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Best Bohemian Rhapsody cover poll result!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, September 15, 2014

Posted at : Monday, September 15, 2014


Lam-My said...

This poll is really funny and askew, kind of agree with results. lol!
More poignantly is the ease with which Adam steps in and out of Freddie's shoes which are not too big, nor too small...just right in BH; like Goldilocks said. lol!

Lam-My said...

There's a picture of SkinGraft posted; these artistic designers / artisans go back a long way with Adam; when he started off his GlamNation tour; like they might have sewn that Strut striped jacket and the red A top-hat. Adam has launched them more conspicuously onto the fashion scene I think. Perhaps they did the Killer Queen costume because the leather strips were from GlamNation.

Rosepetal said...

The question is... Is it a cover when u sing it with Queen?

Lam-My said...

Hi Rose Petal.....I guess any song not written/produced by the actual singer, probably is considered a cover; a differentiation.