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Adam’s New York City Meet & Greet

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, June 27, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, June 27, 2010


Anonymous said...

Hello! VH1, fans from Canada are missing a lot of stuff that you have posted because somehow we can't view them (why?)...bummer!!! :(

Anonymous said...

He is so sweet and patient. You just got to love him.

Mia said...

Yeah VH1. People in Asia can't view these videos too! Let people upload it on youtube please!!

I just searched Youtube and not one of these VH1 videos are there. :( That's sad.

Anonymous said...

Will someone please tell me how you can "Meet and Greet" Adam before the concert? Are they certain privleged people who know certain people in the industry or have money, or can the average peon be allowed in? Need to know for Adam's concert. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

do you have to "know" SOMEBODY " or win a contest or both? I sure would LOVE to say hey! I guess I am not alone on that one!

Anonymous said...

How sweet that guy who gave to sweet Adam his favorite ring! I gave to sweet Adam MY SOUL; it may be not a «favorite one» but is the only one I got. Enjoy it, sweet Adam, it is all yours for eternity, baby!

Anonymous said...

god he is just too sweet and sexy. he is ..perfect<3

Anonymous said...

To Mia,
I'm in Asia and I can see them OK.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

C'mon, VH1. Canada can't see any of this stuff!
And we've got the Adam "fever"!

Anonymous said...

Hi Fan4Fun Saw that you had left me a message on 6/24 vh1 blog. Can't find it now. Did I respond? If not, I must not have seen it and will if you repeat. Thanks! I'm lucky if I can remember what I did yesterday! Btw, nice meet and greet. Adam is so accomodating. Wish I knew how to be able to meet him in Charlotte this Friday. Would love to ask him some questions, or 1 or 2. Wouldn't want to get greedy or pushy.{or maybe I would!} haha Love his patience and sweet nature. A smile that would melt the polar ice cap! Would also love the opportunity to compliment band and dancers. Allison is a favorite too. Just would like him to know he got it right! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@Funbonn Yeah, fellow, you responded. Thanks a lot, you are one of my favorite commenters here, so informative and inspiring. BTW, by your comment today on the Gay Pride thread may I understand that you are a nurse?

Anonymous said...

What a doll!! That is how the Meet and Greets should go ..... organized, safe, when he is rested and happy. He just makes me melt in a puddle and then I think about how I can be more personable and kinder to people in my humble little life. UIMA - everyday!!


Anonymous said...

how do u get a meet and greet? I want to meet him sooo badly! I will pay ANYTHING!

Counselor said...

On the issue of Meet & Greets - here is what I have gleaned from the two concerts I've attended so far. I'm not aware of a Meet & Greet for Toledo but there may have been one. Monte and Tommy came out before the concert and spent well over an hour with the fans hugging, signing, taking pictures, etc. Tommy came out again after the concert in the rain and spent over an hour with the fans up close and very personal. This is where he probably picked up a possible cold because he got 'soaked'.
However, for Columbus the fans who arrived to stand in line before 9:00 AM were offered the chance to buy VIP passes for an additional $50.
This allowed them to enter the GA concert first.
Next the ticket holders with 'Glitter' on their ticket entered next (you got the 'Glitter' designation on your ticket if you bought it through the fan club presale and Glitter was the password used for that concert). The numbers on your hand was not honored at the Columbus concert. After the concert, various members of the Glamily came out to the fence and indicated Adam was in a meeting. Presumably this was a Meet & Greet affair and most likely the VIP ticket holders were the ones allowed to attend.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou so much, counselor for the info that so many of us needed to know.It was impossible to get tickets in Charlotte for the fan presale. I had the password and at 10am when lines were to be open, they were already gone. The scalpers had alreadytaken them. Don't know how they got to them before 10am. I had to pay double thru' Stubhub, but am glad I was able to get tickets at all, just wish they could have been reserved seats as the heat has been 98 degrees and it's dangerous to stand in it for 12 hours, even tho' Adam is well worth it. I'm 69 and would gladly pay for a VIP pass and am worried that I could get in trouble health wise. I'm going to give it my best shot. Wish I was 20 again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Fan4fun! Yes, I am a nurse and took care of some famous people working in a Chicago hospital and also for some very well known M.D's a good while ago.I remarried and moved to South Florida and worked for a group of Orthopedic surgeons and then did other work at computer trade shows for my husband. Nursing gave me more than I could ever hope to give. It was very rewarding and had great influence in my life. Here I go again, giving more info that was asked. When I'm quiet, my kids get worried. haha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I am from Singapore and I can view the video. Not sure why Canada can't. It sure sound extremely stressful just trying to get a ticket to Adam's concert. I sure hope that when he does come to S'pore, the logistics would have improved. And I don't think I can last queueing overnight just to get in.

Anonymous said...

@Funbonn: Oh, fellow, never be quiet or I'll get worried too. HA! Loved your complete answer.
Now, let's give some sugar to our golden boy, will we? «See» you in another thread. Fun4fun

Anonymous said...

Where is ADAM FIX? She is supposed to be back
from her weekend out, isn't she? I miss her and all that sugar she gives to my sweet Adam on this «divine» site! Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

For fans who are not able to watch VH1. I often use VPN service which can allow me access all. In this case, u have to get a US VPN account.

nothing can stop me watching adam lambert :)