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Full Studio Version of Pink's "Whataya Want From Me?"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pink - Whataya Want From Me? (Original Full Version by Pink)

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

It's exactly like Adam's version. Thx Pink for using Adam Lambert's arrangements. It's a tribute to him.

OFF TOPIC: Check out Adam on the front page of UNIVERSODOROCK.COM Can't read portuguese too well but looks like Adam's bio with mentions of his worldwide Glam Nation Tour!!

Anonymous said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

Not bad but I prefer Adam's version more depth to it... not being bias.

O/T: Suz is in tonight's show (Copenhagen)... Yaaaaaay... we'll have the full show treat today‼ Oh I better head out now so by the time I come back... videos galore‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

I love it and I love Pink but one doesn't need to be an Adam fan to realise which version's more emotional, deeper. This song is Adam's song and nothing can change that.:)

Anonymous said...

i liked it but i like adams better his voice just sounds better with that type or song.

LP said...

Nothing wrong with the CD, but I would advise Adam not to take any more from her. I think he was so awed that Pink was helping him, that he didn't stop to think to get anything in writing, so that this doesn't happen again. She has a smokers voice, not in the same league as Adam. I just read that she is 3 months prego.Oh well water under the bridge now, and this will be released in Australia, I think.

Anonymous said...

copy cat.....nothing special

Anonymous said...

pink said this song is own by adam although she wrote it but given to a more talented person.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Pink for writing this beautiful song and giving it to an amazing singer named Adam Lambert who made it a worldwide hit.

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge Pink fan, but I don't think this song complimented her voice in the least. She doesn't have quite the range for it. Raise Your Glass is excellent though! I wish it would come out on Rhapsody already!


Anonymous said...

very good, love Pink version. Love love love Adam's.I hope no one on this site noticed the cover and what she is holding in her left

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:33 - I noticed and I thought it was good counter-material for anyone complaining about Adam uhh "tucking in his shirt" at the last concert. It's just rock 'n roll. ;) Ebbtide

Anonymous said...

The thing is that this is the same musical arrangement and style, only a different voice. What is the added value to the song then?? Was is worth??

Anonymous said...

We already went down this path....Adam made it a hit and sings it better....remember AI when he came back to mentor and sang his face off....nuff said...let's move on...get it writing next time BB.

Anonymous said...

BTW..this is not how she originally sang it...she copied Adam's version....

Anonymous said...

You are SOOOO correct Anon 3:10.

Anonymous said...

I think Pink is smoking a cigarette, and clutching a bare boob. OMG! WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?
Seriously, perfect example of the double standard discussed in the lengthy last thread, and the fact that Adam so often comes out the bad guy when he does something slightly OTT. Such bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind the bare boob clutch, but smoking is sooooooo not cool now Pink. Bad example for her young fans, for sure.

Anonymous said...

I guess no need to revisit this - but I love Pink so I'm very familiar with this clip I'm linking below - such a good example of double standard ('though I don't think Pink's award show was broadcast TV, not one of the biggy networks anyway??? so there is a slight difference I suppose):

No need to comment folks, just interesting reminder, that's all.

I admire Pink. I think her doing WWFM in Adam's style IS the nod and tip of her hat to him, just my POV. Have no problem with this at all. WWFM hitting did more for Adam Lambert than can ever be measured IMHO, I will always see the glass as half full instead of half empty where WWFM is concerned. And speaking of glass :), absolutely think Raise Your Glass is a blast w/ a nice dose of meaningful, as Pink's lyrics/song have always been!


Anonymous said...

Boob clutch? Hand down the pants? neh, no big deal. Smoking? Far more destructive. I agree that anyone who has young fans should be a beter role model Keep your bad habits private, Pink.

judys dancin said...

Imitation is the best form of flattery! (or something like that) She copied Adam's amazing version and is using it! I personally love it! Not as much as Adam's...but what a great compliment to him!

Anonymous said...

Another opinion: The smoking is in conjuction with this photo being a nod to another time period I'm guessing, in looking at the whole composition of the photo, the wardrobe and the styling and such, makeup and hair, black and white, etc...

Anonymous said...

Pink has always had that sexy edge about her and I like that. I bought her second album, Missundazstood, and have enjoyed her special brand of vocal talent ever since. Apparently she is now pregnant, so I'm betting that she may be more careful at the images she puts out. (Although I see nothing wrong with the cover shown above.) I wish her only good things.

Anonymous said...

How come Pink can touch herself but Adam isn't allowed to?? At least he doesn't smoke!

Anonymous said...

WWFM will appear only on the "International" version of her album, not the US or the UK versions.

Anonymous said...

Hey PRS - I LOVE the jewel tones, and the design is killer! ;), MGF

Anonymous said...

Hey you glamberts: Fans all over fan sites and twitter are making a campaign to make FYE album platinum by 11/23/10 which is one year anniversary of its release. Please go to the link and read how you can be a part of this campaign:

24/7 please post this and fans please pass around this information. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This is a really good version.We still can't say that she copied Adam, it is possible that the Demo was like this and Adam decided to do it the same and change a little towards the end, if you notice the riffs are kind of different. But also may be pink liked Adam's version better than her tour version and decided to do it this way. Either way, I think her singing WWFM is a complement to Adam, and she did say it herself over and over that she found a guy who can sing it way better than her. I am a huge pink fan and I love all her albums and her vocals are amazing. And IMHO this could be a good thing for Adam, it could create exposure even amongst her fans.
Re: The smoking and Boob grabing....I really don't care.


Anonymous said...

er.. sounds like Pink Adam is singing!

Anonymous said...

I love the half ending of Adam's way better than Pink's. So much emotion into it when Adam sings it recorded/live.

Anonymous said...

you can donate a FYE CD to the Sister Soldier Project and help Adam reach platinum!

Anonymous said...

It's exploiting Adam's hard work and putting a self-serving "tribute" bow on it. Ick. (her demo was not at all like this.)

Anonymous said...

It does seem weird to hear her singing that song however it is her song. She helped get Adam on the map and I am grateful to her for that. So many will try to sing that song for years to come. I think most will say they like his version the best..that is part of the fun of loving music is how differant artist intepret them. I love "If I Had You" too. I hear alot of people who love that song. I think we could have had one or two other releases from the CD but don't think it is going to happen. They seem to be moving on with the acustic one now. Alot of fans love that part of Adams delivery. I for one enjoy the vocals with out all the production around it washing his voice out. I love to hear every note. Amazing! No matter what I know we are in for a treat! He will wear many hats for years to come. Go with the flow Adam...I am just going to sit back and enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

@3:25pm was laughing out real loud when I read your comment and my mom thought I was nuts.L'ing ol again.Sorry mom.

Anonymous said...

Pink created it and Adam delivered it. A duet would be so awesome.

Anonymous said...

Don't understand why this is posted on here, this is Pink singing, not Adam. Personally I don't want to listen to it, don't want to give her the 'hits' on it, out of spite because I don't think she should have recorded this, especially so soon, seems a bit below the belt. Childish of me I know, but there you go...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

I think this is Adam's ACTUAL music track that Pink borrowed and put her voice to. Cheaper that way, and Adam was probably very willing to oblige to thank her for giving her this amazing song.

I think Pink should tell the idiots over at the AMAs that she won't go on the show this year unless she can duet that song with Adam. I have my suspicions that they may not invite him back again.

Anonymous said...

Whataya want from me ... ew, certainly not the picture displayed.

Anonymous said...

ANYONE have a link to Pink's original demo????

Anonymous said...

P!nk's version is OK but it's not in the same league as Adam's stunning version. :)

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with LP comment @ 1.53 on this
please remember guys pink did not GIVE this song to Adam it was out there for any artist she is just pissed off cause Adam made such a good job singing it....don.t like her or her version, she does not need to do this,wish Adam would stop biggin up these guys,
where are all of Adams music friends..they could so easily
mention Adam and his unfairness at getting no music awards!!! and lack of airplay
everyone is jumping on Adams bandwagon stealing his ideas..his fashion and bieber now has his own Nail Polish!!!!
Wake up Adam management!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Glambrit Isle of Wight UK you are exactly right on all your comments. I 2nd that emotion! Anyone else out there? What the hell is going on. I think theres going to be some changes when Adam gets back. He is out of the loop since he is on tour but when he returns he will be on it I am so sure.

Anonymous said...

Call me crazy, but I think that Adam would find all of your "lack of faith" in him quite INSULTING.

He is NOT stupid. He knows exactly what he wants and how to get there. All he needs from you is positive support, not all this BS that flies on every g'damn thread on this site.

Careful, your sheer ignorance is showing.

Anonymous said...

OMG @12:24pm You are so right!We do get carried away sometimes.We mean well but should stay more positive.

Anonymous said...

PINK =QUEEN BITCH just sayin

Anonymous said...

wish i had never listen to this she has just COPIED ADAMS version what a cheat what a greedy selfish bitch she has just ruined this song
it will always be Adams
i am now off to burn all of pinks music that WAS in my collection what a BITCH really hate her now

Anonymous said...

Can't people realize that Pink wrote the song and gave it to ADAM, to make it his own, which he did beautifully throughout the whole world. This is now a tribute to ADAM himself! It's all good and full of positivity!

Anonymous said...

This is pretty good and matches Pink's voice. Although I've heard the song also live, and I have to admit she sang it less good.

But the more promotion Adam gets in any way the better.