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Adam Lambert Cancels 2020 Europe Solo Tour

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Thursday, June 18, 2020

Posted at : Thursday, June 18, 2020

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Sunflower said...

I couldn't wait for 2020, a brand new year in a brand new decade and for what? This damned virus that won't go away! Yesterday all the Glamberts heart sank. Had been longing to see Adam in concert but its not meant to be. Shosh says Adam can't reschedule for next year that its not his choice, already had commitments for next year that its impossible for him to tour to Europe next year. Shosh had said what Adam has been working on this year will present itself next year. Guess its time for me to plan a vacation next year, I would'nt miss Adam on any concerts. So sad but safety is fìrst. 😷😭

Dee R Gee said...

It's very sad, all of it. But we have to look forward, not back, and hope that 2021 brings lots of good new things for Adam. Curious about what he already has planned for next year.

The songs on Velvet are still out there in all their glory. He WILL perform those songs live when he has the chance, whenever that happens to be. He is dying to perform them in front of a big audience. In the meantime we can stream and view and do all the things that help him the best we can.

Nanbert said...

So sad...for Europe...for Adam...for US! But the last thing we want is for anything to happen to Adam and/or his fans by jumping the gun. As long as Adam stays healthy, we will STILL have that glorious voice/delightful man around for many years. Even now, we are seeing/hearing him appear live online more than that helps assuage our Adam addiction a bit. Besides, many fans have never seen Adam or QAL in person, but that doesn't deter them! Hope springs eternal.

Sunflower said...

Yes Dee R Gee and Nanbert I agree with you two. Sigh Can't Cancel Pride is coming up on June 25.