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Pop Couture: Adam Lambert Interview

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 22, 2010

Posted at : Monday, February 22, 2010



Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY understand the HOUNTING. Good for you , Adam , go for it. You only live ONCE!
Love the interview.

VOTE vh1. let's keep him on the TOP!!!

Anonymous said...

OH man! He is so eloquent! I have been in the fashion industry for over 20 years, and believe me - he can talk the talk. Love this man!

Anonymous said...

He can talk the talk and walk THE walk. Love him so much!!!!!
Beautiful man in and out.
Plz don't believe all the crap u read about Adam. If u r a true fan, u know what's true and what's not.
Vote plz cgi top 20.