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Adam Lambert's Sexy Tongue!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 20, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

Not sure about tongue, lol! but the ecstasy on his face and the green shirt are sexy enough for me. lol!


Anonymous said...

You could be forgiven for thinking he was being sick, especially in the last pic. lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mmmm...nice one admin.but me think you should have posted stuff about the MTV hottest have a lot of Glambert visiting this site y'know?...please let's share this awesome musician with world.#great job you guys are doing tho!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely S-E-X-Y !!!!

Anonymous said...


The first TWO episodes were written back in May, and will proceed with a little modification.
Cory’s death will be memorialized in episode 3.
Ryan tells THR, The right thing to do for the show, at least at this point, is to have that character pass.
When we do the tribute episode to that character, we’ll have to do it in a way where the castmembers will not have to re-create feelings of grief that they’ve had this week — but do it in an upbeat way.”

Decisions for the future of the show will be decided during an extended hiatus that follows Cory’s memorial.
It was Lea Michele’s decision to go back to work right away.
There will be grief counselors on the set for the first two weeks of production.
Ryan took Lea Michele’s lead. If she had wanted to quit the show, he would have taken it off the air.
But, he said, that’s not how Lea operates.
Ryan also talked about how he and Lea staged an intervention at his office with the appropriate people after learning that Cory was using again.
Cory wanted to continue working and Ryan said “that’s not an option.”
Cory was afraid he was going to get fired, but Ryan assured him there was a job waiting, while also ready to give him more time off, or facilitate a stay in a sober house.
Cory’s last words to Ryan were “I want to get better.”
While Cory was a sweet man, he was also very strong willed, said Ryan.
He couldn’t force any more on Cory than he was willing to do.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

It is going to be rough on the original cast members for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this will be a sad time at the studio. I wonder where Adam fits into all this, or is he on the back burner for a while.
I guess the serious pic he posted of the band, was also a farewell to fans of them being together for some time. He has the Las Vegas gig, and that will not include his band. Then he will be working on his music, and Glee. We will probably just see him coming out of restaurants, and clubs for quite a while. He mentioned in an interview, when asked, he said he is a bachelor and eligible. There won't be much news any more. But we can still watch Glee, and see how his career goes in the next couple of years.

Anonymous said...

whoa I thought I'd checkout the tickets available at Stub Hub for the iHeartRadio concert and they start out at $685.00. There 302 left I better make up my mind fast.

Anonymous said...

10:58 and then it's off to Sunset Nursing Home for him. lol

Anonymous said...

Queen and Adam are only playing one night, the first night and all tickets are sold out. Inwishbthat Queen/Adam would play a few more nights in LA or NY as long as the guys are coming all the way from England.
People are going to blow their minds here in the states when they see Adam front this legend. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Whoops! 11:52, you are right. Tickets still available. I guess Stub Hub bought tons of tickets cause it says SOLD OUT on the I heart Festival page. Misleading.

Don't hesitate! ,once in a life time to see queen and adam!

funbun40 said...

Gene Simmons should be worried! Ryan Murphy is to be commended for the way he's handled this Glee tragedy. I didn't know if Lea Michele would be able to go on that set without Cory and so many reminders of their time together, but maybe instead it will be a comfort with the Glee family around her. I think Adam would be a great support comfort also. I can see hin singing, The Show Must Go On. They have so many talented kids on that show. I hope all goes well.

Anonymous said...

I want to say this kindly... please read your own post and rethink... how does reading your own post make YOU feel?!?
There are less & less commenters on this site already, so PLEASE try to be a LITTLE LESS of a debbie downer! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech!!

Anonymous said...

10:58 isn't just a debbie downer or a shining example of freedom of speech, it is a thinly veiled troll. Just enough good bits with plenty of bad on top. Oh dear oh my the end is near.
Go away troll.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to Lea and Ryan. Still can't be easy for them.

Adam looks great in that shirt.

Anonymous said...

Pardon my pun, but I think a collection of tongue pictures are in poor taste! : (............JAK

Anonymous said...

I was thinking just while a go is this place fading away.. i seems to me that there isn`t very active peeps anymore.. Or is it beause there are nothing going on.. basically.. I hope I`m wrong tho.

Anonymous said...

Looks as though he has fungus on his tongue, especially in the last pic. Hope he's looking after his diet, fungal infections can be bought about when your immune system becomes suppressed. Maybe lay off the alcohol and get back to juicing along with plenty of veggies and salads. Probiotics are also excellent to keep you in good health.

Anonymous said...

@JAK .... your taste is the same as mine (er ... um ... excuse pun).

Anonymous said...

Such a lame answer!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe what some some people come up with...based on fan photos taken during a show where lightning changes all the time...

Anonymous said...

4:38 wow this place sure has kept me busy all weekend but I do have other RL activities going on too like most people.

Anonymous said...

Goodness!! It's soooooo long! Gonna think about that tongue for a moment. About all the nice parts of Sauli it has touched. Hmmmmm. Well alrighty then, time for a cold shower!

Anonymous said...


We all have fungus my dear!!:) Especially the one that u have mentioned!!!! It will not go away because we always put something in our mouth dear!!!:) So he is not alone like you!!!!

Be careful for the other parts of your body hmmmmm!!

The more your active the more you
have so watch out dear!!!:))))
Rock on!!:)


Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of the Glee cast in the up coming weeks, filming will take all their strength for sure.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could see the sexy tongue. Google Chrome doesn't help. I'm at my wit's end.

I think opportunities will continue to come to Adam as the next year unfolds. New label, new music. I'm not worried. He knows he's going into a new phase. Love how he thanked the fans he has had and how excited he is about the future will his fans.


Anonymous said...

Is the picture=posting format different for these recent pix that people are having trouble seeing? How are the other pix posted that we CAN see? Is it possible to post them all in the format that we can all see? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Canadian, your comment is so completely ignorant, anyone can get a fungal infection on their tongue, even babies can get this problem, certain medications can cause it but usually a run down immune system can leave people more susceptible. Oh and by the way I do not have this infection myself but I do work in the Health Industry and many of my clients have experienced it, and by the way it is not contagious my dear, so don't worry it won't jump out and bite you,lol.

Anonymous said...

Put your memory caps on for a minute. A while ago Adam mentioned that he has some sort of drink, that is good for the system and also helps give you clean breath. I actually bought some, and it does leave you with a green tongue, I suspect that is why Adam's tongue is green. Mystery solved, NO fungus.

Anonymous said...

Someone having a different opinion from yours DOESN'T mean they're a troll. Get over your self-righteousness.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! @7:16 AM,

See! You are the suspect and guilty indeed!!!:)

Be careful what you wish for that's why you're always the one who bites your own indeed!!:)

Too bad!!:)


Anonymous said...

I remember Adam talking about a certain drink he has so maybe this is all it is. Just so long as he is ok, and looking after himself, he has such a hectic work schedule, and he's been through a number of changes in his life recently, all these things can take their toll. Hopefully he can find more time to care for himself now until his new gig starts with Glee. Can't wait to see him in this program, also the gig with Queen will be amazing.

Anonymous said...

Canadian, Have you been drinking again? Certainly sounds like it.

Anonymous said...

@12:08,, 12:58, 1:44
My remarks were made because Adam is going to be super busy, with all the projects he has to do, Glee, 3rd album, etc. certainly not ready for a retirement home. We will still see him on Glee, and he might pop up in various gigs. But his band will have other work to do now. BTW I am definitely not a troll. --- Anne Marie.

Anonymous said...

some of these remarks are so snarky..why??? I cannot see the tongue pics at least I know it is not my computer...with regard to the postponement of Glee after the first two episodes...WHY?? alot of people depend on this show..well ALL shows, as their means of support..the tribute episode should be followed by no more than a TWO WEEK hiatus..surely, just about everyone connected to the show realized that Cory had an addiction they were probably not that shocked that things turned out the way they did..I mean, in the real world do they shut down the business for..who knows how long(???) pay respects to the deceased??? If so, I have never heard of it..I mean no slam to Cory (I am truly sorry that he had to die)..My feeling is that Ryan Murphy is doing this to come across as a caring person..and no doubt he is..but I personally do not see ANY reason to shut down production for more than a week or two due to the untimely death of Cory Monteith, rest his soul..

Anonymous said...

POSITIVELY! THE SEXIEST MAN ! I've ever seen. His eyes his body his smile his lips his BODY(oh I said that lol). He is addicting in the RIGHT way. His VOICE is just really calming and unique and sexy and sometimes so heartfelt. eg. Upright Cabaret "I Can't Make You Love Me" "Stay" "Underneath" .Why didn't we ever hear that again or the rest of the cd "TRESPASSING" wish I knew

Anonymous said...

you know, Adam could do alot more concerts and sing the songs we long to hear in person, "Runnin", "Take Back" oh so many from FYE and TP that he has NEVER treated us to..and how about all the tracks written that didn't make the cut for either album...I wish he would consider doing this...I NEED my Adam fix..honestly I do!!!!

Anonymous said...

Must be my computer, but Adam must have a "fungus" all over as not only does his tongue look green, his skin, jewelry, eyelids, side of his head and actually the entire set of pics have a green tone. Matching his shirt :)

Anonymous said...

I'll take me some fungus Adam anyday. Haha. The smart people here know its just the whole picture coloring. Poor dumb people who don't know better. Sad really.

Anonymous said...

I'd be happy if my tongue fungus was green, it's black!
Thanks to back to back to back antibiotics for a stubborn middle ear infection. I must pull out a mirror and look at my tongue a dozen times a day. It's hideous and has raw spots and burns like hell! See, things could always be worse.
My damn ear still hurts too!

Anonymous said...

no matter what color Adam's tongue is, I am SURE he puts it to good use..just wish I could get in on the action.. lol

Anonymous said...

I want to see his tongue too, but I can't!
DRG, I at my wits end too!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:17 AM
Re the iHeart tickets and Stub Hub, and similar sites, etc.:

Stub Hub doesn't "buy" tickets to resell. Stub Hub is the reputable and safe ticket re-selling "arm" of EBay. Instead of "bidding" on tickets like you would on EBay, prices are set and if you choose to buy the tickets, you pay the price as charged. Individual people, like for instance you and me, sell tickets for whatever reason on Stub Hub. Obviously some people buy tickets originally for the sole reason of making a profit by selling on reseller sites. Others sell tickets because they have upgraded their own tickets, cannot attend the event, etc. The individuals themselves set the prices. Stub Hub itself has nothing to do with setting the price. They do however charge the seller a fee for posting the tickets on their site, which I believe is approx. 10% of the the ticket price. That charge is passed on to the buyer.

I've used Stub Hub many times to purchase tickets to events and concerts. For Adam Lambert concerts and other events. Sporting events, plays, musicals. I would certainly prefer to buy tickets for those events directly from Ticketmaster, etc.,,at "cost" but sometimes that just isn't possible because the event is technically "sold" out, (I've learned over time that "sold out" doesn't necessarily mean sold out...) or the seats available are not to my liking...etc.. I've also bought tickets the day of the event, when sellers drastically drop their asking price, and you can actually get tickets for less than original cost.

Whether we like it or not, it is what it is.......

Anonymous said...

I am just seeing black spots where the pictures should be. Anyone having this problem or have any suggestions? Thanks

Anonymous said...

Blank (sp) :)

Anonymous said...

Still don't like Melvin..... makes Adam look like a porn star.

If anything Glee should continue and used the first few episodes as a platform to educate the youth and young adults about the dangers of drugs. Cory was a drug addict and it should be addressed and not swept under the rug.

Adam's Role On Glee: Finn's Cousin: Adam could be Finn's cousin who comes to town to break the news about Finn's death to his girlfriend, friends, and teachers at the school. He organizes a tribute musical to his belated cousin where he sings "Amazing Grace" and ends it with upbeat "Spirit In The Sky" with everyone dancing, smiling, laughing, and singing. Unbeknownst to everyone he's also the new student teacher in town with a deep dark secret. Since he related to Finn all the students come to him for comfort and support, especially Rachel. Then as time goes by, she finds herself having feelings for Adam's character because he's the closest relative to Finn, but Adam has a deep dark secret which causes him to withdraw from her and everyone. He becomes the antagonist at the school. Even meaner that Sue Sylvester. Girls want him, boys want him, but who will melt his cold heart? He eventually teaches Rachel through music how to love again and over come her grief over the loss of Finn.

My Scenario for Adam's role on Glee.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Maybe the picture problem is because I don't have Instragram. Dumb question about Instrgram: If I sign up for it and put in my email address, my email address will be hidden, right? I'm always worried about that. I know lots of you must have Instagram. Please help me do it right. Thanks.


glitzylady said...

About Instagram: Nope, your email address doesn't show up publicly on your page.... It's just for notifications to you personally.........

Anonymous said...

@Tall Tree - You certainly know a lot about porn stars! I wouldn't know a porn star from an athlete if one fell in my lap! lol

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tall Tree. I have never watched porn, I'm the squeamish type , but I do think Melvin makes Adam look sleazy. The kind of guys I never sat next to on a bus or subway.

PS. I don't think your scenario would work Tall Tree, but I sure would love to hear Adam sing Spirit in the Sky!

Anonymous said...

I can see the pics and I don't have Instagram... but something is different and 'funny' (not good funny, lol) with this site due the pics' format etc?!
Maybe somebody could email Admin and ask?!

Magiclady said...

I've been trying to sign up for instagram but it keeps telling me incorrect password and won't let me enter a new one.
Any ideas?
Still can't get most pictures! Black screen.

Anonymous said...

4.38 been so much going on with Adam, I was here looking at vids, listening to audio, all kinds of stuff. I love the site and Adam, and think Adam career in America is looking up, can't wait for Glee. Also think the Vegas concert huge opportunity for Adam, there will be big time record excec's there I believe certainly producer's. what I do not like us people be on here just to be snarky remarks, just for the heck of it. I sure Adam tongue is just lighting and that's it and not a fungus, along with other silly remarks. I suspect Adam takes could care of himself and looks the picture if health to me. If he had any problems he has a family and a doctor to take care of it, can anyone ever look at a picture, a vid and act civil to each other on here. Adam looks and sounds fantastic to me and his career certainly looking up. The reason some people just get tired of posting is certainly not our Adam but the constant snarky remarks over nothing, a picture a vid, a shirt a smile any silly thing at all. Good things happening for Adam, so certainly is not Adam that regulars not posting as much it the arguing for no real reason. I like to come here about Adam because if not for this site I would miss a lot. I know I am boring, Sue back, Sue had a very hard time in her life lately and would like to come here and be happy about Adam and what's new now. Glee will handle the Cory tragedy best they can, but there are all kinds of people behind the scenes, and on screen that depend on that pay check, they should pay there respects as best they can, sure do a good job at it and go on, as well as respecting Lea, I think Adam will be a comfort to her. Sue

Anonymous said...

12:25, I've tried to sign up for Instagram, too, and have been having the same trouble. It won't accept my password and won't let me create and new one. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to do without.

Tall Tree, actually, I kind of like your idea for Adam's Glee role. It's really deep and meaty, not just a fluff role. I hope they come up with something for him that will reflect well on him as a performer. We really don't know how well he can act. He's had stage experience, but that's not like acting on TV or in movies. He's a risk-taker, for sure, and will give it his all.

Sue, you are like so many of us. Your connection with 24/7 is important in keeping you part of a group with a common passion. We're all different and have unique lives, but we share Adam. Hope your health is improving. Nice to see your posts.


Anonymous said...

Can't see the pictures. Something has changed, what is it?

Anonymous said...

Adam is NEVER on 'back burner'.

Anonymous said...

About Instagram - I don't have my own personal Instagram account (no desire to post pictures of myself). However, I do subscribe to Adam's Instagram Account. Whenever he posts a new photo, Instagram sends me an e-mail and notifies me. I can go to Adam's account, see the photo and read all the comments. (However, I am not able to make comments on Adam's page)

Anonymous said...

So I see nothing has changed here. Still so many troublemakers and idiots. Goodbye again.

Anonymous said...

@7:46 AM,

You always have a problem with me eh!:) I can't blame you my dear!!:) You really have a problem of addiction and no one can help u!!

I can't help you either!!:(


HK fan said...

none of the porn movies I've seen have men with this kind of beard!!!!!

I do agree with you that Adam looks so much better without the beard, its been too long now, time for the beard to go.

I want this Adam back

And quit with the health advice for Adam, bloody fungus infection indeed.....I'd be more worried about the green skin in these photos! Surely you can see its the lighting that given everything a green tinge.

HK fan said...


I can see these photos fine, but I share your frustration as I've always not been able to see everything. I often get blank spaces at the tops of the threads.
And my laptop doesn't seem to like me watching any embedded video links, especially on news articles, I only get sound on vines no pictures etc. My husband has tried many things to sort the computer out but no luck.
The problem seems to be worse on Internet explorer, do have better results on Chrome.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, Adam's green tongue inspires so many versions and spin-offs. lol! Adam always drinks this organic vegetable beverage; I've seen him holding this cup of green liquid a couple of times. This green pigment, chlorophyll is found on green plants to capture the sunlight to produce food/starch. It's our very lifeline, without which green plants can't produce food. It somehow got stuck on Adam's tongue. lol!

Green tongue inspires
Much ado about nothing
Carry on hanging... lol!


Anonymous said...

I see the reflection of stage green lights on his skin and tongue. I can see all Instagram pic. on my iPad. I have problem to see photobucket pics. or videos on my iPad but not on my pc. I can see everything on my pc. I use google chrome on my pc and safari for my ipad.

Install firefox see if that solves your problem with Intagram, Vine, Keek pics. and videos.

Anonymous said...

Thank you DRG sweetie, I appreciate it! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam's tongue is as hot and appealing as anything else about him, part of the mystique imho. Of course his voice is once in a generation, as was clearly illuminated at the Paso Robles concert (OMG those vocals that night, I LISTENED to the livestream, not paying attention to video from Lambertlust, and OMG I was as entertained, and quite frankly sexually charged, as any of the many times I have watched his performances with VISUALS!!) I get a little Adam Lambert fan-girly, I admit it freely and own it... but good grief he was truly magnificent, from purely a vocal prowess standpoint, at Paso Robles. With some new light being shown on Adam generally, I hope TPTB on some level find their way to a few of those performances (or any one of the 3 concerts, Orlando, Del Mar, PR) and can ascertain for themselves, fan-girling aside, what a unique and extraordinary talent that is Adam Lambert's!!! Fingers crossed.