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VIDEO! Queen + Adam Lambert in Barcelona 2016: "Killer Queen"

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Posted at : Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Although we have yet to find a quality "Killer Queen" video from the Lisbon show, we've found a very decent one from the Barcelona show, thanks to YouTube user NadiaNukkaa.  However, it is within a 3-song segment with "Play The Game" preceding it, and "I Want To Break Free" after it, both songs of which AdminFan posted from a different YouTube user earlier but, at least here you will get to see the entire KQ segment, including Adam's 'monologue'..!

"Play The Game" / "KILLER QUEEN" (starting at 1:55) / "I Want To Break Free"


Dee R Gee said...

KQ is such a fan favorite. Glad there was a good close-up vid that surfaced. And as much as I loved the elegant chaise lounge and how Adam draped his body over it, I do love the throne, too, along with the chalice. That song is a real highlight for me. Sheer campy fun! And the feathered jacket is pure Adam. Who else could pull off that look and yet look so masculine and sexy? He's a genius!