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Adam Lambert New Single "Roses" ft. Nile Rodgers — Feb. 4th Release! (UPDATED with song clip + Nile comment + Billboard link)

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Posted at : Wednesday, January 29, 2020

UPDATE (1/29/20): Nile Rodgers added a comment to Adam's IG, below; and link to new article in Billboard regarding the single, at bottom of post.

UPDATE (1/30/20): Adam posted an additional Instagram of the single cover but containing a short audio clip of the song!  See the first IG below this image...

Billboard published an article about it today (1/29/20) titled "Adam Lambert Celebrates His Birthday by Announcing His Next Collab -- And It's a Good One":


Dee R Gee said...

A new single featuring Nile Rodgers??? This is HUGE! "Roses" is a great title. And I love that over-the-top 1930s glamour movie star look for Adam. He has done it before and he is perfect for it. His glam works in any decade.

Nanbert said...

Wow! What a surprise! Not even a hint of this collaberation. Can't wait! Nice album cover. Adam always looks interesting/attractive in period costumes.

Glad to see the continuing relationship of Adam and Nile. I was wondering why Nile didn't turn up at the Avicii Tribute. I'm glad to find that he appears to be well.

Nanbert said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
broddybounce said...

Update to this post has been added.

Sunflower said...

Omg you guys Adam posted this with a snippet of this song and it's good! Sounds like classic CHIC music and I love it! Can't wait for you guys to hear it and hear your comments! It's so good!

broddybounce said...

Thanks for the note about the snippet, Sunflower — I just added that IG to the post!

Anonymous said...

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