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Awesome Adam Lambert Doll By Kardamdoll

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Posted at : Tuesday, June 14, 2016

 Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Lam-My said...

Rockstar Adam weaves in and out
Prowls, growls...holding a golden mic
His weaponry of might and delight
3..2..1..Fire! Takes off in lustful vocals
Killer Queen wallows
Flaunts a champagne bottle
Gulps full-throttle...spews it into the audience
Did I make you wet...he chuckles
Looks behind...offers Brian a sip of the wine
No, no, it's work time...he declines
Operatic Pop King reclines on the purple couch
Wiggles his 4-inch clogs about
Clearly indulging the time of his life lwl!

Lam-My said...

Another version:

Tight-fitting black pants, legs asunder
Out-stretched arms wrapped in glitter
Reposed on the Killer Queen couch
Mic in one hand, champagne bottle in the other
Killer Queen lets go his fetters
To experience freedom in song and laughter
His partner in crime Dr Brian, joins him on the sofa
Unfazed, continues strumming his guitar
Killer Queen offers a sip of champagne from his bottle
No, says his partner, shaking his head
I’m working…no liquor
Killer Queen shrugs his shoulders
Stands on the sofa…downs the bottle of champagne
Pheeeeew…spews it onto the eager spectators
So what…I’ll still enjoy myself, no bother
I’m Killer Queen Erotica ! lwl!

Lam-My said...

Killer Queen is killing viruses sleeping on the killer couch. lwl!

Hello there Killer Queen!

Ugh who's there?

It's me...vicious virus are a pretty tough nut to crack, I must say; I've tried taking you down for days.

Why do you do that?

Well, that's my job.

That sounds real mean vicious virus !

Yea you might say that...but I'm indirectly strengthening your immune system, though that sounds too noble. My real intent is to create havoc! Hoo hoo hooo...

Leave me alone...I need to be up and about for my next Killer Queen show.

Okay, I shall relent this one time for you because I find you not my a cup of tea. You fight back real good.

Killer Queen wakes up and downs a hot cup of tea.

I seem much in control of my system after sleeping on the killer couch. Who was that talking to me; must have been hallucinating...

February 9, 2015 at 6:49 PM (1st print) Lam-My

p/s...Adam did make it on stage after a day or two; very strong immunity.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this lovely photo of Kardamdoll's latest Adam doll. The attention to detail is wonderful. Love the foot attire!

Kindred said...

WOW! Thankey for all of your dolls @kardamdoll! This KQ-doll has even got a MAGNUM size bottle of champagne! I like that:D!

Hi Lam-My!
Great to see you inspired and having fun here Lam-My and well, no wonder, Killer Queen has that effect on many of his dedicated fans!:)) Even the doll version of Adam looks fabulous in his outfit. Adam is really in so many ways our treasure to keep close in our hearts. I hope Adam feels all the loving support of his fans to help and get through these difficult times.

Lam-My said...

Hey there Kindred!
Suddenly, I feel so happy to hear from you; my aurora borealis streaking across the sky/forest. lwl! Adam is a very resilient person. The heinous crime in Orlando...RIP the departed.