Adam Lambert Tweets In Response to OUT Magazine's Article Mistake and Error
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Monday, December 10, 2012
Posted at : Monday, December 10, 2012
@outmagazine Levine? Lol of course
— Adam Lambert (@adamlambert) December 11, 2012
OUT Magazine did an article on haircuts in which they used Adam's picture while mistaking him for Adam LEVINE. Big difference!
1. The New Rocker
"One of the most-popular, most-requested haircuts is aggressively close on the sides and back, and significantly longer on the top," Bair says.
"Adam Levine has been currently rocking this look. It’s easy, simple and clean, which is always a hit with the active gent. Just throw some putty in for a bit of matte look and hold on that longer top hair."
Best For: Guys with longer, less wavy hair who have some time to style it out.
Read the OUT article HERE
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What the Heck!!!!!:)
Adam Lambert amazing hair yah!!!
Adam Lavine naked yah!!!:) (You will see him laid on the motorcycle)
They only have the same first name that's all:)
Shoot!! Sorry I meant Levine:)
There was once an article about the Voice and they called Levine Adam Lambert.
Adam Levine never looked better!!!!!!! Ha Ha...... Does anyone edit/proofread anything anymore.... myself included.
Too funny! Adam lookin' mighty fine!
OMG with all of your help we managed to get Cuckoo added to the playlist at Star 101.3 in San Francisco!!! Woo Hoo!! Thank you all so much!! Now I am wondering if we could do it to Runnin' without it being released even though Shoshonna said it won't ever be released?!!
Click HERE
I'm HALF kidding about adding Runnin'...well, maybe later LOL!
strange a magazine of that caliber would make a huge mistake like that.Nice to see our Adam's picture tho. lol
JAK here...............................Adams are sprouting all over the place.....but there's only one that has that face.
I hardly know where to begin.....those eyes, that nose, those lips, that chin.
Stop me! I'm becoming a total fool.....I'm starting to shake, I'm starting to drool.
They think it's Levine, oh what a laugh.....can't they seperate the wheat from the chaff?
They think it's Levine, please give me strength.....have they looked at those legs, the shape, the length?
No, that Adam's a Lambert, my word you can trust.....he leaves other Adams behind in the dust.
OMG JAK slap slap smelling salts, ok are ya better now? It was nothing folks. TY TY
what happened to Is it no longer?
Now, I'm getting more and more skeptical, whether things are really an error or a concocted one. Adam's hairstyles may be copied to no end but still can't get the real thing...very hard to beat Mother nature, she's one helluv an elusive artist.
I like this staircase formation in your poem. Has quite a bit of embedded meaning. I remember attending some kind of course, where we learn shape poems; rather interesting; like poem in the shape of a clothes-hanger, strange, or a snake etc. Maybe you can do an Adam hair shape poem, lol! Don't forget the shaven sides which you dislike! lol!
Lam-my, Good observation! Poetry that's in the shape of an object is called concrete poetry. I LOVE JAK's poem! Gotta keep'em coming!
The perpetual Lambert/Levine mix-up is pretty funny. Usually it's Levine that gets called Lambert. But this time, it's the other way around. Our Adam is MILES hotter than the other one. Good for Lambert for speaking up!
@ Lam-my....JAK here....I've never tried a shape poem, maybe someday I will. For years I only wrote in iambic pentameter (if it was good enough for Shakespeare I figured it was a safe bet) but as the years passed I've gotten sloppy and my meter is often all over the place. All those years in kindergarten drilled into my brain a rhyme scheme that children could latch on to. ie..
Once there was a giant who lived all alone...deep in the forest in a tower made of stone, etc....
My brain is dancing tonight, won't stop, I'll be up scribbling most of the night. It's a curse!
Nice Pic Wendy tweeted:
Click HERE
Epic Fail. Adam Levine doesn't have hair appeal & i'm sick of his Voice. Adam LAMBERT is the ultimate ROCK GOD!
I wonder if the real adam levine relizes all the mix ups with thier names on an on going basis lol. I think Adam Levine is a doll, but Adam Lambert is beyond gorgeous_ no comparison!
the pictures were a Fruedian slip from OUT. C'mon boys ya know he has the best hair cuts. Well most of them.
Just remembered - isnt the editor of Out the one who wrote that very negative article saying that Adam wasnt "gay" enuf just before the AMAS? . . . Adamluv
Concrete poetry sounds good, appropriate...Thanks! :)
I studied several Shakespeare plays, not much retained now; except the rather popular ones like...O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?! To my greatest surprise Juliet was not looking for him! lol!
And this calculating moneylender, Shylock who kept asking for a pound of flesh! Actually quite weird, come to think of!
OUT mag how could u! make that mistake:(
Adam lambert Adam Lambert Adam lambert
Not Levine, u see n hear !!! LOL!
The writer is FIRED!!!
@Adamluv I think you're right...
oh well we got two good pictures out of it.
What a surprising forum Adam 24/7 is!
Flailing, fierce attacks on the intruders, "feel free to leave.." suggestions, sometimes on the verge of intolerance or xenophobia, a (glitzy)" mother courage" who always takes care the posters be informed in time, 2 Lady Poetesses, Lam-my and Jak, one playing with seeds of wisdom the other with more technical forms of poetry... .
That's why I keep on returning here again and again!
The same with you, GLb?
Out magazine editor! Yes!The not "gay enough" comments. One wonders about this slip. I remember when Adam Levine made the mistake to make a comment something like" I think you sang that better than the original singer" when a contestant sang "WWFM". The next thing I remember was Adam Levine stating ( after he heard from the Glamberts) tht he wished he had such passionate fans.
I like Adam Levine...I am forever a passionate fan of Adam Lambert. It's just the way it is, right?
left out a few letters when typing...there's that passion!
Love the poem JAK.
Whoa, you're pretty poetic yourself...Mmm "playing with seeds of wisdom" rather nice, deep too, lol! Thank you!
Ha Ha Levine wished he looked like Adam!
Adam Levine looks like Adam Lambert .... haha!! Not even close to our sexy, magnificent beast!!
No wonder people are following Levine on twitter. They think it's ADAM!!!!
I think this was an intentional mistake. They know that Adam Lambert looks amazingly gorgeous while the other Adam simply looks all right.
@ Lam-my...JAK here...OT
I fell in love with Will Shakespeare when I was 15! It was a glorious year with a great Eng. Lit. teacher, she read, we read, we memorized pages and pages. I did the same with daughters and grandson. But I called it Pennies for Poetry...yes, I paid them to memorize poems (it was a sneaky way to make them work for their allowance). But it has stuck and they still can ace the Poetry category on Jeopardy! Do you see the program in Singapore? It's must viewing in our family!
I use it to keep cobwebs from forming in my brain!
P.S. It's one of the many reasons I'd like to meet Eber Lambert...he's a soon as I saw his twitter name 'milestougeaux' I was fascinated. Robert Frost...sigh!
@7:16, lol
Actually I can buy most of the US shows and those around the world; I have broad-band, Starhub. Seem to have heard of Jeopardy, might have watched a couple of them. One of our local channels runs Shakespeare plays now and again, the whole play, such as Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet etc; lately, not so much. We can buy an individual show anytime, by clicking a button on the remote control. Actually Adam comes from a 'learned' family background; like his grandfather a physics professor. I remember you saying that poetry is in everyone. I've studied poetry but not in depth but as I became more mature lol, I appreciated it more; the environment / opportunities for poetry must be there, though; otherwise it is not something one picks up naturally as in music or even more quickly, pop music. Adam has bridged the gap between upbeat pop music and somewhat semi-classic that to the bones lol, and oh his voice and singing techniques. :)
Well, perhaps Levine is gay!
I remember that Out editor is reason for the AMA debacle.
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