Wilde. Are they only distracting things and Karis is the crush? Speculatons, speculatons.

Don't take this too seriusly. But something might really be going on in Adam's love life.

Anonymous said...

Meant: speculations. Double typo, damned it. And seriously. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Adam has known karis for many years. I think he was part of his old burning man tribe. He isn't going to be his crush.

Anonymous said...

@1:10 PM
It is high time to find a new boyfriend. How long has it already when Adam was dating with Bridget? Over half a year?

Anonymous said...

Bridger. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

the question is why an earth a 32-year-old man likes this sort of teenage videos???

Anonymous said...

Cool photos!!

Anonymous said...

1:40 - it's the song,not the teens - adam likes Sia

Anonymous said...

Bridger was only something like a hook up to Adam, not a boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't need a boyfriend, he is a bit busy, for the rest of the summer. Adam would be the first to say, it wouldn't be fair on either of them.

Anonymous said...

When Adam tours he likes to be single.

Anonymous said...

Bridger was just a clubber, that was friends with Adam, Adam went with him and a few other guys touring the clubs. Sauli is the only one spotted occasionally on week ends with Adam. Both go MIA at the same time. Just as friends hanging out, for 2 or 3 days.
Don't ever see Adam with Markus any more, but he did tweet him a Happy Birthday. Adam doesn't seem to go to the clubs much, except for special things. I think he does more having friends over at the condo. Doesn't need to dress up for that. For Sauli doesn't need to dress at all, LOL.

Anonymous said...

2 44
Lmao adam was bar hopping just last week. I think the only reason he saw sauli was they were both invited to the same party.

Anonymous said...

Adam likes to hook up with guys while he's on tour. Nothing wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

and the downgrading continues :(

Anonymous said...

Hey, I myself like hooking up with guys, and I'm not even on tour! Ha! I'm so excited for Queenbert!

Anonymous said...

This thread is so funny; has me cracking up. So funny when people know nothing so they just guess and throw out ridculous senerios about Adam and his friends. The greatest part, is, that Adam keeps his private life pretty darn private these days; good for him! You live and learn!

Anonymous said...

Here we go again. Creepy people making up slutty stories about Adam. Keep your fan fiction to yourself.

Adam limed two of Nicole's IGs. Why aren't you shit stirrers saying Adam has a crush on her.

Anonymous said...

Anyway that Django guy is not good looking, too plain dude.

Anonymous said...

Shit stirrers are more kind of a word for what these same people are. Mine your own business let Adam and his private life a lone. You are making up pure crap.

Anonymous said...

he's sniffin' under the Nicole fence now. He is a very busy boy. gotta make time for both sides of the fence.

Anonymous said...

@5:08 PM
Because he's been "liking" or tweeting about Django or his band lately constantly and others just time to time.

Anonymous said...

Why is it so hard for someone to admit it, that Adam and Britger were dating? If they were just friends, why don't we ever see him with Adam anymore?

By the way, where are Sutan, Markus, Britger and Eli? Is Adam changed friends?

Anonymous said...

Adam can hook up with tiger while on queenbert tour

Anonymous said...

@10:42 PM
It depends what you call dating. They seemed (note: we don't know the facts)to hang out in clubs and maybe had some "night adventures" as Bridger called their first night. I saw just one occasion they were out with Danielle on day time. And was there some photo of them coming with a group of people from some movie. Bridger was never with him at the Red Carpets and I don't remember we saw photos of them going to dinner or shopping or smth like that. As dates usually do. The last photos I remember they are together are from the Haloween -parties. I think that they just had fun (and that includes sex) but this is all speculation.

And the last question. Maybe Adam is more private now and meets his friends at his home or goes to Sutan's and Markus's places? Bridger and Eli seem to be just friends he does not see very often. Sutan and Markus are his long time friends. But all men can be busy at the moment and "talk" through phone for instance. I don't know. Adam surely is busy because of his coming tour. It is a massive thing to learn the songs and you have to be in good condition to make it through. So maybe he has decided that he does not spend so much time in clubs and night life until the tour is over.

Anonymous said...

Why people worry, who he is spending time with, he has always had and will always have a lot of pretty boy "contacts"

Anonymous said...

@12:03 AM
Yes, exactly! And the true friends are for other purposes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks:) I call it dating.

Adam is very private nowadays. Maybe it's wise. He is certainly very busy, but I hope he also has time for his friends.

Anonymous said...

Django just starting out and Adam knows when he likes" a photo it gets lots of his fans checking it out. Maybe he is just doing what he always does and just helping a freind with his career.
I am sure Adam is being very careful with his health at the moment and not risking it going out boozing all night in clubs.

Anonymous said...

Adam has so many mothers. ;-)

Anonymous said...

@12:51 AM
Maybe it's dating (in the meaning: you go out with someone more than once) but it's not being in a relationship, to be boyfriends. That is more meaningful and requires IMO more than hanging out in clubs and having sex.

I think we all agree that Adam went out to clubs and bars with Bridger more than once. So could we agree that he was dating him, but was not in serious relationship with him. (So it at least seems.)

End of this story.

Anonymous said...

Please, kindly asking, don't use the word "we" when you're writing your own speculations, assumptions and projections about something you or anyone here really knows nothing.

Anonymous said...

@5:22 AM
Sorry! I forgot! I'll try to remember in the future if/when I comment something.

To all who visit this thread: Those were only my own (11:50 PM, 4.47 AM) thoughts/assumptions/speculations and projections. Clear enough?

HK fan said...


Dating nowadys doesn't always mean you are a can go on dates without actually 'going out together'. My son 'dated' his girlfriend for 4 months before they officially became a couple. So Adam can go on many dates without it meaning very much. Maybe he went on several dates with Bridger, but they never became a couple.