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Adam Lambert's snapchat story 2-5-17

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, February 6, 2017

Posted at : Monday, February 06, 2017

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

Wonder what they're talking about?

Lam-My said...
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Lam-My said...

So to follow up with previous photo from this snapchat...Pharaoh was travelling in a car; that was what intrigued him; not a fruit-bat; most likely the camera.

Hi asked me to give you an answer; there it is, not a fruit-bat on a tree Owoooh; Daddy was taking me on a night ride in town, so fascinating. I love going out with Daddy, meet so many of his friends and they all pat my head and call my name. By the way, I know my name very well now. Daddy always calls: Pharaoh, hi-i ! I like that, so softly and he never shouts at me even when I do wrong things.

What wrong things?

Pharaoh: word you like so much.

Oh! That! So are you doing the right thing now?

Yes! definitely! or I won't be allowed to purge on his sofa. Owoooh!

You're sure you got the right word, Pharaoh. lwl!

你好 ! ni hao

Aha, you've learnt some Mandarin... 谢谢 ! sie sie