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Adam Lambert Interview with Clyed 102.5!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Clyed 102.5 is a radio station in Scotland!

Credits to Adamholic!


Anonymous said...

HOORAY another Fun Fun Postive all about Adams Music
UK Interview
Great Stuff

Anonymous said...

Loved and enjoyed this interview. :D

Anonymous said...

Next to Adam, I have to say I do love a Scot with a deep voice talking about what to wear under his kilt. Loving the rrrrr's

Anonymous said...

Lol that sounded like a fun interview I loved the accents hehe he's so cute <3 and the rrr's as well :)

Anonymous said...

He is still giving Kris his due. That is a loyal friend. I hate that he brought up how controversial he has been, especially since he is bored of the controversial questions. I suppose maybe he just wanted to beat the DJ to the punch. Glad the DJ didn't continue that line.

The banter was hilarious and I LOVE his Scottish accent. Very sexy. More please!!!


Anonymous said...

just heard that the authors of ON THE MEANING OF ADAM LAMBERT book will have their regular radio show soon to talk about adam and other topics. please visit www. juneau and xena show.

Anonymous said...

Adam goes with the flow- cute

good interview - fun

Anonymous said...

That was an extremely enjoyable interview. Really fun and different. I think Adam mentioned that he was the controversial one to explain why he is more popular than Kris, while still giving credit to Kris for being successful.

Anonymous said...

CUTE!! Oh man, I had a smile on my face the ENTIRE time I was listening to this. We Americans are SO boring compared to the rest of the world! Boo hoo. Adam's such a good sport...he's up for anything.

Anonymous said...

I think it's been a general consensus that the international DJ's (and radio station) have out done the American stations by a mile where Adam is concerned! Love the Scottish DJ.

Someone should send the American DJ's a CD of these radio interviews because they sorely need some mentors! Now we know why radio is dying in the US.

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam got zero points:( ;p but that was such a funny interview! Adam trying to do a scottish accent was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Haha, this is a great interview. Dont feel bad though American Glamberts. You guys have tons of awesome stuff that we are jealous of - like pretzels and hot dogs and the Krysler building and American Idol and er..Obama and the amazing Adam(of course)!