Adam Lambert mentioned: Top 10 American Music Awards Moments: Past AMAs' Video Highlights!!
Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, November 21, 2014
Posted at : Friday, November 21, 2014
Adam Lambert Part:
Adam Lambert - 'For Your Entertainment' (2009)
The "American Idol" runner-up shocked the AMAs crowd with a racy rendition of "For Your Entertainment" in which he sang, "Can you handle what I'm about to do?" Some could not, as Lambert's performance, which included a sloppy kiss with a male guitarist and some choice S&M gear, sparked immediate controversy. The performance still stands as Lambert's most memorable awards show outing, although his career hasn't slowed down at all -- "Trespassing," his sophomore album, debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 in May 2012.
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Adam Lambert - 'For Your Entertainment' (2009)
The "American Idol" runner-up shocked the AMAs crowd with a racy rendition of "For Your Entertainment" in which he sang, "Can you handle what I'm about to do?" Some could not, as Lambert's performance, which included a sloppy kiss with a male guitarist and some choice S&M gear, sparked immediate controversy. The performance still stands as Lambert's most memorable awards show outing, although his career hasn't slowed down at all -- "Trespassing," his sophomore album, debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 in May 2012.
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Loved his AMAs performance! So hot and sexy!
Seems like this tired thing is dragged out every year. Seems quite tame now, compared what we have seen in the years, months and days on awards shows since then with sometimes no big controversy at all. At least I don't think anyone has been banned for their actions as Adam was. This, in my opinion, makes Adam's interpretation of his song, "I'm here for your entertainment", seem like child's play, especially when you compare his performance with many of the wild performances that have gone on in the years since then!!
Love Mr. Adam M. Lambert; never stopped being his fan; and never will. I will always support this beautiful, talented International superstar in any way I can. Wow; he just keeps getting "betterer" and "betterer".
I hope one day the stupid "ban" will be lifted completely and the people in this Country will be able to hear him on the radio and see him on all the television and award shows that everyone else is on; many, with not half the talent of this "one in a Billion" entertainer; per Brian May and Roger Taylor of Queen!!
Until that happens, I can honestly say, "people get ready for a change is coming to the music world called Adam Lambert!
I just clicked on the article and watched the video and I must admit that I still have mixed emotions about that performance. It was shocking, groundbreaking, and possibly genius, but I still can't get over the fact that Adam didn't take his chance to show America and the rest of world primarily what an incredible singer (and charismatic guy) he is. I understand that Adam slipped into a "role" for a very theatrical performance as I believe he had a message to send, but the controversy he had to deal with after he somewhat spontaneously took his original choreography to the "next level" still pains me. I think we could still discuss endlessly what path Adam's career would have taken if ...but who knows? The one thing I know for sure is that through extra hard work and amazing performances in various entertainment sectors, and through his efforts within the LGBT community, he has more than "redeemed" himself.
I believe Adam has helped open up doors toward LGBT issues within the entertainment industry and beyond and he has raised the subject of a double standard that was worth being addressed. So I am thrilled that by now he is getting the respect and recognition he deserves. There's a lot more to come and I can not wait for more exciting things to happen in 2015!!!
Loved it. Always did. Very 1920's/30's Weimar Republic era Berlin Cabaret days (which is not an original observation on my part, tbh, I read and/or heard this at the time, and thought it a fitting description). As far as a vocal, not Adam's best sure, but that's because Adam's best is so unbelievable... but it was one of the best of the night, with the exception of a great performance from Kelly Clarkson that night. I've always contended that if this performance scared away a fan, they wouldn't have stuck around long anyway, a position which I hold today. In any event, I don't mind this particular spin on that performance at all, and I'd make a guess Adam doesn't either actually! I wouldn't even take out the trip and fall, as it only made me, and I bet others, marvel at how amazingly he recovered, what professionalism! Love the performance, LOVE LOVE LOVE the song, which exemplifies Adam's professional life beautifully!
OMG guys. Just visited page, read article. Adam's inclusion in this list is sorta kinda... EXCELLENT imho. And may I offer a piece of advice - we should all go click on the video at the Billboard site, more than once, because I bet the # of plays the videos get it made note of (somewhere, at some level). For it to be shown that there is interest in Adam Lambert by clicking on the video on the BB site, can't be a bad thing. JS
But please oh please, let's hope that Over The Top comments in defense of Adam are not left on the site's comments section. This is BILLBOARD we are dealing with on this one, a BIG deal. I hope Adam fans just let his prowess stand alone and in full view. JMO
12:29 PM, there is no ban. Adam has been back on the AMAs as a presenter and has been back on ABC.
The worst part of that performance was Adam's vocals.
Yay! Adam made the Top 10! Okay, I'll admit I did cringe a bit at that performance when I first saw it. However, I am no longer a virgin of Adam's ADULT, sexy performances. I get it and it was hot! I'm proud to admit it!
I remember that performance . I'll be honest, my reaction was really Adam ? That sing should have been a massive hit, but that performance killed that song. However, he has more than made up for it. It did give him a lot of publicity, and of course I still love him no matter what.
Adam said the worst part of that performance were his vocals. Literally the only time ever they have been off. I think he had so much adrenalin rushing through him, that it took it 's tool on his vocals.
Adam Lambert gave one not so fabulous vocal still better than most. Never another under fabulous since. He has now with the Queen concerts, I Heart concerts and many more established himself as not one but probably the best vocalist out there today.
I think Adam wa nervous and excited and as he said he got carried away not paying as much attention to his vocals I guess. I never seen anything but sheer excellence since then.
Adam also matured into a lovely man since then. He never done anything near that on any performance certainly not on tv. Like someone said here much wore se was done before and certainly since like at the VMA's much earlier in the evening with just a few complaints and no bans. After that performance there were worse ones done. Their song was played every where but Adams FYE was killed.
But the birth of WWFM came out of all that and was a smash hit.
I think was to much was made of the performance I had no problem with it. Good or bad Adam was on the news for two or three weeks. He still here and growing and thriving. New music coming next year and single. Hope he will get to perform on some of these shows next year. He has a new label, new management and has he said new people around him and a fantastic producer worked with him on the album which we believe is Max Martin that alone is a feather in his cap. I feel a great year coming this ones been pretty great for Adam as well. Also he living in his dream house which he worked hard for! Sorry for few mistakes! Sue
Just be happy. Here Adam is among some of the most famous performers out there during the years, Beyonce, Madonna, Britney, Lady Gaga, MJ etc.
For once please let it be what it was - the performance got Adam noticed all over the world!
FYE is one of my all time favorites, the song, the lyrics, the vid and have never felt anything but pride and love for Adam and this performance (you can hear there were some sound issues during his performance and yes, not the vocals he is more than capable delivering).
The ones in US still having problems with this performance need to do a reality check asap. The rest of the world has no problem with it, had no problem with it back in 2009 either!
4:49 PM, you really can't speak for the rest of the world. Additionally, your whole premise makes no sense. The show was broadcast in the US. If people in any other counties saw it and didn't like where would they complain? Also, there are many religious counties where this type of show would not be tolerated.
Not only did Adam's vocals not go well during this performance, but he also fell down and had to roll himself back up and keep on singing. The whole thing kept getting worse. It's a shame that this performance was the first one that a large non-Idol audience would see. Some never got over it. Adam has come a long way since.
Didn't know what to expect but was knocked back with the face in his crouch but got a bang over the kiss but knew there would be backlash. This cemented his fans for life. I did play it different today as an artist.
I remember that performance well..... As most of us do ( and apparently Billboard). I loved seeing Adam on my TV but that fall he took ( I felt so bad for him) really shook him up ( but then again, what artist wouldn't be unnerved if that happened on national TV?) yet he was such a pro even at that terrible moment coming out of that roll never missing a beat or lyric of the song. Yes, the vocals were not up to par for him ( I believe he said later the sound was off and he couldn't hear himself) but the sexual antics didn't bother me at all......that's Adam.
He's more than made up for the unfortunate beginning and I truly believe his loyal fans had his back then just as we all do now and always will. Adam fully appreciates his fans' loyalty and love and gives it back in spades. His career will continue on an upward spiral because you can't keep talent like his down. Plus, everyone that works with him or meets him all praise him for his kindness and humbleness. He's the real deal<3
We know how unusual those poor vocals were for Adam but unfortunately some people think that performance represents Adam in general. I recently talked to someone who hasn't seen Adam since that and she said his vocals were awful, the whole performance was a mess and she was laughing at the crotch thing and kiss in a bad way. I tried to tell her that isn't how he usually is or continues to be and she should see something current from him but she remained very skeptical. It's too bad because Adam is so good. Hopefully he will get another high profile chance at winning those people over again.
I felt so bad for him at that moment; I could not believe my eyes, and my heart sank, because I knew there was going to be a backlash; and it wasted no time coming. Such storm afterwards; you would think he committed a crime against humanity.
I was so proud of the way Adam handled every thing IN THE AFTERMATH; he was so strong and showed such maturity. He really handled it well. He may have been hurting inside and a little scared, but it never showed.
People still loved him. I think it made him stronger. Like the words to that song, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."
Well anyway; all water under the bridge. Just take a look at him now. Hope he gets a second chance to appear on the AMA's, so they can see and hear what Adam can really do. I think most people already know; especially his peers in the entertainment field. Still, it would be a beautiful thing for the television audience to see!
Because of this performance,he is an International Superstar indeed!!!:)
I was so happy when he did it!!!:)
He shook the world he!he! Love him to pieces!!!!:)
Adam been on Glee, I Heart televised festival and blew the doors off and other things. Does anyone realize and I am sure you do what a huge responsibility he took on with the Queen concerts. Especially with the older Queen fans. He could have been booed off that stage but by the second or third song he won most all over. That took maturity and great talent and stage presence which he sure has now.
Adam always been a wonderful performer but he has grown leaps and bounds with Queen and other performances. He also gained more fans and will get more in Europe. I saw a family member couple months ago mentioned Adams name he immediately said oh Adam Lambert I really like him he so good. My neighbors love him and his music. Just about everyone knows just who he is that was not always the case.
For those people who tent to hold one line performance against Adam they were not fans because if they were they would have known that vocal performance was not the norm for Adam terrific usual vocals. Anyone who called them self a fan a turned totally against him have not change their mines with so many great performances again were never going be with Adam through the good and the bad that most celebs have those are the loyal fans he needs. Time to move forward every celeb has something in their career they would love to forget. Remembering Barbara Walters saying she beloved that performance would have made him a bigger star in the long run. True or not she said it. So many wonderful things happening next year all being done with those fabulous vocals. Adams come such a long was from that performance. Correction that was believed not beloved damn auto correct!
If you read the comments under this video, most of the posters said "this was shocking?" They were puzzled why his performance was considered shocking. They loved the performance and said it was innovative and exciting and sexy. I loved his performance and when he tripped, he recovered beautifully and continued singing. His vocals were a little off but it was unforgettable.
I listened to an expert in something on a program after that performance and he thought Adam's performance in general was brilliant as it separated him from the idol bubble somewhat but he would be doing a lot of damage control. I really didn't get any negative vibes from Adam's international fans ,they could have complained on blogs just like we do. What their governments thought I have no idea. I know he had to tame it down in Malaysia, as others do too.
I also remember some people on these news shows guest people saying they thought it was very smart. Everyone who was on that show and who is everyone talking about Adam Lambert. Also remember TMZ who are not really the greatest but they said it was his best career move yet. He lost a few talks show but in long run gained more of those shows back. Was practically a regular on J Leno. Sue
I appreciate Adam's fans looking for the positive in the reaction to the AMA performance but we can't ignore the fact that it didn't go over well with so many people. I remember several people at my job not liking it at all. They had loved him on Idol but he lost them with that performance and they still haven't come back as fans. One coworker is a mom who didn't want her tween girls seeing more of that. Adam definitely paid a price.
I saw a post with his quote that he suffered from lack of self-confidence and he didn't have anyone to talk to during his Jr. High years. IMO this still hunts Adam eventhough he went through many changes and accomplishments since then. It affected his performance at AMA. Through some effective sessions with an expert therapist he can combat this hidden unrealistic fear from the past.
Good grief... The only ones still "suffering" from this performance are the same ones who did it back in 2009, the ones that haven't broadened their horizons a bit during these past 5 years and probably never will. They will never get and accept the real adams of this world, the ones that dare to rattle the gages, push the envelope. Luckily more and more people have moved on, so much has changed already.
Internationally Adam has been an unforgettable superstar all this time!
For every US fan that got turned off by this performance, he probably made an international fan from people searching out the performance that was 'so shocking'in the eyes of the American public...time and time again I've read comments from International fans saying this is when they first discovered him
Saying that, I personally didn't like this performnace all that much, not because of the choreography...the whole set up/moves/staging had the potential to be amazing...but because of the fall and his bad vocals...
And because of the way he was treated by the press and some members of the public, even though we've seen so much worse by other just makes me sad for him, so I don't like revisiting it.
@12:10 AM
I agree with you - the people who are not able to move on after 5 years and are defining him with this one performance will never be fans and I don`t think Adam would want them as fans.
He will never be some safe, pleasing everybody kind of artist.
His individuality and being himself is what made me a fan.
And btw - I am in Europe and became aware of him because of the reports here about the AMAs.
It seems like a lifetime ago that we saw Adam's "Shocking" AMA performance. It seems mild in comparison to some of the outrageous performances we have seen on other music shows since then. This may not have been Adam's finest moment in the world of music, but he is more popular now than ever, played a successful summer tour with Queen, been involved in so many charitable causes and is probably the best vocal talent in music today. One musical performance should not define his career and I hope that when he releases his new album and its first single, that ABC will have him on GMA to perform it.
So many 'outrageous' performances BEFORE Adam's AMA FYE, too and most of them come from US. Don't know why this is still an issue for some.
The mothers not wanting their tweens seeing more of that... lol. The tweens have seen it all already and will always find a way to see it if they want.
All the reality crap on TV, why don't they worry about those instead of some few minutes music performances?
It was a well planned, if not executed, performance! 1930's Underground Berlin Cabaret type of thing. The "Rehearsal" footage out there on this mentions that, and is a great look/see if you guys haven't already watched it, a long time ago.
In any event, old news. Love the mention in this list, I personally think that is BIG, the inclusion in the article here.
The only negative I ever felt a pang about from that performance was that it potentially removed him from consideration for performing on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve that year, only because that would have been an amazing life & career experience for Adam personally, and I lamented him possibly losing out on that experience... other than that, I truly believe it cemented more fans for Adam than it loosened. JMO
I wonder if Adam will be in the audience at this year's AMA show. He has nothing musically to plug right now so he won't be on stage although I would like to have seen a musical performance with Adam and Queen from their tour. Maybe once he releases his new album, he will be making appearances on some of the talk and entertainment shows to promote it. Can't wait for that.
I hated it then, hate it now. It was a disaster from beginning to end...I watched in horror saying "no Adam no, please....." I felt sick and heartbroken.
I have never watched it again after that night on TV.
JMO obviously
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