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Adam Lambert Makes His Debut In 'Cabaret" On Broadway NYC 9-16-2024

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, September 14, 2024

Posted at : Saturday, September 14, 2024

So as we know, Adam Lambert will be taking over the starring part in the Broadway musical "Cabaret" beginning on Monday, September 16, 2024. Actor Eddie Redmayne has been playing the part up until now. It's a wonderful opportunity for Adam to get back to his theater beginnings, from the age of 10 until he went on to star on American Idol in 2009. He'll be in the show until mid March, 2025
Info and Tickets to the show here: Cabaret Tickets

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Patria said...

Great to see you back glitzylady. Thanks for starting a new thread with so many goodies. Dee R Gee, Sunflower, and Mi Re La have been bringing in lots of links, info and comments to keep this going.

I'm so happy for Adam being in Cabaret. Right now I would just like to tell him to Break a Leg.

Mi Re La said...

Hi everyone! I am very happy that you are posting again Glitzilady. I think that a new era Adam is just beginning. I hope there will be some sequences with Adam from the Cabaret show. For me it is almost impossible to get there.
I hoped that the "Afters" EP would also appear physically. I like it so much.
Adam's new look left me speechless. He looks so young without the beard and mustache and with a lot of weight he has lost. It's as if he went back in time 15-20 years. I would like to see pictures of him and Oliver now because I don't think the age difference is noticeable at all.

Dee R Gee said...

Welcome back, glitzylady! We were hoping this site would get a revival. I'm so thrilled to see Adam up in lights in Times Square! I think a new era is beginning!

Dee R Gee said...

Caught some great video on my FB feed of Adam on the sidewalk in front of the theater meeting fans and signing autographs. Everyone was thrilled to see him. He looks so happy! Those vids vanished from my feed and I can't seem to find them again.

Sunflower said...

I have'nt been on Facebook in a couple of days but I saw them too Dee R Gee but on twitter (X) and they're still there. Don't know why they disappeared from your FB feed? I've seen a video from Broadwayworld of Adam first appearance singing a line and introducing Sally Bowels. Now that Glitzy is back hoping she'll post the pics/videos of Afam/Cabaret.

Dee R Gee said...

Loving the fan response from those who have already seen Adam in Cabaret. Sounds like he's doing a great job. The guy who does makeup posted that it's a great show and he will have more to say soon. Adam was born to do a role like this.

Sunflower said...

So I posted earlier, don't see it here so it did'nt publish or it was inaproppiate, I apologise, was ranting my frustrations. Yes Adam has been recieving great praises for his Emcee performance even from non Glamberts! I still wish I could see him but not possible. :(( This Thursday Adam is on Kelly Clarkson, don't know if it'll air that same day or the next day.

Dee R Gee said...

Thanks for the reminder about the Kelly Clarkson show. I'm going to set my DVR. Apparently, it was taped a while back. He'll be talking about being in Cabaret, I'm sure.

Sunflower said...

So I just found out that the episode with Adam airs on Oct. 3. Wish I knew before I had set my DVR. Funny tho I really like Keith Urban but rather tape Adam, will delete todays show. Lol

Dee R Gee said...

I just found that out, too. All set for Oct. 3. I forgot she is now in NYC and not LA. Nice and convenient for Adam to be on!

Sunflower said...

Last night Adam and Auli and others were at some Gala and looking so handsome from pics that I saw. Roger Taylor and his wife went to see Adam in "Cabaret" last night. Some more great reviews for Adam from a few new articles. :)

Dee R Gee said...

Yes! I was the special night for the new show and cast. So many friends and family of Adam were there! Would be nice If Roger Taylor posted a little comment on social media. He says he hates live theater, but I''m sure he was impressed with Adam in this one. And also nice to see Leila and Neil, too. Eber says he's coming in December. Adam looked so great last night!

Dee R Gee said...

Paul Wontorek, big reviewer from just gave a rave review for Adam on a video. He raved about the whole show, but really gave Adam tons of praise. This show is such a triumph for Adam. It's long over-due that he get a big-time stage role, esp on Broadway! Hope it leads to more theater opportunities for him,

Sunflower said...

My God yes, I saw that Dee R Gee, he said he was killing it as the Emcee and Adam was born to be on Broadway and as a Broadway star! I am loving all these reviews from non-Glamberts! ❤️

Dee R Gee said...

Roger Taylor and his wife saw Cabaret the other night. There is a video of Roger's reaction and it is VERY positive. He loved it! And Roger has always said that he HATES live theater. Well, he loved this one. Loved hearing from other celebrities who saw the show, too. All so positive.

Sunflower said...

I had been waiting to hear Rogers comment on the play, happy that he and his wife loved it. Hoping God willing Brian can go see Cabaret ( if he's up to it due to his health) and the rest of the guys too. Yesterday Promo pics of Adam from K.C. show were posted, looking mighty fine.

Dee R Gee said...

Yes, it would be great if Brian could come see the show, and maybe a few of the other QAL guys. I'm sure they would love seeing Adam in a different element. My DVR is all set for KC tomorrow! Adam does look spectacular!

Dee R Gee said...

Watched the Kelly Clarkson show. Adam was so beautiful and charming, as always. He's so excited to be "back home" in the theater.

Sunflower said...

I wish Adam was on longer, nice to see him on a television interview. Adam and his platform shoes, (shoe cam, haha), he looked like a giant to me being so tall when he was walking out towards Kelly. Lol I am writing this late evening and found out Adam did'nt perform tonight as the emcee. Seems that Adam could'nt come to work. Who knows? I think he's tired that's all. He looked and sounded fine all week on those videos signing autographs etc.. I'm sure we'll find out.

Dee R Gee said...

Just heard the news that COVID may be hitting that theater or Adam in particular. Another theater on Broadway had to shut down due to COVID. So Adam may either have it or may be advised to stay home for a while. He had COVID during the pandemic and he had it pretty bad. It's so sad that people buy Cabaret tickets just to see him and then he can't perform on that particular show. Hope he's back soon. I noticed that when Adam was on Kelly Clarkson's show, they didn't give each other big hugs or sit closer to each other. They kept a big distance. I assume it was COVID distancing.

Sunflower said...

Oh no! I don't want that for Adam! It did'nt occurr to me it might be Covid related. Dang this Covid, stay away from Adam! Grrrrr Thanks Dee R. Gee

Dee R Gee said...

Looks like he's back.

Dee R Gee said...

Just heard that Cabaret is sold oout tonight! That's great news because the shows have not been selling out every time. Spread the word if you can, and get a ticket!

Sunflower said...

Good I'm glad tonight is sold out! I too heard the same about the play not making a million dollars or whatever. Rave reviews Adam is getting too. Believe me if I can I would buy tickets for Cabaret but not meant to be. :((

Dee R Gee said...

Just read that the tickets sales for Cabaret are picking up. Over the $1 million mark. That's good news! Word must be getting out! Hope it keeps up!

Sunflower said...

Yay for Cabaret! Happy to hear this! I want every non Glambert to go see Adam, because us fans already know he's phenomenal!🀩 Yesterday a post on Queen featuring Roger Taylor says that Queen is hinting on making new music, according to Roger "we can still sing, we can still play, why not"? I'm in for that to happen! ☺️

Dee R Gee said...

I think it would be great for QAL to put out new music, too. But, honestly, I'm not holding my breath.

Dee R Gee said...

Eddie Redmayne was in the audience at Cabaret the other night!! Would love to know what he thought of Adam's performance. Everyone who's has played the Emcee has given it their own spin.

Sunflower said...

Yes I did see late last night on a fans post that Eddie R. went to last nights show and was called onto the stage during intermission. She (fan) took a pic of Eddie outside leaving (it was a bit blurry) but you can see it was him. I'd like to know myself what he had to say about Adam.

Dee R Gee said...

I didn't know that he was called onto the stage during intermission. That was a nice thing to do. He played that role for quite a while.

Dee R Gee said...

Yes, I did just see that pic and the video. Eddie was so complimentary to Adam. Eddie is a real cutie, BTW.

Dee R Gee said...

Brian May and his wife are in NYC. I assume they will be seeing Adam in Cabaret. Roger Taylor saw it and raved about it.

Sunflower said...

Thanks Dee R Gee did'nt know about Brian and wife! Oh this news makes me happy, have been hoping for Brian to come to New York! No doubt they will go see "Cabaret", just like Roger already had. ❤️

Dee R Gee said...

Just saw a quick interview with Eddie Redmayne. He saw Cabaret the other night but Adam didn't know he was there. Eddie slipped in at the last minute. He was thrilled with the show.

Sunflower said...

Oh so he went again? Thats whats happenning with the fans, they go again and again and that makes me jealous. Haha Btw I haven't heard or seen anything on Brian May since you mentioned him. Unless he was incognito. LOL Remember Beverly Knight from that UK Star something show who was a judge along with Adam, she was in New York early October, went with her husband and mother to see Cabaret.

Dee R Gee said...

Adam is going to be on the Live with Kelly and Mark show on Monday, November 4. Hope he's live in the studio and not doing a remote.

Dee R Gee said...

Possible correction. Adam may be pre-taping the show and it may be aired at a later time than Nov. 4. I'm not sure. Just don't want to confuse anyone.

Sunflower said...

Ok thanks for the update! Can't wait to see him there.

Dee R Gee said...

Just saw Eddie Redmayne on Kimmel last night. He is so delightful and fun. I'll bet he was a great Emcee.

Sunflower said...

I'm sure Eddie's Emcee version was also good. So I'm finding out that Nov.4 is Adam's taping of Kelly/Mark live. Don't know yet if the airing date is next day? Glamberts are saying Adam's name is not on any guest list of upcoming shows. Also another fan posted that Adam will be on next week in the third hour of "The Today Show", no day was mentioned.

Dee R Gee said...

Thanks for the heads-up on the Today Show!

Sunflower said...

Me again Lol Just read that Adam's The Today Show appearence is for Tuesday Nov. 5 and Nov.15 for Kelly/Mark Live.

Dee R Gee said...

Thank you, Sunflower! Got it on my calendar. Great that he's getting on some high-profile shows. Hope he gets more!

Sunflower said...

Just had my DVR set for Adam for tomorrows 3hour segment on Todays show. Also Kelly Clarkson's show with Adam will be repeated tomorrow Tuesday the 5th.

Dee R Gee said...

I just set my DVR, too. Adam also posted that he will be working the phone bank tomorrow to get our the vote for Kamala.

Dee R Gee said...

Just saw Adam on the Today show! He was gorgeous and perfect in every way, as I expected. So charming, so funny, so sweet.

Sunflower said...

I know Dee R Gee saw him too! I love him so much and looked damn good in that Blue color! πŸ’™

Dee R Gee said...

The early tickets sales of Cabaret were pretty slow, but it sure did pick up once the word got out that Adam was killing it as the Emcee. So glad that they are playing to full houses!

Sunflower said...

Thank heavens a lot of people have gone and will keep it up hopefully! People like me who can't go to New York I'm praying for Cabaret Cast album. Lol Please Universe.πŸ™ Oh yeah, don't forget Adam this Friday the 15th on Kelly and Mark Live.

Dee R Gee said...

Hope everyone here watched Adam on the Kelly and Mark show this morning or have it on DVR! He was great, of course, and looked stunning.

Sunflower said...

Yup! I saw and DVRed too. I wish he could talk for several more minutes on these talk shows. Adam's voice calms and relaxes me. Sigh He did looked stunning.

Patria said...

Adam did look and sound great this morning. I really enjoyed it. I've been watching it over and over on twitter too. Loved when he said about painting his face for a lonnng time but honestly wasn't he practically born playing with make up?

Sunflower said...

Spike Edny went to see Adam last night in Cabaret, I was happy that they saw each other afterwards. Adam in another interview coming soon on ABC and Hulu channels for the annual OUT 100.

Dee R Gee said...

I saw the pic of Spike, too. So glad he came to see Adam. For those who don't know, Spike is the keyboard player for Queen. So he knows Adam very well. Great to hear that Adam will be on TV again!

Dee R Gee said...

Just saw a great video of John Kander who co-wrote the original Cabaret 58 years ago, To commemorate that anniversary, he attended the show two nights ago. He was interviewed on stage after the show. He talked about how relevent the show is after all these years. He also praised the current cask, and then said, "And Adam, what planet are you from?" He said it is totally praise-worthy way. He was obviously immensely impressed with Adam's performance and let everyone know it. Adam was sitting along the edge of the stage with the other cast members. It was a wonderful moment. I'm sure Adam got chills, just like I did.

Sunflower said...

I also saw that video at warmed my heart! What an honor John Kander was present and receiving an Olivier Award. I almost cried when Jk asked Adam "what planet are you from"? What a special moment (amongst others). Adam being the current Emcee at the time of Cabaret's 58th Anniversary feels more special! God I wish I was there that night. Any night to see Adam but I can't, I must confess I do get a bit jealous to see some certain Glamberts have been going or will go to several shows and afterwards wait for him outside for a selfie or autograph (even both), all I ask is for 1 show. Sigh To answer John Kander's question between us Glamberts we know Adam is from "Planet Fierce"! πŸ₯°πŸ’–

Dee R Gee said...

I saw Auli'i on Jeopardy today! She was not a contestant, but she read the clues about Hawaii and islands in the Pacific. She was so lovely. Her introduction by Ken Jennings included a plug for Moana 2. I would not have known who she was if I hadn't discovered her through Adam and Cabaret. It was fun to see her on TV! And she was just on Kelly Clarkson, too, and they talked about Adam for a minute or so.

Sunflower said...

You got to see her twice. I did'nt know about hetr appearances. Glad Adam was mentioned even for a bit. I was'nt home, had to run a few errands and stopped by the grocery store, so I missed Auli'i. Me too I never heard of Auli'i until Cabaret and thats because I saw Moana (the first one) did'nt realize she's the voice of the character.

Dee R Gee said...

Just heard that Adam made a video of the song "I Don't Care" from Cabaret! It will be released this Friday, Dec. 6! Can't wait to see it!

Sunflower said...

Eeeek! Thanks Dee R Gee for the heads up! Excited for this! Last Wednesday afternoon I went to see "Wicked"! Its really good! If you have a chance please go see it, I loved it! Don't want to spoil any part of the movie if you or anyone here (those that lurk here but don't comment) haven't seen it yet. I will say that its over 2 hours and 45 minutes ish long.

Dee R Gee said...

I saw Wicked in live on-stage years ago in Chicago. It might have been the traveling Broadway show that Adam was a part of. For all I know, he was in the chorus of that show. I don't remember the exact year. I plan to go see the current movie, too. It's LONG but looks like it's very good.

Dee R Gee said...

Auli'i was on Colbert last night promoting Moana 2. At the end, they talked a bit about Cabaret, and she did mention Adam being in the show. I was hoping she would.

Sunflower said...

Glad Auli'i did mention Adam last night, in that way more peole can be aware of "Cabaret" and hopefully interested in checking out Adam. :) Good that you caught her, I did'nt know she was on there.

Dee R Gee said...

Looks like Adam may be moving to NYC. Seems that his house in LA is for sale and he's looking to buy something in NYC. He does have the apartment in NYC but likely looking for something to buy? We will soon find out!

Sunflower said...

Wow! Did'nt see that coming? Interesting. What I did hear this morning was Adam's preview to "I Don't Care Much" , its already out in some countries. We have to wait all day. :))

Dee R Gee said...

They played part of it on Spotify, but not the whole thing. Have to wait until tomorrow.

Sunflower said...

Adam was on earlier this morning with Elvis Duran and we finally can see the "I Don't Care Much" videeo. So good!

Dee R Gee said...

Yes, it's a stunning performance and I love that look back he gives at the very end. The Elvis Durant interview was especially good, IMO. Adam was so funny and smart and thoughtful and gorgeous. Need I say more.

Dee R Gee said...

Great interview with Adam in the NY Times!

Sunflower said...

Yep these interviews he gave these past days are good. :)) Incidently Adam did'nt perform yesterday's matinee or last night's show either. My guess is that he's exausted and did'nt have energy. What I don't like is that some Glamberts assume the worst like "oh my God is he ok?", " what happened to him ?", "is he sick?", things like that! Ugh Adam is not a child, he's capable of taking care of himself. Remember he showed us his dressing room full of stuff that he said its like a CVS pharmacy! LOL So Glamberts last night got their refunds back and were going to try for todays/tonights shows.

Dee R Gee said...

I don't think Adam missed the shows due to health issues. Sometimes things come up. I know it's frustrating to buy a ticket assuming Adam will be performing and then he''s not. I've gone to plenty of live theater in my life, and when there was a substitute actor for that particular show, I never thought about it at all. But when it's someone you really wanted to see in the show, it makes a huge difference. Adam is getting huge accolades for this show, and that is so important, career-wise. Wish I could go. Sounds like everyone who sees it, loves it.

Dee R Gee said...

Adam was in a Jeopardy clue today! He was in a category called "Adams." The clue asked who was the replacement frontman for Queen. The Jeopardy contestant got it right! The clue had a photo of QAL onstage .

Sunflower said...

So true what you said about the difference it makes on going to see someone in particular versus some understudy. You save/spend money to go see Adam (in this case) and he's not performing that night? It becomes dissappointing. Thankfully he was back last night, so happy Glamberts! Cool that Adam was mentioned on Jeopardy. I missed it. Speaking of television Adam will be a guest judge on RuPauls Drag Race on Jan. 3, on MTV channel.

Sunflower said...

So just found out NBC’s The Today hosts Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager are hosting a 2 hour New Years Eve primetime special on December 31st with Adam (one of other artists) featured in an interview. It’s on at 9:00 pm Eastern time/8:00 pm. Central time. :)

Dee R Gee said...

I saw that, too! Thanks for the heads-up. Hard to know when Adam will be on exactly, because there are so many people they will have on. We'll have it on DVR because we're having people over for NYE.

Dee R Gee said...

Just read that Adam's new photoshoot will be the NY Times Entertainment section tomorrow!

Dee R Gee said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Sunflower said...

Thank you Dee R Gee! Merry Christmas and a happy healthy prosperous New Year for everyone here at 24/7! πŸ™πŸŽ„πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸŽ‡πŸŽ†πŸ’–

Dee R Gee said...

Happy New Year, everyone! Among all the trouble in the world, I am glad that I have many fellow Adam fans in my life to share some much-needed joy in the world.

Sunflower said...

Happy New Year Dee R Gee and everyone here at 24/7!!! Ditto on everything you said! I am so happy and grateful for Adam Mitchel Lambert! I am honored to meet ( through social media) many Adam fans and my wish is to meet them or one in person and from all over the world and not just from the United States! Proud to be a Glambert! πŸ’–

Dee R Gee said...

Adam keeps getting such incredible reviews are his Emcee role. Not just from fans fans but from actual reviewers in the press. He has to be thrilled! I'll bet he gets more offers for Broadway roles in the future. He's so talented . So glad that more people are discovering him!

Sunflower said...

I would think Adam can get more theatrical opportunities for more roles. He does keep getting great reviews, I'm so happy for him.

Dee R Gee said...

Hope Adam's house hasn't been hit by the fires in LA. They said the fire had spread to Hollywood Hills and Runyon Canyon area which is where he lives. He hikes the Canyon a lot when he's home.

Sunflower said...

As far I know I think his home is ok. Yesterday he posted on his Instagram “Praying for LA”, Stay Safe”, words to that effect, Oliver another similar Instagram post. Nothing else from Adam. Some Glamberts who live In California saying they are ok, that they don’t live near the fires but just in case they’re prepared for anything. In my case a High School Alumni classmate of mine lost his home. All in ashes, he went back this afternoon and says the devastation is immense and a whole community gone but is glad he gathered as much items he can when him and his family evacuated and they are ok. Back to Adam I too remembered he hiked on that Canyon, have to wait and see. Yesterday I saw a photo of Adam outside where he meets his fans and wearing a mask and according to a fan who went to see Cabaret, Adam had said he’s wearing a mask to avoid the flue that’s everywhere. Love that Adam is always cautious about such things.

Dee R Gee said...

I'm sure Adam has friends who are keeping an eye on his property for him. When they said that the fire was spreading near his home, I got really scared. But hopefully it will be ok. The winds are supposed to be subsiding a bit. Hope that's true. At least with a six month stay in NYC, he and Oliver have all their "stuff" with them, like medications, etc. Fingers crossed that his property will be ok. Meanwhile, he keeps killing it on Broadway! And yes, the mask it due to the flu that is going around. Hope he doesn't catch it! The ticket buyers want to see HIM on stage!

Dee R Gee said...

Just heard that Adam is going to be on The View on February 11!

Sunflower said...

Yay! I wonder if he’ll sing too like the last time. He sang Superpower dressed in Green or was he in Purple? Whatever color can’t wait to see him.

Dee R Gee said...

Just saw the announcement of Adam's successor as the Emcee. It's Orville Peck. I Googled him and he has quite a resume. He's a country singer but with lots of vocal training and experience in a lot of things. He always wears all sorts of masks all the time. I think he was born in South Africa. I could be wrong about that. He is also gay. Seems very eccentric. Never heard him sing, but he's had several albums.

Google him and tell me what you think.

Sunflower said...

Hmmm never heard of him before. I checked him out and does have acting experiences starting at a young age. Says it will be his debut with Cabaret, that as a young actor it was his dream role. Yes it does say he's from South Africa and family moved to London where he grew up as an actor and doing theater. What are the odds he's gay like Adam and also will be his Broadway debut. I took a quick peak at his Instagram Cabaret post and his fans are thrilled and excited, some already purchased tickets. He sounds like a perfect fit as the Emcee I suppose. Good luck to him and the new Sally Bowels. :) Maybe one of these days I'll check his music for curiosity sake.

Dee R Gee said...

Apparently Adam is sick and is not performing. Don't know how long he'll be out. He was wearing a mask when he was out greeting fans, but he was also out socializing with friends without a mask. Hope he's not out too long. People buy tickets just to see him.

Sunflower said...

Oh boy! I heard he did'nt perform the night before but last night either? Last I saw him out was celebrating his friend Charles B-Day a couple nights ago. As you said not wearing a mask. So perhaps he caught something from the B-Day party. I can't imagine the dissappointment for those who wanted to see Adam. Whats one to do? People can get a refund but not to see Adam at all? Ugh I'd be crying, and again you said we don't know for how long he'll be out. Adam get better!

Sunflower said...

Adam did perform last night, so he’s ok. :)). Stonewall is having a Birthday celebration for Adam at the Kit Kat Club on the 29th. A lot of goodies for that night but don’t know if anyone can purchase tickets, Stonewall saying there’s a limited supply of tickets.

Sunflower said...

Dee R. Gee, I read a post last night on these women who went to a Kelly Clarkson taping yesterday (Monday) and these women say that Kelly is going to air the rest of Adam’s interview that was edited when Adam appeared in October! I didn’t know his interview was edited??? Kelly goes to say it’ll air on Wednesday’s (tomorrow’s) show. So a heads up for tomorrow and if for some reason it’s not on tomorrow, then it’s for another day.

Dee R Gee said...

I heard that too! I believe that it is going to air on Wednesday (today). So I have my DVR set just in case I'm not home, although I plan to be. So cool that there is more to that interview for us to enjoy

Sunflower said...

Adam posted that he’ll be on Jimmy Fallon this Monday February 10 and will perform, no mention of an interview. A reminder that the next day on February 11 is Adam’s The View appearance. I assume and hope Adam is feeling better now (from not performing a few Cabaret shows a few days ago).

Dee R Gee said...

I just saw the Fallon thing, too! He's got two back TV appearances! Very nice! Hope he's back to full strength very soon and back on Cabaret. The View is always fun with al those ladies, and Fallon really likes him. Wish Colbert and Kimmel would wake up.

Dee R Gee said...

Just watched Adam on Fallon! Wow! What a performance! Lots of fans in the audience, too. And he word some lipstick as an homage to the Emcee.

Dee R Gee said...

Adam's appearnace on The View has been pushed back to Feb. 17.

Sunflower said...

Adam was stunning last night on Fallon! Even with Black lipstick! LOL About the View just seen it and now I have to delete today's episode and set my DVR for the 17th.

Dee R Gee said...

Lots coming up with Adam. Feb. 11 The Voice with a sit-down and a per

Dee R Gee said...

Sorry, got distracted. On the Voice with a sit-down and a performance. The he's on Ru Paul on Feb. 21. Then a thing called Broadway Backwards on March 16. It's supposed to be very fun.

Sunflower said...

Haha Dee R Gee your post didn’t make sense to me! First of all Feb. 10 was last Monday and was confused about The Voice. Yes you got to it first about next Friday the 21st on RuPaul, can’t wait. Also that Broadway Backwards performance in New York, I wish I can see this. Another reminder about this coming Monday the 17th on The View with Adam’s performance. :))

Sunflower said...

Me again not sure but I think that Broadway Backwards is on March 10? I too messed up when you mentioned the date Feb.11, I replied with Feb. 10. LOL

Dee R Gee said...

Sorry about all the confusion. I just hit publish at the wrong time. Lots of fun stuff coming up. I typed The Voice by mistake. Should have typed THE VIEW. That Broadway Backwards sounds very fun. I didn't

Dee R Gee said...

Looks like illness in running through the cast of Cabaret. And other Broadway casts. Adam missed two shows. Hope he's back soon. Illness has been a big problem on Broadway this winter.

Sunflower said...

I figured that had happened! So true Winter has brought alot of illnesses to many Broadway stars. Hoping also Adam will be back on stage.

Dee R Gee said...

Adam was magnificent on The View. End of story.

Sunflower said...

Agree wholeheartely! By the way I saw that this Wednesday the 19th Jimmy Fallon Tonight Show with Adam will be repeated. Adam was back on stage yesterday. Oliver had a live Instagram a few days ago ( I don't follow him) but saw a video of it and he said Adam had a sore throat and Oliver had a runny nose. Pharoah doesn't like snow, they bought a coat for him and when they put the cost on Pharoah he just stands still. LOL

Dee R Gee said...

I watched Oliver'si insta, too. Glad that Adam is back onstage. There are not too many days left in the run and we want him to end strong and do all the show he is scheduled for. It's been really great to watch him. Funny that Pharaoh will not walk in the coat. LOL

Dee R Gee said...

Lots of great articles out there about Adam's great job in Cabaret. Even in Variety, which is huge. I heard that other Broadway actors have been talking aobut how they wish he was eligible for a Tony nomination, but he isn't because he was snot the first one in this role in this particular version of the show. Too bad. He really deserves the nom.

Sunflower said...

Yes a lot of nice articles on Adam, I have'nt read them only because they repeat the same content as a previous one. But am happy for all this attention. Too bad he does'nt qualify to win a Tony but maybe he can win an award for Cabaret in that iheart radio awards in 2 weeks? I think? In a new category for Best Actor (I think thats what is for) in a Broadway play. So fingers crossed.

Dee R Gee said...

Yes, I'd loved to see him win that iHeart award. He has LOTS of fans who I hope are voting like crazy, so I hope he has a good chance. I think a Tony is in his future at some point. Along with a Grammy, which, amazingly, he has never won. Just one nomination and that's it. Hard to believe.