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2014 Queen + Adam Lambert Tour Countdown continues....

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, June 2, 2014

Posted at : Monday, June 02, 2014

We only have 17 days to go!


Anonymous said...

How beautiful!

M /MSG 17th of July

Gabi said...

Does anybody else have the feeling that it's going to be a tight schedule before they blow the roof off in Chicago? I probably underestimate the fact that they are all professionals.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I think they'll be working their butts off till the 19th. Lots of do. It's a huge tour.

Anonymous said...

YaY! It's going to be in 2 weeks!!

Anonymous said...

It will bra. Awesome tour!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Gabi Maybe they aren't as nervous as we are. I'm kind of nervous as this tour is getting closer and closer to start. But I can't wait for it either.

Anonymous said...

I think they already have that natural connection and play off each other. Brian has already said that . Even with Adam's other band they rehearsed " Red House" for one day and we all know how that turned out. Can't wait, I wouldn't be surprised if they changed it up a lot.

Anonymous said...

Love of My Life ALWAYS makes me cry...Now I'm going to bed with sniffles........JAK <3

Anonymous said...

I love the affection Brian shows the fans....and they give it right back to him.

Anonymous said...

I was just watching a performance of this from the first day in London .. and Brian May said "if it wasn't for the amazing Adam Lambert, none of us would be here". What an wonderful tribute to Adam. I was so touched by his words. They truly do have a special bond... Adam, Brian and Roger. Simply can't wait for July 3 at the Forum for this amazing concert!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for June 19th, and it is almost here! I won't be at that one; but still excited for those that will be; and also for videos, and any thing I can get from that show; pictures, etc. Word of mouth versions from people that were there. Hope there will be streaming; or tweet streaming. Anything, I will take anything; ha, ha.