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Adam Lambert Fan Art From @CreativeSharka: New chibies "vacation" @adamlambert

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Posted at : Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Lam-My said...

Helloo Chibi Adam! I see you are fully recharged after your wonderful vacation; now back to the grinding-mill. Well, you enjoy your work so much, not much of grinding I'd say. Your cup runneth over for you and others. Now homeward bound to your new home with Pharaoh, which means I get to talk with him again. Hi Pharaoh!

Lam-My said...

Helloo Tammy! What are you doing here all by yourself?

Hi Chibi Adam...actually I was hoping to see you. Where have you been, I went searching all over the swamp, you know our usual rendezvous.

Sorry about that...actually I was on a long wonderful vacation and just returned recharged.
What's up Tammy? You need help?

As a matter of fact, yes. You see, as I was crawling around the swamp, I heard a strange mating sound; being very nosy, I wanted to know who or what was making the sound.

Chibi Adam:
Mating sound? Ooooh...alright, I'm curious too, let's go...maybe we can help find a mate for whoever needs help. Hahaha! That's my came to the right place.

When Chibi and Tammy got there, they indeed heard an unusual whining. Tammy with its keen sense of smell and hearing, took Chibi to a small hollow cave, partially submerged in the swamp. They looked in, seemed okay; the whining got louder. And as a dim light streamed into the cave...what they saw shocked them.
An alligator with its mouth wide-open basking in the dim light, at the same time whining, maybe in heat.
Sensing danger Chibi exhorted: Run! Tammy Run!

But Tammy couldn''s a turtle. Chibi picked Tammy up and turned to run out of the cave. Crash! Tammy fell from Chibi's grasp and turned turtle ! but it's head was safely tugged in its shell...thank goodness for Tammy's natural fortification.
By now, the commotion had excited Alligator which thrashed its mighty tail and went for Chibi Adam.

Help! Save me! Tammy!

Tammy had managed to turn back upright and seeing its dear friend in grave danger, on the threshold of Alligator's opened jaw and rows of gleaming teeth...Tammy summoned up all its strength and wooeeee! plonked itself at Alligator's head. Bam wham! Alligator lunged its huge mouth forward to devour Tammy, lock stock barrel style.

No better friend than one who lays down his life for another. Chibi was really touched by Tammy's act of selflessness.

A fierce one-sided combat ensued. Alligator thrashed Tammy tossing and turning it; trying to get its head which was way inside.
Poor Tammy but it remained calm hidden in its beautiful starback shell. As the duel raged, Chibi Adam hid behind a large boulder; he couldn't do anything but just prayed Tammy would be safe in its house.

After some time, Alligator growled:
This ain't good lunch, wasting my time! And wiggled its way back to the swamp.

When the coast was clear, Chibi cautiously got to Tammy which remained motionless.

Tammy! Tammy! You can come out now... No movement.

Chibi got scared...maybe Tammy did not survive all the judo throws and thrashings after all. Knock! Knock! Are you okay?
After a couple of minutes...Tammy gingerly stretched its neck out and took a peek.
It was just fine! Tammy always played dead in a life-and-death situation.
Chibi Adam gave Tammy a thankful heartfelt kiss for saving him from being mauled...both left the swamp cautiously.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

My caption for this one ... "The first & last days of vacation ... so much fun & soooo WORTH it!!" LOL ... Now that's a Happy chibi at the beginning & now that it's over & back to work!! Can't wait for Oct. 7th to see/hear ADAM's latest endeavor .. wish it was being televised ... hope I can get the audio stream!! Keeping my fingers crossed ....

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Cheeky chibis - love them!! :-))