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Awesome GIF of the day!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, September 14, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, September 14, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam holding the light in his hand! so cool!

Anne Marie said...

I thought his magic was in his voice, apparently he has magic in his hands too, LOL

Unknown said...

Adam's a master of visual presentation (as we saw on AI). I'm sure it's his idea to put his hands into the light to "touch my world with your fingertips". I wonder if he foresaw how amazing the still photos of that gesture would be. Oh, silly question - what am I thinking of - I'm SURE he knows that! He IS Adam, the master of visual presentation. Losing my marbles on a Sunday morning...

The whole visual for WWTLF is sooo beautiful and heart-tugging with the light effects reflecting off the mirror ball (onto the B stage and into the audience) and the song being sung in dim light. Adds so many more layers of emotion to the song...

choons said...

And on the eighth day Adam created a world for his Glamberts.

Anne Marie said...

I like that choons. We all had a take on this gif.

Lam-My said...

AdminFan...I like this gif! I laughed at it...reminded me so much of my Glampire story where he uses his laser beam to aim at Dracula. But mine...the beam shoots from his laser skull ring; oooh-la-la this one, the whole hand lights up! Poor Dracula, he had better be ready for Glampire Part 5...this amount of laser will barbecue him to a kink lol! Actually, I like Dracula but he's always stalking Glampire. lol! Mmm I dislike stalkers and opportunists! lol!