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Still Available! Make Sure You Pre-Order It! Adam Lambert 2015 Calendar!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, May 23, 2014

Posted at : Friday, May 23, 2014


Anonymous said...

Ordered mine. Can't wait to get it. Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

I ordered 2.

Anonymous said...

I ordered 4 with 2 day air shipping the 1st day. Hope 1 of them comes autographed.

Anonymous said...

I can't go to any concerts, so I'm especially looking forward to getting my calender.

Anonymous said...

Ordered my two when we first heard about it :)))


Anonymous said...


Where is @laura xoxo?!?
Haven't seen her posts in a long time?

@lauraaaa, hope you're ok and having nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi 5:39pm! I've been keeping up on all the great Adam news and reading comments when I can. You are too sweet to miss me ... too sweet!

Very busy time, but I love seeing everyone’s comments. Adam deserves our love and admiration and you guys keep covering the bases with funny and great insights and praise for him. It's wonderful to read!

Thanks again for the shout-out! I'm going to try to post more often.

And fantastic article, right?!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Ha... oops, article comment was for the post above this one.

Well, there ya go. I sound just like myself.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@xo laura
Hi, nice to hear from you!
Missed your upbeat and fun posts, they give positive energy to this site! So don't go MIA for very long, k?

Read the article, and totes agree!


Anonymous said...

I ordered three for a chance of getting Adam's autograph.