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Adam Lambert RT'd @THR: "Trump again risked wrath of @QueenWillRock after playing #WeAreTheChampions.."

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Monday, July 18, 2016

Posted at : Monday, July 18, 2016

Adam Lambert, current frontman for the legendary band QUEEN, retweeted The Hollywood Reporter @THR's tweet re the Republican National Convention's use of Queen's iconic song "We Are The Champions" for Donald Trump's entrance into the convention.

@THR: "Trump again risked the wrath of @Queen after playing #WeAreTheChampions at the #RNCinCLE"

Freddie Mercury, John Deacon, Brian May & Roger Taylor circa 1978, the year after the release of the iconic QUEEN song "We Are The Champions" - Photo by Chris Hopper

Dr. Brian May of Queen had previously criticized Mr. Trump's unauthorized use of the song last month (June 2016).

Dr. May's widely quoted statement:
"I’ve had an avalanche of complaints — some of which you can see in our ‘LETTERS’ page — about Donald Trump using our 'We Are the Champions' track as his 'theme' song on USA TV," May wrote. "This is not an official Queen statement, but I can confirm that permission to use the track was neither sought nor given. We are taking advice on what steps we can take to ensure this use does not continue. Regardless of our views on Mr Trump’s platform, it has always been against our policy to allow Queen music to be used as a political campaigning tool. Our music embodies our own dreams and beliefs, but it is for all who care to listen and enjoy."

Note: the article linked in today's tweet from The Hollywood Reporter first appeared on June 9, 2016.

Two other sources, Rolling Stone and The Daily Mail (UK)  (linked in the tweet below) are but 2 of many media sources that chronicled  Dr. May's statement of his displeasure of Mr. Trump's use of Queen's music without Queen's permission or approval.

Queen's Official Video: "We Are The Champions" 
(song released in 1977)

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to being a free country? Sorry, but I don't think any artist should have the right to tell any person or entity not to buy & listen to or play their music if it has been published or made public and if it's not being used commercially.

That's like a writer telling someone they can't read their book or telling a library they can't put it on their shelves for others to read & appreciate. Do we have to get permission to play our favorite artist's music at parties and weddings? No, nobody does that.

As much as I love Brian (& Adam), I think he is wrong on this one. I think he is letting fairness be overshadowed by his political views.

nancdruu2 said...

"We are the Champions" is a Queen song and to play it at the National Republican Convention is saying that Queen endorses Trump. Trump was asked not to play it and then this happens. This song is not Trump's favorite. Trump considers himself a champion and that's why it's being played. What next? Playing Queen at a KKK rally? Besides, as Adam stated, the Republican party has been very against Gay people for decades. It's a slap in the face. Stop it now Donald Trump.

Dee R Gee said...

ephyne, This isn't like reading a book or playing a song at a wedding. This is about strong political messages. nancdruu2 is right. Playing WATC at the convention suggests that Queen agrees with Trump's politics. Brian May has said quite plainly that he does not. And yes, I realize Brian May is not an American who will vote in the election, BUT since international politics affect everyone on the planet, he has a right to speak out against what he considers misuse of his music. I hope Trump gets the message and doesn't use the song again.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if there are strong political connotations or not--The convention is a private gathering of people. I firmly believe in freedom of expression. I am a person of principle, and don't believe in exceptions to those principles. If he or whoever decides on the national convention playlist bought the song, they can listen to it or play it. Barring a certain group from listening to or playing a song that has been made publicly available to be sold is discrimination and censorship. Also, in no way does the convention playing music suggest an endorsement--That is a false logical assumption. Only an endorsement by Queen would suggest Queen endorses Trump. On top of that, you're also assuming that because of an association with a single party, all the members hold the same views. That's stereotyping and generalizing, and is entirely unfair. There are many Republicans who are pro-gay marriage, and who associate with the party for other reasons. So how is not allowing Queen's music to be played fair to them?

The Democrat party was pro-slavery for years back during the civil war period. So by your logic, are we going to keep the democratic party from playing any music by an African Americans? That's silly, and is also a direct act against their right to freedom of speech and expression. So is banning the RNC some using a Queen song. I used to consider myself more liberal but I'm sick of how much hypocrisy I've seen by many liberals these last couple years. They have allowed their feelings and biases to overcome reason and fairness. I thought the liberal philosophy was encouraging of freedom for all people, not just those who happen to fit a certain group or follow a certain agenda. Even if that leads to conflict, or even if those views are controversial/not-at-all PC, exchange of dialogue and communication of ideas of any kind are necessary in a free society, especially if you want to unravel & solve issues. Unfortunately, the liberal stance has become far too radical these days and has become more alienating and destructive of these freedoms than welcoming and upholding of them. That's been my experience, and I'm not alone, unfortunately.

glitzylady said...

The convention is not private in the truest sense of the word.. It is nationally televised and seen worldwide. I do appreciate your views, but there are precedents and legal issues involved. Sony music, who is the label that holds publishing rights (along with Queen) to the song, has stated that permission was not applied for or approved for use of the song at the national convention. Or at the other gathering..

Brian May's statement was this:

"I’ve had an avalanche of complaints — some of which you can see in our ‘LETTERS’ page — about Donald Trump using our 'We Are the Champions' track as his 'theme' song on USA TV," May wrote. "This is not an official Queen statement, but I can confirm that permission to use the track was neither sought nor given. We are taking advice on what steps we can take to ensure this use does not continue. Regardless of our views on Mr Trump’s platform, it has always been against our policy to allow Queen music to be used as a political campaigning tool. Our music embodies our own dreams and beliefs, but it is for all who care to listen and enjoy."

In other words, they do not wish their music to be used for political purposes. He doesn't say "for some political purposes"..

I shared my feelings in another of our blogs here, but in interest of having to state it again, I'll copy and paste:

"There are many instances of musicians and bands requesting that their music NOT be used for political purposes, in political campaigns, etc... It is nothing new that Queen has requested their music NOT be used by Mr. Trump or the Republican Party in general, for "official" public, widely broadcast on national TV, purposes. It's understandable given the Republican party's platform this year. Queen's members certainly have the right to request their music not be used. It's been my observation and experience that the majority of politicians & parties are respectful of that request after being told once.. Using WATC once was forgivable but unfortunate, in my opinion. The second time, at the convention last night, was a blatant and disrespectful show of ignoring Queen, the band's, already expressed wishes. I would imagine there will be repercussions. Dr. May was firm in his request that they not use it further.. I suspect there may be legal action this time.."

I love Queen music and love hearing it in a variety of settings, but in reality, Queen, Dr. May, Roger Taylor et al, and Sony Music (who have also commented on the matter and who have also stated that no permissions were requested from them or granted by the musicians or by the record company for use of the song, and who have also stated that they are not yet sure about any legal action at this time, but have left the possibility open) do have some say in how it is used.

This Presidential election cycle has indeed been ugly and divisive. And continues to be unfortunately.. Respect for others, including the wishes of musicians and their copyrighted music has seemingly gone out the window.

Nanbert said...

ephyne.... just stuff it!!! Queen has a perfect right to not allow its music to be used for political purposes... the assumptions will always be that Queen supports the political platform of that candidate.

In order to be absolutely FAIR, Queen doesn't want ANY political use of its music. Music is NOT political, but it does have the ability to "color" peoples' impression of the candidate that it is being used for... especially something as stirring as "We Are The Champions"!

To keep itself ABOVE the fray, Queen has decided to NOT enter the fray AT ALL -- under any circumstances... and thus avoid ANY/ALL political conflict.

That is Queen's music... that is Queen's Right!

glitzylady said...

A reminder: We welcome all opinions expressed here as long as they are expressed with reasonable respect. Please consider that when posting replies & comments.. Thank you! :))))

Nanbert said...

Reminder understood.. sorry, glitzylady.

Sorry, ephyne... please DON'T stuff it! But I stand by the rest that I said.... which should not offend anyone.